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Deutsche GRI 2023

Der Marktplatz für die führenden Immobilienexperten ist zurück.


3. - 4. Mai
160 people are attending
Credit: / Shutterstock

Über die Deutsche GRI 2023

Suchen Sie aktiv nach Investitionen, Transaktionen oder Projektentwicklungen im Berliner Immobilienmarkt, während Sie verstehen wollen, was die Konkurrenz macht?

Nachdem ein turbulentes 2022 sich dem Ende nähert, versuchen Investoren die momentane wirtschaftliche Lage besser zu verstehen, um einen Einblick zu gewinnen, wie sich die Märkte und noch wichtiger Deal Flows und Risikoprofile über die nächsten 12 Monate möglicherweise verändern werden.

Die 18. Deutsche GRI versammelt die führenden Immobilien Investoren, Kreditgeber und Projektentwickler. Ähnlich wie eine Konversation im eigenen Wohnzimmer, gibt das Diskussionsformat die Möglichkeit einfach miteinander zu interagieren und Eis zu brechen. Sparen Sie Zeit neue Geschäftspartner zu finden, bauen Sie bestehende Geschäftsbeziehungen weiter aus und diskutieren Sie die dringlichsten Fragen in den Märkten mit Ihren Industrie Kollegen.

Das Format
Diskussionen hinter geschlossenen Türen, Keynote Sprecher, Fallstudien, Debatten, Präsentationen und neue Einsichten in die Märkte.
Die Teilnehmer
Private Equity Investoren, Fondsmanager, Betreiber, LPs, Projektentwickler, Asset Besitzer und Kreditgeber, die aktiv in den Berliner Immobilienmarkt investieren.


3rd May | 13:30 - 14:30

Raising & Allocating Capital - Finding value across German and European real estate

  • The Cycle - Allocating capital in the current inflationary and economic slowdown
  • Raising Capital - Where is the capital coming from and which assets will equity favour?
  • ESG - Constraints vs consumer retention
  • Institutional Investment Appetite - What’s changed, what’s staying the same?
  • Distressed Investing - Will we see the markets shift this year?
  • Buy, Sell & Lending Opportunities or Wait & See is Best?
  • All about Location or are Asset Classes the Main Deciding Factor?

3rd May | 15:00 - 16:00

Investment Cycle

Recession fears becoming reality or light at the end of the tunnel? 

Volker MergenerDentons Europe LLP Moderator
Andrea AgrusowGARBE Group
Christof AltendorferCA Immo Deutschland
Forgotten One 2024-10-19 01:00:10 Forgotten OneCoros
Maximillian LinkGlobal Gate Capital
Patrick Pfeiffer4-More
Reda KhatimPalm Capital

Core Offices

Beeinflussen Zinsraten & Nebenkosten, Investitionsinteresse oder immer noch ein sicherer Hafen?

Andreas OttoCMS Moderator
Christoph SchmittBayerische Versorgungskammer
Guillaume BernardNatixis
Oliver SillBayernLB
Peter RockerUBS Real Estate
Robert HellerschmiedHenderson Park Capital
Wilm SchneiderHypoVereinsbank - Member of Unicredit

Core Logistics

Stagnation of e-commerce boom impacting rental growth going forward?

Frank ZabelIM4 Log Management gmbH Moderator
Christian DaumannQSix
Florian StöbeFlorian Stöbe
Gunther DeutschBarings
Hendrik StaigerBEOS AG
Jan HempelGARBE Group
Max KreuterPanattoni
Stefan WalldorfCerberus
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.

Investment Cycle

Recession fears becoming reality or light at the end of the tunnel? 

  • Cyclical Changes - Investing in the current economic climate
  • Structural Changes - Decarbonisation & Digitalisation changing the playing field?
  • Monetary Policy - End of the relaxed ECB policies and more interest rate hikes in the future?
  • Working the Assets - Winner, Losers, Locations

Volker Mergener
Partner, Lawyer
Dentons Europe LLP
Andrea Agrusow
Managing Director
Christof Altendorfer
Managing Director/Head of Investment Management
CA Immo Deutschland
Forgotten One 2024-10-19 01:00:10 Forgotten One
Founding Partner
Maximillian Link
Head of Germany Real Estate
Global Gate Capital
Patrick Pfeiffer
Managing Partner
Reda Khatim
Palm Capital
Volker Mergener
Volker Mergener
Partner, LawyerDentons Europe LLP
Volker Mergener is a partner in Dentons’ Berlin office since 2011. He advises national and international clients on all aspects of real estate law. In particular, he advises on mergers and acquisitions and asset management matters.
Andrea Agrusow
Andrea Agrusow
Managing DirectorGARBE Group
Christof Altendorfer
Christof Altendorfer
Managing Director/Head of Investment ManagementCA Immo Deutschland
Christof Altendorfer joined CA Immo in September 2019 as Head of Investment Management Germany and was also appointed to the management of CA Immo Deutschland GmbH. In this function, he is responsible for all CA Immo real estate transactions in Germany and is particularly responsible for the development and expansion of the portfolio in the core German markets of Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich. Before joining CA Immo, Christof Altendorfer worked as a portfolio manager at Norges Bank Real Estate Management (NBREM) in London. He was responsible for the development and management of a high-quality real estate portfolio worth a total of around two billion euros.
Forgotten One 2024-10-19 01:00:10 Forgotten One
Forgotten One 2024-10-19 01:00:10 Forgotten One
Founding PartnerCoros
Maximillian Link
Maximillian Link
Head of Germany Real EstateGlobal Gate Capital
United Kingdom
Real Estate Investment Executive with a successful track record of sourcing, acquiring, structuring, financing and optimising real estate investment opportunities across Europe. Experienced in all transaction-, risk- and deal related mechanisms ranging from asset management, financial, tax and legal providing result-driven negotiation and successful execution skills. Experienced in working with a range of Capital Partners including Private Equity, Institutional Equity and Debt Investors. Highly successful in overseeing and building out institutional multi-sector real estate portfolios, providing strategic leadership and investment advice. Experienced with office, logistics and retail assets across a range of strategies including Core, Core+
Patrick Pfeiffer
Patrick Pfeiffer
Managing Partner4-More
United Kingdom
4 More ist ein Operating Partner / Asset Manager mit anfänglichem Fokus auf Value Add/Development/Special Situations in der DACH Region.
Reda Khatim
Reda Khatim
FounderPalm Capital
United Kingdom
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.

Core Offices

Beeinflussen Zinsraten & Nebenkosten, Investitionsinteresse oder immer noch ein sicherer Hafen?

  • Neudefinierung von Core - Welche Assets sind wirklich zukunftsfähig?
  • Büromieten Wachstum - Sehen wir ein wirkliches Wachstum oder eine Rekalibrierung von Grade A?
  • Innovation - Services, Flex, hybrides Arbeiten, “Hotelisierung”, sind Vermieter bereit für einen Wandel der Nachfrage?
  • ESG - Wie wichtig wird es werden?

Andreas Otto
Partner, Global Co-Head of Real Estate
Christoph Schmitt
Bayerische Versorgungskammer
Guillaume Bernard
Executive Director Real Estate Finance
Oliver Sill
Head of International Real Estate Finance & Funds
Peter Rocker
UBS Real Estate
Robert Hellerschmied
Managing Director - Real Estate Private Equity
Henderson Park Capital
Wilm Schneider
Head of Real Estate West
HypoVereinsbank - Member of Unicredit
Andreas Otto
Andreas Otto
Partner, Global Co-Head of Real EstateCMS
Andreas Otto’s practice covers all aspects of commercial real estate law. Andreas had been head of the real estate practice group at CMS Germany for eight years. He has been recognised as an expert in the real estate market for many years advising a number of renowned German and international property owners, investors and project developers on transactions and project developments. In addition, Andreas has a strong, internationally focused notary practice, providing notarial services for real estate and corporate transactions.
Christoph Schmitt
Christoph Schmitt
Bayerische Versorgungskammer
Guillaume Bernard
Guillaume Bernard
Executive Director Real Estate FinanceNatixis
Guillaume BERNARD has been active in the real estate finance markets for more than 10 years. He started his career at Société Générale in Frankfurt in the Debt Capital Markets and then moved to the Real Estate Finance. He joined NATIXIS in 2012 in the real estate finance origination team.
Oliver Sill
Oliver Sill
Head of International Real Estate Finance & FundsBayernLB
Oliver Sill is Senior Director of BayernLB and serves national and international RE clients such as funds, listed RE companies and developers. He joined BayernLB in 1989 and has held a variety of specialist and sales positions in commercial RE. During his career he was responsible for all kinds of RE clients including companies with assets in residential, office, retail, hotels and hospitals. For the last 15 years he focused on international transactions including countries like the US, UK, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Poland. Also in charge of institutional international clients that focus on investing in German RE assets. At the moment he is overlooking a RE portfolio of approximately € 3 bln with his clients.
Robert Hellerschmied
Robert Hellerschmied
Managing Director - Real Estate Private EquityHenderson Park Capital
United Kingdom
Robert Hellerschmied has 9 years of full-time real estate transaction and asset management experience. Prior to joining Henderson Park, Robert was an Associate at AXA Investment Managers, focusing on Pan-European real estate transactions, specifically within the office, retail, hotel and data centre sectors. Robert started his career at LIST GROUP, supporting various asset management initiatives. Robert holds an MSc in Real Estate Investment from Cass Business School, and a BSc in Finance, Accounting and Taxation from the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Wilm Schneider
Wilm Schneider
Head of Real Estate WestHypoVereinsbank - Member of Unicredit

Core Logistics

Stagnation of e-commerce boom impacting rental growth going forward?

