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Latam GRI Infra & Energy 2022

The key annual conference for global infrastructure and energy leaders in Latin America
Lead Sponsor

461 people are attending
Credit: Mihai_Andritoiu / . Shutterstock
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107

Latam GRI Infra & Energy is the key annual conference where global infrastructure and energy leaders get together to network and discuss project development in Latin America. 

Consolidated as the principal conference of infrastructure and energy key-players in Latin America, after six successful editions of Infra Latin America GRI, GRI Club Infra hosts its seventh edition on 11-12 May in New York (USA).  

The event represents a milestone, putting together +300 senior leaders from these sectors, aimed at economic recovery and boosting the urban and social infrastructure, by generating productive and insightful discussions, searching solutions to promote the infrastructure development in Latin America, and also identifying new deal flows and projects in the region. 

Latam GRI Infra & Energy 2022 will gather government authorities, investors, concession operators and specialists in the infrastructure and energy sector, from markets such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, USA, India, Mexico, Panama, Peru, United Kingdom Uruguay, and others. 

The 7th edition of Latam GRI Infra & Energy 2022 meeting in New York aims to:

Discuss themes in an informal format, in which everyone can participate and interact

Share solutions to the most common challenges of the emerging markets

Build new business opportunities with global investors

Debate strategic topics to define the future of the infrastructure sectors

Connect yourself with peers and meet new partners

Keynote Speaker

Alejo Czerwonko

Alejo Czerwonko
Chief Investment Officer –
Emerging Markets Americas
UBS Asset Management

Alejo is Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas for Global Wealth Management. In this capacity, he oversees a team of analysts focusing on emerging markets macroeconomics and the development of investment ideas in these markets. Alejo holds a PhD in economics from Columbia University, where he now lectures regularly on emerging markets. Alejo is a member of the Advisory Board of the Wilson Center's Latin America Program.


GRI Club Meeting - 11th May, 10:00am - 11:00am

What's Colombia's infrastructure legacy to the years ahead?

GRI Meeting with Minister of Transport Angela María Orozco

Women's Meeting & Lunch - 11th May, 11:30am - 1:30pm

Women’s Meeting & Lunch

Leadership across Latin America

Opening Session - 11th May, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Global Investors

Will Latam deliver an attractive risk-return compared to other regions?

  • What are the main game changers on the geopolitical landscape in Latin America?
  • How will the region remain competitive, and how will it stand out in the development of solid and profitable projects?
  • Country budget restrictions: What to expect for the development of sustainable infrastructure projects?
  • How will risk-taking be designed with the new elected governments? What to expect for a possible new matrix for infrastructure and energy projects?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 3:45pm - 5:00pm

Guarantees & risks

How to unlock project finance in Latam?

  • What mechanisms can bring more security to the investor?
  • How can new governments define more transparent risk matrices?
  • How to keep legal certainty even without government support and incentives?
  • How to drive greater leverage of resources for infrastructure projects?
  • What are the best practices for structuring guarantees in the economic-financial modeling of projects in the region?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 3:45pm - 5:00pm

Latam Green Recovery

How to shift to a net-zero economy? 

  • How are countries in LATAM developing long-term recovery plans aligned with green recovery?
  • What are the stimulus funds to be spent on environmentally sustainable projects?
  • How to overcome the stake due to climate change and enhance competitiveness in the region?
  • What are the mechanisms and policy measures that will enable diverse investments for key projects in zero-emission transport and other related assets?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 3:45pm - 5:00pm

Long-term Infrastructure Planning

What instruments can guarantee a long-term planning ahead?

  • What are the directions to be considered in the political transition process to ensure the continuity of projects in the infrastructure and energy sector?
  • How should legal reforms be designed to ensure greater attractiveness of the sectors for international and institutional investors?
  • Supplies, Pandemic and recovery: How are risks in contracts provisioned?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 3:45pm - 5:00pm

Unsolicited Proposals from Private Sector

How to change mindsets and develop infrastructure?

  • Can economic recovery strategies be strengthened by USPs?
  • What developers have to have in mind when first approaching government entities to suggest innovative infrastructure proposals?
  • How can social infrastructure and digital infrastructure agendas in Latin America be accelerated by unsolicited initiatives?
  • How can private sector provide a detailed proposal with clear addressing of social and environmental issues?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Brazil Renewables

What are the new trends in wind and solar?

