A senior gathering for invested real estate professionals to foster dealflow
Now in its 16th year, participants find the discovery process for sourcing deal flow is most advantageous by welcoming the CEE’s most senior concentration of Private Equity Investors, Fund Managers, LP’s Developers, Asset Owners, Operators and Lenders invested across all CEE regions and asset classes. They will engage in a series of informal roundtables where everyone can participate, and navigate the current challenges presented by demand, purchasing and future trends.

Investment Cycle
Where will the smart capital go?
- Cyclical downturn vs structural shifts, how to adapt?
- GDP, interest rates & unemployment - Will the markets cool or ramp up?
- Diversification as the only safety net?
- Has COVID changed pricing & leveraging and is it rational?
- CEE Regions - Finding Equity Partners & Adjusting Risk Profiles
- Inflation Risk - Increased concerns or not much to worry about?
Kevin Turpin
Development Deals
Higher risks, higher cost, higher returns?
- The new core or risky business?
Finding Value
Value add repurposing, opportunistic buying spree or core workouts?
- How can good cooperation between investors and occupiers bring security in dealflow?
Resi Investment Appetite
Life-style driven BTR championing deal flow or something else?
- Fundamentals - Shifting capital allocation strategies still favouring living assets?
- Affordability as the key issue going forward
Retail & Shopping Centres
Reinvent, repurpose or room to recover ?
- Risk Return Considerations - Only for opportunistic players?
- New Concepts - All about experiences, location or tenant mix?
- Financing - Any lenders interested or all about equity?
- Repurposing Retail Assets - Is there a magic formula for success?
- Have we seen rock bottom for retail rental prices or is the worst to come?
Anna Wiśniewska

Forecasting CEE Markets in a Global Economic Context
Inflation, Europe & US insights
Adam Czerniak is a doctor of economic sciences, research director and chief economist at the Polityka Insight analytical center and head of the Department of Institutional and Political Economics at the Warsaw School of Economics. Until 2012, he worked as a banking economist, previously he cooperated with the World Bank and the FOR Foundation, he was also a Ronald Coase Institute scholarship holder. He is a founding member of the Rental Market Laboratory, as well as the author of scientific publications in the field of economic sociology, institutional economics and the functioning of the real estate market. Polish representative in the European Master in Official Statistics council operating at Eurostat in the term of office 2021-2023.
Operational Residential Demand
Sea of opportunity or washed out through lack of supply?
- Capital Allocations Post COVID - Alternative resi assets as diversification winners?
- Emerging Hotspots - Any new locations on the horizon?
- PBSA - Impact of travel restrictions for international students on student housing take up
- New Tech - Necessary to increase operational flexibility?
- Leasing Models - Can greater flexibility innovate the product offering?
- Disproportionate Demand Increases - Can the markets tackle the requirements of an aging population?
Debt & Lending
Short-term uncertainty, how to develop long-term strategies?
- Debt Origins - Where is the capital coming from?
- Risk Appetite - Hospitality & retail offering opportunities for non-bank lenders?
- All about asset classes or location?
- Debt Leveraging - Risk assessment & pricing in dissonance?
- Debt & Finance Recovery - Down goes Bankers’ Appetite, Up Goes the Forward Funding?
A World Trapped - How did we get there and how to get out of it?
- CEE’s Economic State of Affairs - Stuck supply chain, inflation & unrest; what is the way forward?
- Inflation Risk - How will the markets be impacted going forward?
- Displacement - Impacts on demand and supply imbalances; what asset classes will be see the biggest shifts?
- Institutional Investor Appetite - What asset classes & locations will be key during unrest and volatility?
Innovative Portfolios -
Big shifts for ESG, smart data and tech or slow pace of seeing financial results?
- Proptech
- Digital Transformation
- Occupier Demands
- Data Analytics
Siim Täkker
Logistics & Light Industrial
Overheated, undersupplied, why so attractive?
- Pricing Risks - Any differentiations between locations & markets?
- Finding Product - Availability, price and locations
- Ecommerce penetration creating demand across Europe - What opportunities to buy, sell?
Finding Value in Offices
Old but gold?
- Pricing, demand & investment fundamentals
- Will ESG be the key metric going forward?
- CBD & Prime Locations - What has changed?
- Investor Appetite - Capital allocations still going strong or too much risk?
- Flexible Leasing - What short to long term plans are occupiers making? What are the impacts on real estate business models & valuations?
Tanya Kosseva-Boshova

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