  • Building for Resilience - What current risk impacts on supply chains, how are investors, owners, developers underwriting?
  • E-commerce Slowdown - What impacts will it have on demand for new space?
  • Transaction & Investment Activity Stats
  • Urban Demand - Is there a shift in traditional logistics hotspots and will there be a crunch?

Frank Zabel
IM4 Log Management gmbH
Christian Daumann
Chief Executive Officer - Germany
Florian Stöbe
Head of Investment ‑ Germany
Florian Stöbe
Gunther Deutsch
MD, Head of Investment Transactions EU
Hendrik Staiger
Board Member
Jan Hempel
Managing Director
Max Kreuter
MD Capital Markets Germany
Stefan Walldorf
Managing Director
Frank Zabel
Frank Zabel
CEOIM4 Log Management gmbH
15 experience as Architect, e.g. CEO of firm of architects with award winning architecture (Award for best high-rise building in Middle East Africa in 2009 by CTBUH, Chicago). Several years as leading Asset Manager (Babcock & Brown), responsible for acquisition and management of German and International portfolio of more than EUR 600mln. Since 2009 Managing Director within leading developers in Germany (e.g. CENTRUM, NEWPORT Holding). Responsible for organization, acquisition, development, deal structure and fund raising for projects in a volume larger than EUR 1bln. Since March 2020 director at Horn Grundbesitz KG, responsible for real estate business of P+C.
Christian Daumann
Christian Daumann
Chief Executive Officer - GermanyQSix
Christian Daumann with more than 20 years of professional and leadership experience in the fields of Company Management, RE Investment and AM, Debt Restructuring and CMBS workout,has joined Hamburg Trust in December 2015. As MD of CR Investment Management, he built CR´s Special Servicing and Pan - European Underwriting Platform. As MD of LNR/Hatfield Philips, he built and grew the German Special Servicing operation. As member of the board of stock - listed Anterra AG, he was in charge of all day to day operations and managed Assets in multiple RE Asset classes. In prior roles, He led RE Asset Management for Morgan Stanley core Funds in Germany/Netherlands/Sweden & Austria and worked in different roles at Helaba and Frankfurter Sparkasse.
Florian Stöbe
Florian Stöbe
Head of Investment ‑ GermanyFlorian Stöbe
Florian heads up the Frankfurt office team and leads Verdion’s investment activity in Germany. A member of the Investment Committee, he is responsible for sourcing and executing Verdion’s value-add investment strategy and the urban logistics development programme. He is regularly called on to speak to the industry about our focus on brownfield regeneration. Joining Verdion in 2020 from DEKA, where he was Senior Investment Manager, Florian has over 18 years’ high-level experience in the German logistics real estate market with previous senior roles at Catella and CBRE.
Gunther Deutsch
Gunther Deutsch
MD, Head of Investment Transactions EUBarings
Gunther Deutsch is Barings Head of Transactions Europe and Managing Director at Barings Germany. He is overseeing the investment markets Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and the UK. Transaction volume executed over the last 3 years. 3 bn EUR of acquisistions and 2.25 bn EUR of dispositions. Prior to co-founding PAMERA in 2010 (before its acquisition by Cornerstone/Barings in 2014), Gunther Deutsch was founder and owner of the asset management platform Metis Asset Management GmbH in 2004. Previous to that, he spent 13 years in senior positions at Deutsche Bank (RREEF) and Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) in Munich, Berlin and New York.
Hendrik Staiger
Hendrik Staiger
Board MemberBEOS AG
Born in 1964. Degree in physics from the Technical University of Berlin. Until 1997 Research. 1997-1999 Redevelopments in Berlin. 1999-2005 Managing partner of the Linie Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG. Since 2005 BEOS AG as head of acquisitions - since 2016 board member. Since 2009 Lectures at IREBS, DVFA, University of Wuppertal, TU Berlin, etc. Since 2017 head of crenet Deutschland e.V. Since 2019 Head Industrial & Logistics Swiss Life Asset Managers Germany. Since 2020 director BEOS Logistics GmbH
Jan Hempel
Jan Hempel
Managing DirectorGARBE Group
Max Kreuter
Max Kreuter
MD Capital Markets GermanyPanattoni
Max Kreuter holds the position Managing Director Capital Markets Germany. Max is responsible for investor management and relationships including capital sourcing and structuring for the Panattoni platform particularly in Germany and across Europe. Max Kreuter has 18 years experience in real estate investments. He joined Panattoni from PGIM where he worked 14 years in their Munich and London office. Max held various positions with PGIM including Executive Director and fund manager for a Pan European Open Ended fund, a Value Add fund and a globally investing German special fund. Max holds a MSc in Business Administration and Economics from University of Regensburg.
Stefan Walldorf
Stefan Walldorf
Managing DirectorCerberus
Stefan Walldorf is a Managing Director in Cerberus’ European Real Estate Group and a member of the Cerberus NPL Committee, Real Estate Committee, and Real Estate Debt Committee. Since joining Cerberus in 2006, Mr. Walldorf has led a wide range of transactions in Europe, including acquisitions of commercial properties, restructurings and loan portfolios. He is currently overseeing the built-up of Cerberus’ EUR 3bn Strategic Industrial Real Estate (SIRE) platform across Europe. Prior to joining Cerberus, Mr. Walldorf worked in Eurohypo’s structured real estate finance division focusing on multinational and institutional clients and structuring financing transactions in commercial and residential real estate.
3rd May | 16:30 - 17:30

Senior Debt & Lending
Cost of debt going up; are risk profiles following?

Tim BrücknerDEMIRE Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate Moderator
Christopher Yvo OertelOreda Real Estate Debt Advisory
Dieter KochDeutsche Hypothekenbank
Dirk LeyMünchener Hypothekenbank eG - Frankfurt
Gunnar RüfferBayernLB
Martin Höchtlpbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Oliver WaldthalerHYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG
Patrick OttoUniCredit Bank
Thomas LinkPrimonial Immobilien GmbH

ESG Portfolio Considerations

Safeguarding assets or fewer commitments during increased volatility?

Duarte FerreiraGreenVolt Moderator
Christina SchädlerBEOS AG
Hanno SchreckerPAREF Investment Management Germany GmbH
Holger HosangSonar Real Estate
Hubert Abtworkcloud24 AG
James McEvoyGFORM
Marcel SedlakHB Reavis
Matthias ThomaEBP Global
Sven Volker BlankenburgBerliner Sparkasse

Alternative Wohnimmobilien

Antizyklischer, sicherer Anlagehafen oder Operatoren Risiko zu hoch? 

Xavier ScheibliGSA Moderator
Berthold BeckerTSC Real Estate Germany
Björn MunteNREP
Morten OlesenNuveen Real Estate
Peter FinkbeinerPrimonial Immobilien GmbH
Sebastian OrthmannCMS
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.

Senior Debt & Lending
Cost of debt going up; are risk profiles following?