  • What are the bottlenecks in achieving a significant insertion of solar and wind sources in the Brazilian energy matrix?
  • What are the strategies for enhancing productive infrastructure?
  • Can we expect greater growth in installed capacity this year from wind power sources?
  • How is the consumer profile dictating the behavior of the electricity sector and how does decentralized generation fit this context?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Chile Outlook

How will projects continue to flow despite uncertainties?

  • How does the political and economic situation affect overall credit and financing?
  • What are the key-drivers to ensure the continuity and legal certainty of ongoing projects?
  • How will the risks taking change amid the newly elected government? And what is the market sentiment about the progress of the economic recovery?
  • How can the private sector take the lead in fostering new initiatives in the transport and infrastructure sector?
Simultaneous Discussions - 11th May, 5:30pm - 6:45pm

Colombia 5G Transport

Will the projects be on track for international investors and lenders?

  • What are the steps to be followed before august so that the progress of the first wave projects maintains the expected timing for investment?
  • How are the risks being structured and which guarantees can the investor expect?
  • What are the projects expected to connect key corridors for Colombia's foreign trade with multimodality services?
  • What are key points to be addressed in guaranteeing stable and safe profitability in 5G projects?
Opening Session - 12th May, 9:00am - 10:00am

Transport Concessions in Latin America

Strong pipeline or pipe dream? 

  • Retrospective and Current Landscape;
  • “Brazil Connected” Program: Which projects will unlock logistical integration and multimodality?
  • Upcoming Pipeline: What are the shinning stars in Brazil infrastructure sector?
  • What are the mechanisms that will drive legal certainty, regulatory stability and economic predictability?
  • What type of incentives can LATAM operators expect for new projects?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 10:45am - 11:45am

Urban Infrastructure

How can mobility adapt in large urban centers?

  • How has Covid-19 changed the logic of mobility in Latin American cities?
  • What are the strategies for the recovery and integration of metropolitan modes?
  • How are disruptive technologies being incorporated into urban mobility and transport projects?
  • What are the bottlenecks to be overcome in the consolidation of electric mobility?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 10:45am - 11:45am

Energy M&A

What are the shining stars in Latin America?

  • How has the energy M&A wave progressed in LATAM in the past years as a response to COVID-19?
  • How can players have a more proactive approach to ESG transition, with ESG-led M&A?
  • Can new deals catapult investments in disruptive technology? What are the expectations for Energy M&A deals in 2023?
  • How to build an integrated value chain to deliver energy transition products and services?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 10:45am - 11:45am

LATAM Airports

Sold out tickets or still space to land?

  • Risk Management post COVID: Will airport infrastructure projects fly off course?
  • What are the strategies to lower disputes and judicialization?
  • Brazil 7th Round: Mature models to enhance airport infrastructure investments?
  • How can secondary market deliver value enhancement through both operational and financial structuring improvements?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 10:45am - 11:45am

Water Concessions

What's necessary to keep more projects flowing?

  • How can decentralization strategy unlock the potential of the water concessions system in LATAM?
  • What are the legal adjustments needed to set clearer frameworks for new auctions?
  • How Brazil’s momentum is bringing light and investments to water companies and how can LATAM investors be part of it?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 12:15pm - 1:15pm

Mexico Energy

What factors will ensure a smarter energy transition?

  • How Mexico is keeping up with the race for the energy transition in LATAM?
  • How are technologies being incorporated to increase the capacity of generation through clean energies?
  • What are the challenges to implement innovation and define a clear map for Net Zero?
  • How can judicialization in the sector be an obstacle to achieving the decarbonization goals?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 12:15pm - 1:15pm

Peru Concessions

How can concessions overcome political instability?

  • How the persistent governability challenges dampened the investment outlook in Peru?
  • What are the bottlenecks in setting prudent fiscal policy and moderate debt burden?
  • How can risk assignment be designed in project development to lower political-wise uncertainty and grid-locked policymaking?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 12:15pm - 1:15pm

Brazil Highways

Which projects will drive the transport revolution?

