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Berlin GRI 2024

Berlin, Germany
19th November
Already a member?
Torne-se membro e participe dos nossos encontros exclusivos.
Os líderes candidatos serão validados por nossa equipe que entrará em contato com mais informações sobre o clube. Sendo membro do GRI você terá acesso à nossa comunidade global, permitindo que você se conecte com mais de 10 mil membros, além de participar de nossos eventos exclusivos.
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* I agree for GRI Club to store my data & provide relevant information about products or content.
Credit: Rawpixel / Shutterstock
Victor Heimann
Victor Heimann
Director - GermanyGRI Club
Director - DACH Region
+44 07307 984285
+44 20 7121 5060
Victor Tranquilini
Victor Tranquilini
Club DirectorGRI Club

Meeting Overview

Sind Sie aktiv auf der Suche nach Investitionen, Transaktionen oder Projektentwicklungen auf dem deutschen Immobilienmarkt, während Sie verstehen möchten, was die Konkurrenz unternimmt?
Nach einem weiteren wirtschaftlich und geopolitisch turbulenten Jahr versuchen Investoren, die aktuelle Marktsituation zu verstehen. Dies ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, drängende Themen wie Inflation, Dealflow und Investitionsrisiken auf dem Immobilienmarkt zu besprechen. Treten Sie uns bei und entdecken Sie die besten Lösungen, um mit den Herausforderungen des Marktes umzugehen und Wert zu gewährleisten.
Die 2. Ausgabe des Berlin GRI vereint führende Immobilieninvestoren, Kreditgeber und Projektentwickler. Das Diskussionsformat bietet die Möglichkeit, leicht miteinander zu interagieren und das Eis zu brechen. Sparen Sie Zeit bei der Suche nach neuen Geschäftspartnern, erweitern Sie bestehende Geschäftsbeziehungen und diskutieren Sie die wichtigsten Fragen auf den Märkten mit Ihren Branchenkollegen.

Contact us

Victor Heimann
Victor Heimann
Director - Germany
GRI Club
Victor Tranquilini
Victor Tranquilini
Club Director
GRI Club
Victor Heimann
Victor Heimann
Director - GermanyGRI Club
Director - DACH Region
+44 07307 984285
+44 20 7121 5060
Victor Tranquilini
Victor Tranquilini
Club DirectorGRI Club

Become a Sponsor

Contact our team to find the sponsorship and exposure opportunities that best fit the strategy of your company.

Sponsorship opportunities

Preencha os dados abaixo para receber as opções de patrocínio.
Successful registration
* I agree for GRI Club to store my data & provide relevant information about products or content.
Pan European Club Partner
Industry Partners
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.
We are your strategic partner in talent acquisition for the real estate and infrastructure sector. With over 20 years of experience and a strong presence in Europe, we specialize in optimizing performance by maximizing human resources and operational strategies. Our commitment to excellence drives us to find tailored talent, reshaping organizations and empowering professionals for success. In collaboration with the GRI Club, our global network spans 30 countries.
This eMeeting is exclusive
for Premium members
This event is exclusive for GRI members.