  • Interest Rate Spikes - Is senior debt still a viable option to achieve decent yields?
  • Debt Leveraging - Risk assessment & pricing in dissonance?
  • Relative Risk Reward - Location vs asset classes
  • Green Lending - Aligning standards across the markets
Tim Brückner
Chief Financial Officer
DEMIRE Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate
Christopher Yvo Oertel
Managing Director
Oreda Real Estate Debt Advisory
Dieter Koch
Head of Real Estate Investment Banking
Deutsche Hypothekenbank
Dirk Ley
Regional Director
Münchener Hypothekenbank eG - Frankfurt
Gunnar Rüffer
Head of Real Estate Frankfurt a.M.
Martin Höchtl
Director RE Finance Germany
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Oliver Waldthaler
Head of Team Western Europe
HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG
Patrick Otto
Managing Director Head of Real Estate Germany West & Key Accounts
UniCredit Bank
Thomas Link
Head of Financing
Primonial Immobilien GmbH
Tim Brückner
Tim Brückner
Chief Financial OfficerDEMIRE Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate
Tim Brückner is an experienced real estate professional with in-depth corporate finance skills. He has an academic background from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Prior to join DEMIRE, Tim was Managing Director at Corpus Sireo.
Christopher Yvo Oertel
Christopher Yvo Oertel
Managing DirectorOreda Real Estate Debt Advisory
Dr. Christopher Yvo Oertel is a Managing Director at aam2cred Debt Investments and is responsible for the firm’s asset and portfolio management as well as institutional investor.
Dieter Koch
Dieter Koch
Head of Real Estate Investment BankingDeutsche Hypothekenbank
Dieter Koch joined the NORD/LB in 2001 as Head of Real Estate Investment Banking (REIB). He took over the same function at Deutsche Hypo after it was acquired by the NORD/LB in October 2008. The focus of the department is on the support of large international customers, arranging structured finance, portfolio and acquisition finance as well as structured alternatives and financial advice. Dieter Koch and his team can present higher business volumes by integrating Structured Financing Alternatives. Combining regional expertise with high structuring know-how and linking objectives of clients with those of potential investors, REIB provides an optimized use of available resources.
Dirk Ley
Dirk Ley
Regional DirectorMünchener Hypothekenbank eG - Frankfurt
Gunnar Rüffer
Gunnar Rüffer
Head of Real Estate Frankfurt a.M.BayernLB
Located in BayernLB’s office in Frankfurt, Gunnar Rüffer is responsible for international and domestic client of the Greater Frankfurt real estate clients. Before joining BayernLB he was heading the Loan Sales and Securitisation department within Eurohypo’s Debt Capital Markets division. Altogether he can look back on a more than 25 years ofreal estate banking experiences. Prior to joining Eurohypo in 2002 he worked as an analyst within the CRE Structured Finance sector at Dresdner Bank New York Branch. 
Martin Höchtl
Martin Höchtl
Director RE Finance Germanypbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Oliver Waldthaler
Oliver Waldthaler
Head of Team Western EuropeHYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG
He has over 20 years of experience in Finance & Banking. 12 years as Deputy Head of Corporate Finance and Head of Real Estate and Project (Volksbank International/Sberbank Europe), 3 years as Deputy Head of Credit Department in an Italian cooperative bank (Raiffeisen) Private Wealth and Asset Management in an Austrian bank for Italian and German private clients (BAWAG) Project manager of several banking related key projects (bank license application, sale of banking group), several supervisory board mandates in CEE subsidiaries. Business Development Manager for a Multi-Family Office (Carey – Group) Investment Director (NPL) in Intrum Austria Since 2018: Real Estate and Project Finance in HYPO NOE Landesbank für Niederösterreich und Wien AG.
Patrick Otto
Patrick Otto
Managing Director Head of Real Estate Germany West & Key AccountsUniCredit Bank
Patrick Otto is a trained Banker and carries a master's degree in business from Westfaelische-Wilhelms-Universtitaet Muenster (WWU). He is heading UniCredit’s Real Estate Large Client team in Germany as a Managing Director. Patrick has spent more than 18 years with UniCredit Bank AG (and its predecessor organizations) in various senior/managing positions: Corporate finance, Risk Management, Liquid and Structured Assets, Hedging Solutions, Portfolio Management, Principal Investments, Real Estate.
Thomas Link
Thomas Link
Head of FinancingPrimonial Immobilien GmbH
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.

ESG Portfolio Considerations

Safeguarding assets or fewer commitments during increased volatility?

  • Impact of Climate Change on European Real Estate Returns – flowing through yields or capex cost?
  • Aligning ESG Strategies with Required Investment Returns
  • Capital Allocation Strategies - ESG Incorporations in Risk Assessments
  • Portfolio Considerations – Future proofing values as energy efficiency retrofits are phased into business plans
  • ESG Considerations during a Downturn - What are strategies & real life examples?

Duarte Ferreira
Global Decentralized Energy Director
Christina Schädler
Hanno Schrecker
MD / Country Head Germany
PAREF Investment Management Germany GmbH
Holger Hosang
Managing Partner
Sonar Real Estate
Hubert Abt
workcloud24 AG
James McEvoy
Marcel Sedlak
HB Reavis
Matthias Thoma
EBP Global
Sven Volker Blankenburg
Head of Syndication (CRE)
Berliner Sparkasse
Duarte Ferreira
Duarte Ferreira
Global Decentralized Energy DirectorGreenVolt
Duarte Ferreira leads the Global Decentralized Energy Generation Business Unit @ Greenvolt – Renewable Energy, Inc by incorporating a series of European Companies where he sits as Board Member. The Decentralized Energy Generation Business Unit (Solar + Electric Mobility + Energy Storage) is the top transformational project within Greenvolt in line with the REPower EU strategy and that touches all business verticals to turn our buildings in net-zero real estate assets. Duarte has an extensive national and international experience in challenging corporate leadership roles in B2B and B2C sectors as electric mobility, renewable energy, environment or FMCG.
Christina Schädler
Christina Schädler
VorstandBEOS AG
Christina Schädler has been a member of the BEOS AG Executive Board since September 2022 and is responsible for Property Management, Research and Risk Management as well as the BEOS locations in Munich, Stuttgart and Cologne.
Hanno Schrecker
Hanno Schrecker
MD / Country Head GermanyPAREF Investment Management Germany GmbH
Managing Director, Board Advisor and Strategic & Process Transformation Expert, developing and implementing the change agenda over the whole lifecycle, across asset classes and European markets in the Real Estate sector. Key strengths include: leveraging diverse cross-sector international leadership experience to introduce and integrate new investment and technical solutions into Real Estate; ensuring regulatory compliance across all areas of property development to mitigate risk; assembling and leading high-performing management teams and embedding performance management frameworks throughout the business to optimise productivity and profitability; and building trusted global key stakeholder relationships, up to Board level, to drive succe
Holger Hosang
Holger Hosang
Managing PartnerSonar Real Estate
James McEvoy
James McEvoy
An enthusiastic property professional with extensive acquisitions, asset management, property management, sales and leasing, planning and development, finance and investment experience in residential and commercial markets. I have gained exceptional experience and knowledge in both the commercial and residential real estate markets throughout my years as a property professional.
Matthias Thoma
Matthias Thoma
CEO of EBP (since 2021) / Manager of business units and Consultant (2002 - 2021) Lecturer at the Center for Urban and Real Estate Management University of Zurich (since 2016) Education: Engineer ETH Zurich (2002), MSc Regional and Urban Studies London School of Economics (2005), General Management Harvard Business School (2018) Focus areas: Sustainable Real Estate, Transformation of brownfield sites, Collaboration between land owners in re-development, Dealing with public sector requirements
Sven Volker Blankenburg
Sven Volker Blankenburg
Head of Syndication (CRE)Berliner Sparkasse

Alternative Wohnimmobilien

Antizyklischer, sicherer Anlagehafen oder Operatoren Risiko zu hoch? 