  • Federal Concessions: How will free flow be incorporated into new projects?
  • What are the pipeline in public consultation that will increase investors' appetite in 2022?
  • What are the evolutions in road safety and how projects are incorporating technology to mitigate accidents?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 2:30pm - 3:45pm

International Supply Chains

How can Latam ensure integrated logistics platforms?

  • What policies and legal adjustments are needed to structure integrated logistics networks?
  • How to define strategic clusters and optimize cargo flow?
  • What alignments should be made with ports, railways, shippers and industry players to define integrated logistics zones?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 2:30pm - 3:45pm

Digital Infrastructure

A vital element in Latam recovery from COVID-19?

  • Which regulatory drivers will define well-targeted investments in response to sector and community needs?
  • What are the solid initiatives in the region and what has been done to foster digital ecosystems?
  • How can public lighting PPPs leverage digital infrastructure for smart cities in Latin America?
  • How can broadband connectivity and technology provide better infrastructure network transport services?
Simultaneous Discussions - 12th May, 2:30pm - 3:45pm

Energy Transition

What does the next decade look like in Latin America?

  • How can carbon market regulation make net-zero goals achievable? Is it possible to predict how greener LATAM will be?
  • What are the learnings so far about hydrogen production and distribution and which legal regulatory framework could unlock the full potential of H2 in the region?
  • Is there enough demand for EV infrastructure? How countries are adapting?
  • How to align social-economic structures and investments with the transition?
Closing Session - 12th May, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

ESG Bonds and Project Finance

How can Latam be prepared for what comes next?

  • What are the strategies to define local regulatory frameworks on sustainable finance?
  • Beyond bonds issuance, how are infrastructure players working on great governance?
  • How to use the "G" to stimulate " E" and "S" and foster impact investment?
  • How can SLBs maintain greater relevance in the fixed income markets in the next years?
  • How can transparency and standardization instruments unlock and mobilize funds for sustainable infrastructure?
  • Are there mechanisms to ensure that sovereign issuers and other international financial institutions can have better access to the Latin ESG bond market?