  • Ruhe vor dem Sturm - Steigende Zinsen, Nebenkosten und ein wahrscheinlicher Konjunkturabschwung; wie und welche Produkte stellen einen sicheren Hafen da?
  • Fehlende Produkte - Neuentwicklungen und Umnutzungen von städtischen Assets als Lösung? 
  • Demografische Veränderungen - Kann der Markt mit neuen Projekten hinterherkommen?
  • Studentenwohnheime & Co-Living - Favorisierte Anlageprodukte in städtischen Lagen?
  • Seniorenresidenzen, betreutes Wohnen & co - Welche Produkte funktionieren in welchen Regionen?
Xavier Scheibli
Portfolio Director
Berthold Becker
Managing Director
TSC Real Estate Germany
Björn Munte
Director Germany
Morten Olesen
Senior Director, Head of Investment Housing and Alternatives
Nuveen Real Estate
Peter Finkbeiner
Primonial Immobilien GmbH
Sebastian Orthmann
Xavier Scheibli
Xavier Scheibli
Portfolio DirectorGSA
United Kingdom
Since 2018, Xavier Scheibli is Portfolio Director at GSA, based out of Frankfurt. He has more than 17 years of experience in multiple RE sectors, both on the equity & debt sides. In his current role, he’s responsible for managing portfolios of PBSA assets in Germany & UK, maintaining a close relationship with all players in the capital stack. Prior to GSA, Xavier was a Director at LNR/Hatfield Philips, leading NPL underwriting activities in Continental Europe & the firm’s co-investment opportunities. Before joining LNR in 2013, Xavier served as VP at Hudson Advisors & held posts in the RE division of UBS Wealth Mgt, where he was involved in fund structuring, acquisitions & distributions to high net worth individuals & inst. investors.
Berthold Becker
Berthold Becker
Managing DirectorTSC Real Estate Germany
Since April 2018: Managing Director of TSC Real Estate Germany GmbH; 2013 – 2018: Managing Director and Head of Asset Management Operations, JLL Retail Asset Management GmbH & Acrest Property Group, 2008-2013: Managing Director & Head of Asset Management of Internos Global Investors KAG; 2008: Associate Director, JLL Asset Management GmbH; 2006-2007: Deloitte & Touche, Manager RE Advisory; 2005-2006: Site Acquisitions Manager, Bauhaus München GmbH (Munich based RE developer) 2000 – 2005: Technical Project & Development Manager, Nixdorf Consult 1993-1998: Dipl.-Ing. Architect 2005-2007: International Real Estate Management MBA 2010 – 2011: Real Estate Investment & Finance (ebs).
Morten Olesen
Morten Olesen
Senior Director, Head of Investment Housing and AlternativesNuveen Real Estate
Peter Finkbeiner
Peter Finkbeiner
CEOPrimonial Immobilien GmbH
Sebastian Orthmann
Sebastian Orthmann
Sebastian is a partner and head of the CMS practice group Real Estate & Public in Germany. Sebastian Orthmann provides advice to national and international investors and project developers on the acquisition and sale of companies as well as real estate and real estate portfolios (domestic and cross-border), both in the form of asset deals and share deals. He also focuses on advising on joint ventures, corporate structuring measures, project developments, commercial lease law and financing. His clients include institutional investors, banks, asset managers, family companies and public authorities as well as corporates from the automation, chemical, cosmetic, electrotechnical, logistics, retail, IT and manufacturing sectors.
4th May | 09:00 - 10:00

Geopolitical & Macroeconomic Outlook - What to expect next in Germany?

  • Political Volatility - Domestic & international impacts changing the playing field even more?
  • Macroeconomic Headwinds - Inflation, interest rates & costs, oh my! What’s to come?  
  • Market Reset - How to adapt to changing times? 
  • Opportunities & Strategies - Winning strategies for uncertain times?

4th May | 11:00 - 12:00

Alternative Finanzierung

Ist jetzt die Zeit gekommen oder immer noch zu viel Risiko?

Guido GerstnerPrime Capital AG Moderator
Dominique GutsmannGERCHGROUP AG
Friedrich Einhoffpbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Helge PitzContinuum Capital
Richard BußmannLCN Capital Partners - Germany
Stephanie LinkGBI Development GmbH


Wie werden Bestandsimmobilien sich verändern müssen oder wird auf Neubauten gesetzt?

Dirk JörnsLandesbank Baden-Württemberg
Fabian Klinglerabrdn Investments Deutschland AG
Jan BaumgartKKR - Frankfurt
Johannes VielberthActivum SG UK Advisors Limited
Stefan KlingsöhrKlingsöhr Projektentwicklung

Alternative Offices

Up and coming secondary locations or all about Flex in CBDs?

Tobias WaldschmidtPGIM Real Estate Moderator
Barbara LewandowiczMolveno Investment Partners
Benjamin KochSFO Capital Partners
Mark ZimmermannDiligencia Real Estate GmbH

Hotel Transactions & Investments

Recovery process after harsh winter or bouncing back full steam ahead?

Magnus BuschLimehome Moderator
Dieter KornekTUI Hotels & Resorts
Dimitri ChandoginNUMA Group
Marius KochCerberus
Matthias GradischnigAlchemy Partners
Panagiotis VladimirouLIMASSOL GREENS
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.

Alternative Finanzierung

Ist jetzt die Zeit gekommen oder immer noch zu viel Risiko?

  • Nachfrageveränderungen - Gründe hinter konservativem Bankenverhalten & wo können alternative Kreditgeber Lücken im Markt schließen?
  • Kurzfristige Kredite - Werden alternative Kreditgeber einen größeren Marktanteil mit Mezzanin-Krediten besetzen?
  • Wettbewerb - Werden Refinanzierungen eine größere Rolle spielen und wie werden sich dabei Senior Loans verhalten?
Guido Gerstner
Head of Real Estate Debt, Managing Director
Prime Capital AG
Dominique Gutsmann
Vorstand | Chief Debt Officer
Friedrich Einhoff
Director Loan Markets
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Helge Pitz
Managing Director
Continuum Capital
Richard Bußmann
Vice President
LCN Capital Partners - Germany
Stephanie Link
Head of Debt Financing
GBI Development GmbH
Guido Gerstner
Guido Gerstner
Head of Real Estate Debt, Managing DirectorPrime Capital AG
Dominique Gutsmann
Dominique Gutsmann
Vorstand | Chief Debt OfficerGERCHGROUP AG
Friedrich Einhoff
Friedrich Einhoff
Director Loan Marketspbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Friedrich Einhoff joined Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (pbb) in 2006 and is a Director in the Loan Markets Real Estate team. Pbb is looking after large loan arrangement, loan trades (club and post, in and out) and structured solutions (incl. Mezz and Equity) for all global pbb exposures. Friedrich has worked for more than 25 years in the German banking industry with more than 20 years’ experience in the commercial real estate finance business. He holds a degree in business administration (Diplom-Kaufmann) from University of Mannheim.
Helge Pitz
Helge Pitz
Managing DirectorContinuum Capital
Helge Pitz joined Continuum Capital in 2018 as Managing Director. From 2013 to 2018, he occupied the position of Senior Vice President in the Real Estate Financing Team at HCOB-Bank AG (formerly HSH Nordbank AG) in Hamburg. Helge specialized in acquisition and development financing for foreign institutional investors for properties across all German regions. Between 2000 and 2012, He worked with Eurohypo AG in Frankfurt, focusing on the origination and selling of large real estate loans as part of the Debt Financing team. Helge is also a fully qualified lawyer and graduated at the University of Trier.
Richard Bußmann
Richard Bußmann
Vice PresidentLCN Capital Partners - Germany
Stephanie Link
Stephanie Link
Head of Debt FinancingGBI Development GmbH
Since 2020, Stephanie is head of the Commerical Real Estate department. She is advising the existing client base in all matters around real estate lending, sourcing and structuring senior, mezzanine and equity financings. In addition, she is responsible for the further expansion of REM CAPITALS/Hypoport network in Germany. Before joining Hypoport Group, Stephanie worked as a Key Account Manager for Airbus Bank GmbH, where she was responsible for expanding a portfolio of commercial real estate loans, primarily targeting medium-sized developers and institutional investors. Stephanie is a qualified banker and studied banking and finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.


Wie werden Bestandsimmobilien sich verändern müssen oder wird auf Neubauten gesetzt?

  • Chronische Unterversorgung - Wohnimmobilien als der sichere Hafen in Deutschland?
  • Regulierungen - Mit weiterer Bestandsverknappung, müssen wir mit kommenden Marktregulierungen rechnen?
  • Neuentwicklungen - Wird der Markt sich wieder aufwärmen?

Dirk Jörns
Leiter Immobilienkunden Wohninvestments
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Fabian Klingler
CEO - Vorsitzender des Vorstandes
abrdn Investments Deutschland AG
Jan Baumgart
Head of Real Estate Germany
KKR - Frankfurt
Johannes Vielberth
Activum SG UK Advisors Limited
Stefan Klingsöhr
Managing Partner
Klingsöhr Projektentwicklung
Dirk Jörns
Dirk Jörns
Leiter Immobilienkunden WohninvestmentsLandesbank Baden-Württemberg
Dirk Jörns verantwortet das nationale Geschäft mit großvolumigen Wohnungsfinanzierungen (recourse/non-recourse) der Landesbank Baden Württemberg. Er verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung bei der Finanzierung von Immobilieninvestitionen in den verschiedenen Realisierungsphasen und Nutzungsarten.
Fabian Klingler
Fabian Klingler
CEO - Vorsitzender des Vorstandesabrdn Investments Deutschland AG
With approximately seven billion euros in real estate assets under management in Germany, Aberdeen Standard Investments Deutschland AG is one of the leading providers of real estate funds for institutional investors in Germany. Our investment focus is on German and pan-European residential real estate. We also invest in Scandinavian commercial real estate and logistics properties. In total, we manage investments of approximately 37 billion euros in Germany.
Jan Baumgart
Jan Baumgart
Head of Real Estate GermanyKKR - Frankfurt
Johannes Vielberth
Johannes Vielberth
DirectorActivum SG UK Advisors Limited
Stefan Klingsöhr
Stefan Klingsöhr
Managing PartnerKlingsöhr Projektentwicklung

Alternative Offices

Up and coming secondary locations or all about Flex in CBDs?

  • Location Game - Where to bet with the future of work caught between the office & home?
  • Service & Flex - What do tenants really want from office spaces?
  • Space Shuffle - Smaller spaces, but more room for collaborations? 
  • Tech & Digitisation - Future design of spaces not-so-sci-fi mode or hard to predict with digital overload?
Tobias Waldschmidt
Executive Director, Portfolio Management
PGIM Real Estate
Barbara Lewandowicz
Managing Director
Molveno Investment Partners
Benjamin Koch
SFO Capital Partners
Mark Zimmermann
Diligencia Real Estate GmbH
Tobias Waldschmidt
Tobias Waldschmidt
Executive Director, Portfolio ManagementPGIM Real Estate
Tobias Waldschmidt is senior portfolio manager of PGIM Real Estate’s European core-plus strategy.
Barbara Lewandowicz
Barbara Lewandowicz
Managing DirectorMolveno Investment Partners
Benjamin Koch
Benjamin Koch
COOSFO Capital Partners
United Kingdom
As Managing Director at CORPUS SIREO, an affiliate of Swiss Life Asset Managers, Benjamin holds senior management functions within the company’s business development activities. Focusing on international investors and institutions, Benjamin has a joint responsibility to originate direct (co-)investments with preferred equity partners, i.e. through JV or Club Deals, and to acquire new asset management service mandates to be executed by the company’s full range operational platform. He joined the company in 2006. Since then he has been managing several operational value-add sectors such as transaction and portfolio management. Benjamin holds an Urban Planning degree and is a lecturer at the German Private Real Estate Academy IREBS.
Mark Zimmermann
Mark Zimmermann
GeschäftsführerDiligencia Real Estate GmbH

Hotel Transactions & Investments

Recovery process after harsh winter or bouncing back full steam ahead?

  • Investment Appetite - Which assets & locations are attracting investors?
  • Liquidity - Investors, operators & owners to deploy capital to fill the gap on cash flows?
  • Sustainability Strategies - What are the strategies for current assets, ongoing deals and pipeline opportunities?
  • Hotel Transaction Strategies - Develop, rebrand, wait or buy?

Magnus Busch
Senior Real Estate Advisor
Dieter Kornek
Head of Project Scouting
TUI Hotels & Resorts
Dimitri Chandogin
Co-founder/ President
NUMA Group
Marius Koch
Managing Director
Matthias Gradischnig
Alchemy Partners
Panagiotis Vladimirou
Head of Sales and Business Development
Magnus Busch
Magnus Busch
Senior Real Estate AdvisorLimehome
Dieter Kornek
Dieter Kornek
Head of Project ScoutingTUI Hotels & Resorts
Nearly25 years of experience in hotel development in various senior management positions. From 1995 to 2003 Director Development of ACCOR Hotels in Germany and Austria, from 2003-2011 Director Development of Motel One Group for European development of these Budget Design Hotels. In 2011 I joined TUI Hotels & Resorts, but after strategic change in hotel business I started in 2013 as Managing Director Development for Vienna based Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences, being responsible for the growth of Falkensteiner in CEE. In 2017 I returned to TUI Group to manage the growth of Tui own hotels & resorts worldwide, especially TUI Blue, Club Robinson and Club Magic Life
Dimitri Chandogin
Dimitri Chandogin
Co-founder/ PresidentNUMA Group
Dimitri Chandogin is a Co-founder of Numa Group, the leading European digital hotel operator and technology developer. The company provides disruptive design hotels and serviced apartments for modern travellers. A trusted partner for investors, owners, and developers, NUMA uses proprietary technology-based operating solutions that largely automate operations and increase cost efficiencies and revenues. NUMA successfully operates over 8,500 units across 34 European A-cities.
Marius Koch
Marius Koch
Managing DirectorCerberus
Marius Koch, Managing Director. Mr. Koch joined Cerberus in 2009. Prior to joining Cerberus, Mr. Koch worked in the Real Estate Research Department of Corpus Sireo. Mr. Koch graduated from the European Business School (EBS) with a B.S. in General Management and a M.S. in Real Estate Finance and Investments. His responsibilities include the underwriting and execution of real estate and NPL transactions across Europe with a focus on Germany, Portugal, Nordics and CEE.
Matthias Gradischnig
Matthias Gradischnig
DirectorAlchemy Partners
United Kingdom
Investing in corporate and real estate backed special situations and private equity opportunities across Europe
Panagiotis Vladimirou
Panagiotis Vladimirou
Head of Sales and Business DevelopmentLIMASSOL GREENS
4th May | 13:30 - 14:30

Opportunistic & Value Add

Are ESG & recession uncertainties boosting risk appetite of investors?

Karl-Josef SchneidersK-STONE Capital & Advisory Moderator
Christopher GamalskiGerman Values Propety Group AG
Dominik SailerDW Real Estate GmbH
Frank HuberVerifort Capital Group GmbH
Fritz StoesselPeterborough Capital
Karsten KohlmannARCTURUS Capital Management GmbH
Lukky AhmedClimate X
Simon KoenigLakeward Management

Von Super Core bis Core+

Flight to quality oder werden Evaluationen & steigende Kriterien die Definitionen ändern?

Lars OsterhoffRI Partners Moderator
Chris FritzOrion Capital Managers
Patrick ReichCaleus

Zukünftige Mieter Nachfrage

Service, ESG, oder Space Design; was wollen Mieter wirklich?

Hans-Peter HähnleinEquilis Moderator
Antje Lubitz3PM Services
Björn MunteNREP

Serviced Apartments & Hotels

Welche Modelle steigen in Nachfrage?

Matteo GhediniBrera Serviced Apartments Moderator
Adrian Lindner12.18.
Dimitri ChandoginNUMA Group
Patrick AdamleMRP HOTELS
Ricky BichelLimehome
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.

Opportunistic & Value Add

Are ESG & recession uncertainties boosting risk appetite of investors?

  • Do the numbers work for development deals?
  • Will distressed deals come onto the market? What resilience can we expect?
  • Where to find value in locations, any easy wins or have we reached the height of competition?
  • Will demographic drivers accelerate resilience in some assets? What are the 'ones to watch'?

Karl-Josef Schneiders
Independent Director & Senior Advisor
K-STONE Capital & Advisory
Christopher Gamalski
Chief Operating Officer
German Values Propety Group AG
Dominik Sailer
Geschäftsführer | Managing Director
DW Real Estate GmbH
Frank Huber
Verifort Capital Group GmbH
Fritz Stoessel
Managing Partner
Peterborough Capital
Karsten Kohlmann
Managing Partner
ARCTURUS Capital Management GmbH
Lukky Ahmed
Climate X
Simon Koenig
Lakeward Management
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Independent Director & Senior AdvisorK-STONE Capital & Advisory
Karl-Josef, with more than 30 years of experience in the real estate & asset management sector has founded, managed or restructured real estate investment & management companies. In his most recent role at CREDIT SUISSE, CEO Asset Management Germany & Head Real Estate Europe he repositioned the platform (initially 7bn Euro under restructuring). Karl-Josef held senior roles with the likes of CorpusSireo, Morgan Stanley and Citibank. Today, as an Independent Director & Senior Advisor he holds mandates from CREDIT SUISSE Luxembourg, VERIANOS SE, FOM Real Estate. He is a business graduate of the University of Applied Sciences in Trier, he holds an MBA from the University of Wales and an Executive MBA from Zurich Institute of Business Education.
Christopher Gamalski
Christopher Gamalski
Chief Operating OfficerGerman Values Propety Group AG
Dominik Sailer
Dominik Sailer
Geschäftsführer | Managing DirectorDW Real Estate GmbH
Geschäftsführer | Managing Director
Frank Huber
Frank Huber
CEOVerifort Capital Group GmbH
Fritz Stoessel
Fritz Stoessel
Managing PartnerPeterborough Capital
United Kingdom
Karsten Kohlmann
Karsten Kohlmann
Managing PartnerARCTURUS Capital Management GmbH
Karsten is a Managing Partner of Arcturus Capital Management. He has lived almost half his life abroad, while covering the German speaking property market with his own transaction advisory business and as investment manager for various international opportunity and private equity funds before working with Arcturus. Karsten has a Diplom-Kaufmann from European Business School (ebs), Oestrich-Winkel and an MBA from Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh. Karsten speaks German, English and French.
Lukky Ahmed
Lukky Ahmed
Climate X
United Kingdom
Stratégie d'entreprise ‑ Risques climatiques, data, reporting
Simon Koenig
Simon Koenig
CEOLakeward Management
Simon Koenig founded Lakeward Holding 2013. Prior to that, he was a Managing Director at Armada Investment AG, the single Family Office of Daniel S. Aegerter. During his time at Armada he was also a CEO at Gutburg Immobilien SA, the owner and manager of a large German residential real estate portfolio. Before this he held various positions in Asset Management, Corporate Finance, Accounting/Controlling and Banking for companies like Pempa Credit Advisors (Man Investments), KPMG Corporate Finance, Credit Suisse First Boston and Schweiz. Kreditanstalt.
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.