Some GRI Infra & Energy Company Members

Grupo CCR
Atlas Renewable Energy - México
Ainda Energía & Infraestructura
Banca de Inversión Bancolombia
Natixis - Colombia
Sacyr - Brasil
Aleatica - México
IFC - International Finance Corporation - Brazil
Vinci Partners - RJ
Aegea Saneamento
BRK Ambiental
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners do Brasil
BlackRock - Mexico
VINCI Airports - Brasil
Zurich Airport Latin America Ltda.
Credit Agricole CIB - México
Egis - Mexico
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
CPPIB - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - UK
CEMIG - Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais S.A.
Itaú BBA S.A
XP Investimentos
CPFL Energia - Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz
ACCIONA - Brasil
ADP International
BNP Paribas - Brazil
Unión para la Infraestructura
SURA Asset Management
Profuturo AFP
Banco Sabadell en Peru
Banco Santander
DP World - USA (Headquarter LATAM)
Grupo Indi
Enel Green Power Brazil
CIBC World Markets plc - Colombia
CDPQ - Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec - Brazil
Total Eren
Siemens Energy Brasil
Prumo Logística
New Development Bank
GS Inima - Brasil
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
Rio De Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Neoenergia is the second largest company in the Brazilian electric sector in terms of number of consumers. It has assets in 18 states of the country and operates throughout the energy chain: generation, transmission, distribution and free energy market.
Mexico City | Mexico
Atlas Renewable Energy is an Actis portfolio company focused on the development, execution and operation of renewable energy projects across Latin America.
+52 (55) 5202 7690
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Ainda is a listed private equity fund (CKD) focused on investing in energy and infrastructure projects in Mexico. Ainda has signed a strategic alliance with Goldman Sachs Merchant Bank Division to identify opportunities to co-invest in the country.
Bogotá | Colombia
Odinsa, a Colombian company, a subsidiary of Grupo Argos, is an organization dedicated to the structuring, management and development of infrastructure projects for highway and airport concessions.
Medellin | Colombia
We are a leading, trendsetting financial group that generates a superior experience for its clients, pride for its employees, and value for its shareholders, in a sustainable manner.
Bogotá | Colombia
Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking Americas advises and assists corporates, institutional investors, insurers, banks and public-sector organizations. We furnish a diversified array of solutions to build long-term, trusting relationships with our clien
Lima | Peru
Madrid | Spain
ROADIS is the investment platform of Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments), dedicated to developing, operating and managing roads worldwide. With more than 2,800 employees, it manages 1,887 kilometres of roads. ROADIS has a total managed investment of over 4.6 billion euros , and operates in six key countries across three continents.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Sacyr’s international expansion enables the company to operate in 29 countries on five continents. Most of the group’s overseas activities are in Latin America, though it also boasts a considerable presence in Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
+52 55 5255 5250
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Founded in 2018, Aleatica was created with the mission of offering safe and sustainable mobility solutions supported by cutting-edge technology that anticipate customer needs. We are a pure transport infrastructure operator, which allows us to focus exclusively on the design and operation of highways and other mobility assets in 6 countries of Europe and Latin America.
Rio De Janeiro | Brazil
Vinci is one of Brazil’s largest alternative investment firms, with over R$ 60bi of AUM. The Real Estate area represents more than R$5,0bi of this AUM with investments across different asset classes and strategies.
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
In the Water and Wastewater segment, BRK Ambiental operates in all regions of the country under full concession (water and wastewater) or partial concession (wastewater) model, as well as through PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) and other associations with state and municipal entities. In addition, it has guaranteed its position with a strategy focused on synergy and on offering quality services. All of this guarantees effective performance when tackling the sanitation deficit challenge present in Brazil, while working in a complementary fashion with the government.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Gestora de ativos nas áreas de Infraestrutura, Energia Renovável, Imobiliário, Recursos Sustentáveis, e Private Equity.
Mexico City | CMX | Mexico
BlackRock is trusted to manage more money than any other investment firm. Our business is investing on behalf of our clients - from large institutions to parents and grandparents, teachers, nurses, doctors and people from all walks of life.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
The Salvador Airport was integrated through a Concession Agreement lasting until 2047 to VINCI Airports, one of the five major global companies in the sector, which develops, finances, builds and operates airports.
Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
Outside Switzerland, Zürich currently operates at nine airports in Latin America (five airports in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis, Vitória, Macaé, and coming soon Natal), two in Chile, one in Colombia (Bogotá) and one in Curaçao). Flughafen Zürich AG has also a base in Malaysia from where it can develop markets in Asia.
+ 5255 9138 1380
Ciudad de México | Federal District | Mexico
CA-CIB has been present in México for almost 50 years, offering credit assessment for Syndicated Loan Facilities; Structured Finance, Project Finance, Specialized Lending, Export & Trade Finance; Advisory and Equity Capital Markets, and others.
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Egis is an international player in consultancy, construction engineering, and mobility services. We design and operate intelligent infrastructures and buildings, addressing climate change challenges and fostering balanced, sustainable, and resilient territorial development. With a presence in 120 countries and 18,000 employees, Egis utilizes its expertise to serve clients and innovate across diverse projects, impacting societies globally. Our mission is to align quality of life improvements, socio-economic development, and carbon emission reduction, striving for net zero emissions by 2050. Shareholders include Tikehau Capital (40%) via T2 Energy Transition fund, Caisse des Dépôts (34%), and management/employees (26%) via Egis Partenaires and Corporate Mutual Fund.
Safat | Kuwait
Toronto | Ontario | Canada
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan is Canada's largest single-profession pension plan with $175.6 billion in net assets.
+44 20 3205 3500
London | United Kingdom
We are a professional investment management organization that invests the funds of the Canada Pension Plan on behalf of its 20 million Canadian contributors and beneficiaries.