Von Super Core bis Core+

Flight to quality oder werden Evaluationen & steigende Kriterien die Definitionen ändern?

  • Vermietungs Performance - Können Mainstream Investoren noch Wert finden?
  • Changing Definitions - ESG, Services & Co.; was werden die entscheidenden Faktoren für Core Objekte sein?
  • Verfügbarkeit von Produkten & Interesse an Service Assetklassen - Liquidität noch vorhanden oder zu hohes Risiko?
  • Welche Assetklassen werden Gewinner, welche Verlierer und welche auf der Watchliste stehen?

Lars Osterhoff
RI Partners
Chris Fritz
Orion Capital Managers
Patrick Reich
Managing Partner/ Co-founder
Lars Osterhoff
Lars Osterhoff
CEORI Partners
Lars joined RI Partners as CEO in 2015. RI Partners is an active investment company specialized in the value-enhancing management of real estate for institutional and semi-institutional investors. Prior to that he worked as a senior project manager in real estate investment banking at the investment bank BERENBERG. Previously to that he gained his professional experience as a consultant in transaction management focusing on corporate finance in Hamburg. Lars received an international MBA at the International Real Estate Business School with modules at Harvard University and the University of Reading; he graduated as Real Estate Economist at the ebz Business School and as Private Equity Advisor at the European Business School.
Chris Fritz
Chris Fritz
PartnerOrion Capital Managers
United Kingdom
Chris Fritz, is an Investment Director at Orion Capital Manager’s London office and is responsible for deal origination, underwriting and asset management with a focus on the German market. Prior to joining Orion in 2014, Mr. Fritz served as Investment Manager with Resolution Property from 2008 to 2014 where he worked on acquisitions and value-added initiatives on portfolio assets in Poland, Denmark and Germany. Prior to joining Resolution Property, Mr. Fritz was an associate for the real estate group in the London office of Lehman Brothers from 2005 through 2008. Mr. Fritz is a native German and English speaker and holds First class honours degree in International Business with French from Warwick Business School.
Patrick Reich
Patrick Reich
Managing Partner/ Co-founderCaleus
Patrick founded caleus capital investors together with Dr. Ulrich Weber in 2010. Since then, caleus has grown into a preeminent investor and asset manager in ‘manage-to-core’ strategies for real estate situated in Berlin and across Germany. Patrick started his career in 1993 at the Berlin based BAUWERT Property Group where he became partner in 1994. In 2000, Pramerica bought the majority of his company that later merged with the Apellas Group founded by Ulrich Weber together with Soros Real Estate Investors in 2003.

Zukünftige Mieter Nachfrage

Service, ESG, oder Space Design; was wollen Mieter wirklich?

  • Space Shuffle - What assets, amenities & ESG considerations are tenants looking for?
  • Matching Product with Demand - Modernisation of space to attract & retain tenants?
  • Connecting Affordability & Sustainability - Can we make the numbers work?
  • Wellbeing - Attracting & retaining tenants with new strategies?
Hans-Peter Hähnlein
Antje Lubitz
Managing Director & Partner
3PM Services
Björn Munte
Director Germany
Hans-Peter Hähnlein
Hans-Peter Hähnlein
CEO EQUILIS GermanyEquilis
With a carreer of more than 25 years in all fields of the european real estate business Hans:Peter can draw on extensive experience in the fields of Construction Industry, Investment and Asset Management as well Project Developement. Hans-Peter has a master degree in civil engineering and construction management. Since 2020 and based in Berlin, Hans-Peter is responsible as CEO for all german activities of the european real estate devoloper EQUILIS. EQUIILIS was founded in 2006 in Belgium by Carl Mestdagh. It develops and delievers ambitious real estate projects across a wide spectrum of activities. Creating places where people build the stories of their lives. Love stories, business stories. Happy stories....
Antje Lubitz
Antje Lubitz
Managing Director & Partner3PM Services
Executive Master of Real Estate business (IREBS) and CMA with 20 years’ global experience. Founder of 3PM Services. Previously at DREAM Global, Round Hill Capital and Tishman Speyer.

Serviced Apartments & Hotels

Welche Modelle steigen in Nachfrage?

  • Liquidität - Sind Investoren, Betreiber & Besitzer bereit, Kapital in den Sektor zu investieren?
  • Der Service Faktor - Welche Services für welche Standorte?
  • Evaluationen von Assets - Wie werden verschiedene Modelle abschneiden?
  • Können wir Beispiele aus anderen Märkten nach Deutschland bringen?

Matteo Ghedini
Brera Serviced Apartments
Adrian Lindner
Managing Director
Dimitri Chandogin
Co-founder/ President
NUMA Group
Patrick Adamle
Managing Partner / Geschäftsführer
Ricky Bichel
Head of International Expansion
Matteo Ghedini
Matteo Ghedini
CEOBrera Serviced Apartments
Matteo Ghedini is the founder and CEO of Brera Serviced Apartments. Matteo started Brera in 2013 by opening the first location in Nuremberg. Since then Brera expanded in many German cities and manages today ca. 700 Apartments. Born in Italy, Matteo started his career as a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, attended an MBA at INSEAD and thereafter successfully completed the turnaround of a Real Estate Family Office in Germany. Passionate about Interior Design and about unleashing People´s talent, Matteo´s goal is to develop Brera to one of the most important long stay players in Europe.
Adrian Lindner
Adrian Lindner
Managing Director12.18.
Adrian Lindner is one of the Managing Directors of 12.18., in particular responsible for all matters related to 12.18.’s transaction and asset management activities. Representing the third generation of the Lindner family, he is also involved in the Lindner Unternehmensgruppe, which is known for its activities in architecture, real estate and hotel operations (Lindner Hotel Group operating 40 hotels in seven European countries under the brands “Lindner Hotels & Resorts”, “me and all hotels”, "7Pines Hotels & Resorts" and "L-Collection").
Dimitri Chandogin
Dimitri Chandogin
Co-founder/ PresidentNUMA Group
Dimitri Chandogin is a Co-founder of Numa Group, the leading European digital hotel operator and technology developer. The company provides disruptive design hotels and serviced apartments for modern travellers. A trusted partner for investors, owners, and developers, NUMA uses proprietary technology-based operating solutions that largely automate operations and increase cost efficiencies and revenues. NUMA successfully operates over 8,500 units across 34 European A-cities.
Patrick Adamle
Patrick Adamle
Managing Partner / GeschäftsführerMRP HOTELS
I grow value in hospitality real estate for (institutional) owners
Ricky Bichel
Ricky Bichel
Head of International ExpansionLimehome
As Head of International Expansion, Ricky Bichel is responsible for the strategic development of limehome's portfolio, including internationalization and business model diversification. He is also responsible for marketing activities to increase brand awareness and has been instrumental in the expansion in the DACH region and especially the Benelux countries. Ricky has in-depth experience in real estate transactions and investments and can demonstrate several years of practice in leading global real estate consulting firms. Among other qualifications, Ricky holds a Master's degree in International Business with a focus on Strategy & Finance (M.Sc.) from EDHEC Business School as well as a Master of Business Administration (MBA).
4th May | 15:00 - 16:00

International Capital Streams

Cross border capital sources shifting or same old players? 

Alex GebauerPalm Capital
Ewa ParysAEW
Kean HirdCatalyst Capital
Martin BeckerCrossroads
Patricia PintoSonae Sierra

Bezahlbares Wohnen

Unerreichbarer Wunschtraum oder Chance für private und öffentliche Zusammenarbeit?

Klaus FrankenCatella Project Management Moderator
Ben LehreckeFundament Advisory
Benjamin SpielerSIM Gruppe
Benjamin SöllnerBerliner Volksbank
Christian DingerSwiss Life Asset Managers
Stefan KlingsöhrKlingsöhr Projektentwicklung

High Street Retail & E-Commerce Conversions

Footfall-anchors driving success or omnichannel solutions the way to go?