+55 31 3506 4900
Belo Horizonte | MG | Brazil
The main transmission company in Brazil, ISA CTEEP transports about 24% of all electricity produced in the country and almost 100% in the State of São Paulo.
SAO PAULO | SP | Brazil
Maior Banco da América Latina em Valor de Mercado.
+55 11 3513-8008
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
One of the largest investment companies in Brazil. For more than 15 years, XP has been transforming the investment market in the country. Today, XP are the reference when it comes to investment advice.
+55 19 3756-8111
Campinas | SP | Brazil
CPFL Energia, for 106 years in the electricity sector, has been active in the distribution, generation, trading and services segments. Since January 2017, the Group has been part of the Chinese state-owned State Grid.
+55 11 3074-2404 (Ramal 14418)
Vitória | ES | Brazil
Arteris é uma das maiores companhias do setor de concessões de rodovias do Brasil em quilômetros administrados, com mais de 3.400km. Administra rodovias localizadas nos estados de SP, MG, RJ, PR e SC, além de 5 concessões federais e 4 estaduais em SP.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Socicam contributes with pioneerism & efficiency to the sustainable development of the infrastructure and mobility. In Latin America, it takes leading position in the management of passengers in bus terminals, airports and ports.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
ACCIONA is a leader in providing sustainable solutions for infrastructure and renewable energy projects across the world. Its offer covers the whole value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. With a presence in more than 30 countries, the Group develops its business activities based on the desire to contribute to economic and social development in the communities in which it operates.
Paris | France
Groupe ADP, through its subsidiary ADP International, is one of the few players covering every aspect of the airport’s value chain, from the financing to the design and operation of an airport.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Leading group in banking and financial services in Europe, it is divided into three business areas: Asset Management, Corporate and Institutional Banking and Asset Management.
601 - 5800014
Lima | Peru
Credicorp is Peru’s largest financial holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Credicorp provides commercial banking, microlending, insurance, pension fund management and financial advisory services at an international level.
Santiago | Colombia
SURA Asset Management is the leading pension fund manager in LatAm with over US$100 bn of AUM and 17 million clients across the continent
Lima | Peru
Profuturo AFP is part of Scotiabank, one of the world's leading financial institutions.
Lima | Peru
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español integrado por diferentes bancos marcas sociedades filiales y Sociedades participadas.
Madrid | Spain
Santander Corporate & Investment Banking is Santander’s global division that supports corporate and institutional clients, offering tailored services and value-added wholesale products suited to their complexity and sophistication, while adhering to responsible banking standards that contribute to the progress of society.
Charlotte | NC | USA
DP World is the leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain. We operate multiple related businesses – from marine and inland terminals, marine services, logistics and ancillary services, to technology-driven trade solutions. Our portfolio of more than 150 operations in over 50 countries in six continents gives us a significant presence both in high-growth and mature markets. DP World’s has more than 50,000 employees from 120 countries.
+52 (55) 5540-6750
Naucalpan de Juárez | MEX | Angola
Grupo Indi es un grupo empresarial mexicano con amplia experiencia en construcción marítima, construcción pesada, edificación y obras electromecánicas. Con más de 40 años de experiencia participamos activamente en el desarrollo de infraestructura, bajo la modalidad APP, incluyendo desarrollos de vialidades, movilidad, infraestructura social y comercial, a través de 4 unidades de negocio.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
+57 (1) 5169047
Bogotá | Colombia
CIBC (CM: NYSE, TSX) is a leading Canadian-based global financial institution with a market capitalization of $50 billion and a Basel III Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 11.2%. Through our major business units — Canadian Personal & Small Business Banking, Canadian Commercial Banking & Wealth Management, U.S. Commercial Banking & Wealth Management and Capital Markets – our more than 44,000 employees provide a full range of financial products and services to 10 million individual, small business, commercial, corporate and institutional clients in Canada, the U.S. and around the world. CIBC’s Capital Markets business provides best-in-class insight, advice, and execution across global markets, investment banking, corporate banking and research to corporate, government and institutional clients in key markets globally. CIBC has been consistently recognized with multiple awards at the IJGlobal Americas Deals of the Year Awards for Global Infrastructure & Power since 2015.
Financial Consultant/Advisor
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Canadian long-term institutional investor, CDPQ has been a major infrastructure investor for more than 15 years.
Paris | France
Total Eren in Brazil is now strongly considering investment in wind and is focused on building an exclusive investment partnership with Petrobras dedicated to onshore wind & solar.
Jundiaí | SP | Brazil
With more than 100 years of experience in the country, the Siemens transforms its excellence in electrification, automation and digitization into solutions to break borders and bring ingenuity to Brazilians.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Shanghai | Shanghai | China
New Development Bank is a multilateral development bank set up by the BRICS countries, and has been instituted with a vision to support and foster infrastructure and sustainable development initiatives in emerging economies.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.
+55 41 3330 4700
Curitiba | PR | Brazil
Acting in the areas of construction and restoration of highways, railways, concession of highways, viaducts, dams and infrastructure. Company with 100% national capital, mainly works in the public works segment.
Bogotá | Colombia
Joyco es una empresa de asesoramiento experto en todo el ciclo de vida de los proyectos. Participamos en la planeación, construcción, operación y mantenimiento de cualquier iniciativa de infraestructura civil. En su portafolio de servicios ofrece: estructuración de proyectos, estudios y trabajos de campo, diseños, seguimiento y control, debida diligencia, asesorías técnicas especializadas y a financiadores y solución de controversias y litigios en iniciativas de infraestructura civil.
Aldo Malpartida
Aldo Malpartida
Principal Investment OfficerIDB Invest
I am a seasoned business executive with 20 years’ experience leading the origination, structuring and management of principal and syndicated investments, including structured debt, mezzanine, and private equity. I am passionate about serving my clients, while structuring investments that adequately balance risk and return.