Forgotten One 2024-07-18 01:00:21 Forgotten OneMaya Capital
Hanno SchreckerPAREF Investment Management Germany GmbH
Martin GruberBrainBox AI
Ross MacDiarmidBruton Capital
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.

International Capital Streams

Cross border capital sources shifting or same old players? 

  • Capital Origination - Which countries are having a closer look at German real estate?
  • Allocation Game - Delivering value during volatile periods
  • A Saturated Market - JVs, re-capitalisations or platform investments; what offers best solutions for investors?

Alex Gebauer
Senior Partner
Palm Capital
Ewa Parys
Head of Asset Management CEE and Nordics
Kean Hird
Catalyst Capital
Martin Becker
Patricia Pinto
Director, Investor Relations
Sonae Sierra
Alex Gebauer
Alex Gebauer
Senior PartnerPalm Capital
United Kingdom
Ewa Parys
Ewa Parys
Head of Asset Management CEE and NordicsAEW
Ewa Parys is Head of Asset Management in Central Europe. She joined AEW Europe in 2014 and is based in Warsaw, Poland. Ewa is responsible for 3 countries in the region: Poland, Romania and Czech Republic, and reports to Stephan Boenning – Head of Germany and Central Europe. Ewa has broad asset management and acquisition experience; prior to AEW Europe, she worked at Atrium Real Estate Poland (Gazit-Globe Group) and was responsible for more than 20 retail assets. Here she managed a €1bn+ portfolio, located in Poland and Latvia. Before Atrium, Ewa worked as Head of the Leasing Department and Centre Director for Meinl European Land and at Foras Holding A/S. Ewa is a graduate of Warsaw University, Kozminski University and AGH Kraków.
Kean Hird
Kean Hird
PartnerCatalyst Capital
United Kingdom
Kean Hird oversees Catalyst Capital's activities in Germany and Poland along with fund raising and investor relations. Catalyst Capital purchases, develops and manages a significant portfolio of retail, office and industrial assets in Europe. Since its inception, Catalyst Capital has invested more than €7 billion in 60 real estate transactions in nine countries and has approximately €1.7 billion of assets under management. Kean began his career at Townsend Thoresen Properties and then subsequently spent 13 years with Imry Group Plc, before becoming MD and principle shareholder of Frame Investments.
Martin Becker
Martin Becker
Martin joined Crossroads from RBC Capital Markets, where he was a Director in the RBC Real Estate Capital Partners team in London. He joined RBC in 2013 to help set up their financial sponsor focused real estate lending business in Europe. During his time at RBC, Martin was the deal leader on €1.5bn of completed real estate and NPL acquisition financings in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Ireland, Luxembourg and Spain. Prior to RBC, Martin was a Principal at GreenOak Real Estate, a real estate focused investing, lending and advisory firm with $5.4bn of assets under management globally.
Patricia Pinto
Patricia Pinto
Director, Investor RelationsSonae Sierra
Patricia has been Investor Relations Director over the last 15 years as well as President of the Portuguese Investor Relations association. She joined Sonae Sierra Investment management team in 2022 after being Head of IR in 2 companies of the Sonae group, a conglomerate, and the largest private employer in Portugal. Previously, she worked as business CFO at Siemens in Portugal, having started her international career at Siemens in Germany, where she managed telecommunication network clients in various European countries. Patricia has a degree in Economics from the Porto School of Economics.
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.

Bezahlbares Wohnen

Unerreichbarer Wunschtraum oder Chance für private und öffentliche Zusammenarbeit?

  • Öffentliche & Private Partnerschaften - Kollaborationen mit regionalen Regierungen & Subventionen
  • Investitionsinteresse -Diversifizierundschance für institutionelle Investoren?
  • Chronische Unterversorgung - Neue Chancen für Investoren?
  • Standort - Welche Städte zeigen die meisten Chancen für bezahlbares Wohnen?

Klaus Franken
Managing Partner
Catella Project Management
Ben Lehrecke
Managing Partner
Fundament Advisory
Benjamin Spieler
SIM Gruppe
Benjamin Söllner
Head of Department
Berliner Volksbank
Christian Dinger
Head of Real Estate Fund and Portfolio Management
Swiss Life Asset Managers
Stefan Klingsöhr
Managing Partner
Klingsöhr Projektentwicklung
Klaus Franken
Klaus Franken
Managing PartnerCatella Project Management
Klaus joined the European Catella Group in 2008 as Managing Director and is responsible for all real estate development projects in Germany. In 2015 Catella Project Management (CPM) was founded as an independent division direct linked to the Stockholm headquarter of Catella. Meanwhile CPM has realised or initiated project volumes of approx. 1.8 b EUR in commercial and residential properties. As Managing Partner Klaus is one of the shareholders of these development projects. The set-up of all Catella projects is based on sustainable and long-term oriented investments. Consequently the economic and ecological goals must be combined.
Ben Lehrecke
Ben Lehrecke
Managing PartnerFundament Advisory
Prior to founding Fundament, Ben acted for 12 years as country head of Round Hill Capital including 5 years as CEO of Vitus Group. Selected previous experience include Head of German and Austrian real estate business for Pears Global, Director of Acquisitions at The Mills Corp. and KanAm Group in Munich, and Director of New Business Development at Tishman Speyer Properties in London and New York. Ben holds a Dual Masters degree in Business Management and Engineering from TU Berlin and Masters of Real Estate Development from USC, Los Angeles.
Benjamin Spieler
Benjamin Spieler
Benjamin Spieler ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der SIM Gruppe, einem Immobilieninvestor und Asset-Manager mit dem Fokus auf bezahlbares Wohnen in Deutschland. Er verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Immobilienbranche, insbesondere im Asset- und Transaktionsmanagement, in der Projektentwicklung und der Finanzierung von Wohnimmobilien. Vor Gründung der SIM GRUPPE war er in verschiedenen leitenden Positionen von deutschen Immobilienunternehmen tätig, unter anderem als Geschäftsführer und Leiter Asset-Management.
Benjamin Söllner
Benjamin Söllner
Head of DepartmentBerliner Volksbank
Christian Dinger
Christian Dinger
Head of Real Estate Fund and Portfolio ManagementSwiss Life Asset Managers
Stefan Klingsöhr
Stefan Klingsöhr
Managing PartnerKlingsöhr Projektentwicklung

High Street Retail & E-Commerce Conversions

Footfall-anchors driving success or omnichannel solutions the way to go?

  • Omnichannel Solutions - The new way of shopping is here to stay?
  • Buy, Sell or Diversify? How to gain value out of retail assets?
  • Innovating Retail - Breathing new life into high streets and shopping malls
  • Food Retail as the Footfall Anchor
  • Pricing - Have we seen rock bottom yet?
Forgotten One 2024-07-18 01:00:21 Forgotten One
Maya Capital
Hanno Schrecker
MD / Country Head Germany
PAREF Investment Management Germany GmbH
Martin Gruber
Director Europe
BrainBox AI
Ross MacDiarmid
Managing Director
Bruton Capital
Forgotten One 2024-07-18 01:00:21 Forgotten One
Forgotten One 2024-07-18 01:00:21 Forgotten One
PrincipalMaya Capital
Jared is responsible for sourcing and acquiring new assets in the UK and Europe at may capital. He has over 16 years of real estate experience, having previously worked for both Thor Equities and Pears Global, where he was responsible for sourcing acquisitions, financing and asset management. Jared has been involved in an excess of £2bn real estate transactions. ​Originally born in New Zealand and now a UK resident, Jared studied at Lincoln University in Christchurch where he received a B.A. in Property.
Hanno Schrecker
Hanno Schrecker
MD / Country Head GermanyPAREF Investment Management Germany GmbH
Managing Director, Board Advisor and Strategic & Process Transformation Expert, developing and implementing the change agenda over the whole lifecycle, across asset classes and European markets in the Real Estate sector. Key strengths include: leveraging diverse cross-sector international leadership experience to introduce and integrate new investment and technical solutions into Real Estate; ensuring regulatory compliance across all areas of property development to mitigate risk; assembling and leading high-performing management teams and embedding performance management frameworks throughout the business to optimise productivity and profitability; and building trusted global key stakeholder relationships, up to Board level, to drive succe
Martin Gruber
Martin Gruber
Director EuropeBrainBox AI
Ross MacDiarmid
Ross MacDiarmid
Managing DirectorBruton Capital
Ross MacDiarmid has over 25 years of international experience managing and implementing complex real estate investment strategies including acquisitions and financial and cross-border structuring working for Jones Lang LaSalle and ING Barings. He has a B.Sc. in Land Management from Reading University, is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and a Barrister-at-Law of The Inner Temple. He is primarily responsible for property acquisitions and disposals as well as asset management.
4th May | 16:30 - 17:30

Debt Funds & International Lending

Cost inflation opening up new opportunities for international debt?

Dr. Ruprecht HellauerAlbulus Moderator
Alexandre BretzStarz Real Estate
Georg KoenigNord/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Henri SalesCale Street Partners
Karl-Josef SchneidersK-STONE Capital & Advisory
Markus Wehneltpbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Thomas WiegandCerberus

Asset Evaluationen

Wird es große Veränderungen geben oder business as usual?

Philipp BraunfelsJamestown Moderator
Andreas WesnerCatella Real Estate AG
Anni HönickeGII Asset Management & Advisory GmbH
Christian GeissingerDW Real Estate GmbH
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.

Debt Funds & International Lending

Cost inflation opening up new opportunities for international debt?

  • Defining the current debt funding gap - Where are we?
  • Alternative Finance Allocations - Any downside to increased debt demand?
  • Development, structuring and financing of alternative financing transactions
  • Debt Origination - Which countries are taking a closer look at German real estate?

Dr. Ruprecht Hellauer
Managing Partner
Alexandre Bretz
Director Origination & Execution
Starz Real Estate
Georg Koenig
Real Estate Financial Solutions
Nord/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Henri Sales
Managing Director
Cale Street Partners
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Independent Director & Senior Advisor
K-STONE Capital & Advisory
Markus Wehnelt
Head of International & Institutional Clients, REF Germany
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Thomas Wiegand
Managing Director
Dr. Ruprecht Hellauer
Dr. Ruprecht Hellauer
Managing PartnerAlbulus
Ruprecht founded Albulus, an investment advisor to the Albulus CREDIT fund and several separately managed accounts, in 2011. Albulus is actively acquiring sub-performing and non-performing CRE loans on the secondary market with a focus on the DACH region. In 2004 together with the Soros Real Estate Partners he founded one of the first NPL investment platforms in Germany. Ruprecht has 25 years of real estate investment experience. His career started with Gerald Hines as a project manager for a major development in Berlin. He holds a diploma from Hochschule St. Gallen and a MBA from the University of Chicago. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Vienna in BA, specializing in real estate.
Alexandre Bretz
Alexandre Bretz
Director Origination & ExecutionStarz Real Estate
United Kingdom
Georg Koenig
Georg Koenig
Real Estate Financial SolutionsNord/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Henri Sales
Henri Sales
Managing DirectorCale Street Partners
United Kingdom
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Independent Director & Senior AdvisorK-STONE Capital & Advisory
Karl-Josef, with more than 30 years of experience in the real estate & asset management sector has founded, managed or restructured real estate investment & management companies. In his most recent role at CREDIT SUISSE, CEO Asset Management Germany & Head Real Estate Europe he repositioned the platform (initially 7bn Euro under restructuring). Karl-Josef held senior roles with the likes of CorpusSireo, Morgan Stanley and Citibank. Today, as an Independent Director & Senior Advisor he holds mandates from CREDIT SUISSE Luxembourg, VERIANOS SE, FOM Real Estate. He is a business graduate of the University of Applied Sciences in Trier, he holds an MBA from the University of Wales and an Executive MBA from Zurich Institute of Business Education.
Markus Wehnelt
Markus Wehnelt
Head of International & Institutional Clients, REF Germanypbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Markus Wehnelt is a Managing Director and Head of Real Estate Finance Germany Institutional and Private Equity Clients for Germany at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG. He has many years of experience in complex structured real estate financing transactions. In the past years, Markus and his team successfully closed a large number of lending transactions with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Thomas Wiegand
Thomas Wiegand
Managing DirectorCerberus
Thomas Wiegand is Managing Director of Cerberus Deutschland Beteiligungsberatung GmbH. He is responsible for real estate assets, NPL portfolios and property company investments in Germany, BeNeLux and the Nordics. Thomas was a member of the supervisory board for GSW Immobilien, a Cerberus investment that completed its IPO in 2011. Prior to joining Cerberus in 2005, Mr. Wiegand was a Director in the Institutional Restructuring Unit of Dresdner Bank, where he was responsible for the sale of non-core assets and loan portfolios of Dresdner Bank. Before that Thomas has held various positions in Private Equity and Structured Finance at Dresdner Kleinwort with a focus on restructuring cases.
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.

Asset Evaluationen

Wird es große Veränderungen geben oder business as usual?

  • Erwartungen VS Realität - Werden wir weitere Unstimmigkeiten zwischen Käufern & Verkäufern bei Preisen sehen?
  • Wie werden Immobilien sich auf die strukturellen, zyklischen & Nachfrage Veränderungen anpassen müssen?

Philipp Braunfels
Managing Director
Andreas Wesner
Catella Real Estate AG
Anni Hönicke
Managing Director
GII Asset Management & Advisory GmbH
Christian Geissinger
Director Investments and Asset Management
DW Real Estate GmbH
Philipp Braunfels
Philipp Braunfels
Managing DirectorJamestown
Andreas Wesner
Andreas Wesner
CEOCatella Real Estate AG
Anni Hönicke
Anni Hönicke
Managing DirectorGII Asset Management & Advisory GmbH
Anni made her way into the Real Estate Industry as a Banker. During the 1990's until 2007 she held various senior positions at Eurohypo in International Real Estate Lending. Between 2007 and 2019 she was Global Head of Real Estate Lending at DekaBank. Since then Anni is working on her own advising and consulting RE Investment Companies and PropTechs. For Companies undergoing a change process or for Start-Ups she acts as challenger and coach. Anni's priority is her Senior Advisor Role for Gulf Islamic Investments (GII), an UAE-based financial services Company regulated by ESCA.
Christian Geissinger
Christian Geissinger
Director Investments and Asset ManagementDW Real Estate GmbH

Some of the confirmed attendees

Networking Dinner

Frankfurter Botschaft 
Westhafenplatz 6-8, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
3. Mai - 19:00

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Extra Activity

Preceding the main activities of Deutsche GRI 2023, GRI Club’s senior female real estate leaders and their invited industry peers, will get together to network and forge new friendships to take into the broader discussions taking place at the conference.

Click here to see more.

*The private discussion and networking is complementary and open to all female participants of the Deutsche GRI 2023, GRI Club Members and personally invited guests

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GRI has no speakers and no presentations. Instead, you have a selection of closed-door discussions in which everyone can participate.
Much like a conversation in your own living room, the dynamic environment allows you to engage with your peers in an informal and collegial setting.

Contact us

Maria Fernanda Trentin
Maria Fernanda Trentin
Portfolio Director
GRI Club
Victor Heimann
Victor Heimann
Director - Germany
GRI Club
Maria Fernanda Trentin
Maria Fernanda Trentin
Portfolio DirectorGRI Club
Sales, Marketing and Business Strategy executive with 10 years of experience in large companies in the Media & Entertainment Market. Strategic business vision focused on customer experience, increasing the product efficiency and performance. Strong relationship skills and customer loyalty, always seeking to revenue increase and budget optimization.
Victor Heimann
Victor Heimann
Director - GermanyGRI Club
Director - DACH Region
+44 07307 984285
+44 20 7121 5060

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Pan European Club Partner
ESG Sectoral Partner
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Media Partner
Industry Partners
GFORM ist ein Full Service Immobilien- und Finanzmanager mit Schwerpunkt auf Lebensmittelgeankerte Fachmarkzentren in Deutschland. GFORM verwaltet derzeit mehr als 1,22 Milliarden Euro assets im Auftrag verschiedener Plattformen und Fonds, darunter Greenman OPEN. GFORM ist Teil der Greenman Gruppe, ein Zusammenschluss von Tochtergesellschaften, darunter Greenman Investments, Europa‘s einziger voll integrierter Investmentfondsmanager für Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsimmobilien.
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.
London | United Kingdom
Climate X is a climate risk data provider giving businesses and governments the data needed to build climate resilience. We help organizations become more resilient to the impacts of climate change by quantifying, at an asset level, the probability and severity of weather events decades before they happen. Spectra is an award-winning on-demand revolutionary climate risk data analytics platform, delivering location-specific risk ratings and climate-adjusted loss estimates between now and 2100
+49-30-726 27 61 52
Berlin | Germany
PB3C is Germany’s leading positioning and communications consultancy, focusing on real estate, real assets and finances. We cover the whole spectrum, from housing policy issues, through complex fund and asset management topics, to alternative forms of investment. We develop strategies and brands, strong messages and high-quality content, while at the same time creating added value for our clients. In doing so we use both digital and classical channels. PB3C offers services that help develop and transport the positioning of our clients – across all channels, and provided everything that is needed to help brands grow, develop and become established in strategic positioning.
London | United Kingdom
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
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