My areas of expertise include Energy, Infrastructure, and Extractives (Oil, Gas & Mining). I have arranged syndicated loans and mezzanine/equity investments across Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Currently, I lead business origination and structuring for IDB Invest in the Infrastructure and Energy space of Peru and Bolivia.
Aldo Reggiardo
Aldo Reggiardo
PartnerCuatrecasas - Peru
Ana Cândida De Mello
Ana Cândida De Mello
Partner - InfrastructureBMA Advogados
Ana Cândida experience involves various Administrative Law matters: public procurement and government agreements, concession of public services, public-private partnerships, public companies, administrative corruption, accountability and fiscal responsibility, corporate social investment, regulated sectors, administrative proceedings with public and controlling entities (Audit Courts and Comptrollers).She participated in relevant infrastructure projects related to airport, port,railway and water and sewage sectors. She is internationally referenced in relevant legal guides, such as Chambers & Partners Latin America and The Legal 500. She is also CP³P-F certified, that’s granted by the APGM Public–Private Partnerships Certification Program.
Andre Clark
Andre Clark
Senior Vice President for Latin America and Vice President BrazilSiemens Energy Brasil
André Clark began his career in the Pulp&Paper industry in 1995. He has 17 years of experience in Energy, Oil&Gas, Manufacturing, Logistics and Infrastructure areas. He was CEO of Acciona for Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay. Now, Mr Clark is the President and CEO of Siemens Brazil, since November, 1st, 2017. He holds Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and MBA in Finance and Operations Management from New York University Stern School of Business.
André De Angelo
André De Angelo
Country DirectorACCIONA
Country Director of ACCIONA Infraestructuras in Brazil, he is a Civil Engineer with an MBA in Business and Commercial Management. He began his career as a Construction Engineer at Andrade Gutierrez, where he worked for 17 years and was the Director of the Latin America Market, responding to the commercial and operational management of the company's projects in Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, among others. He also worked for 2 years as Executive Director for the Southern Cone region at Pentech, a multinational company of EPCenergy and industrial projects. At ACCIONA,with his strategic vision and experience in contract management, he is responsible for developing business in the areas of construction, concessions, industrial, water and services.
Benjamín Torres-Barrón
Benjamín Torres-Barrón
PartnerBaker McKenzie
Benjamín Torres-Barrón leads Baker McKenzie's Energy, Mining & Infrastructure Practice Group in Mexico. He handles all legal matters related to the development of real estate, mining, infrastructure and major projects, and advises clients on the development of projects relating to electricity, oil, gas, fuels, water, waste, LPG, LNG, biofuels, energy efficiency and public bids called by Mexican government agencies. Benjamín also represents clients before the regulatory authorities and agencies in matters regarding permitting for energy projects, and advises clients on maritime and navigation matters, due diligence, contracts and financing, as well as regulatory issues.
Blanca Rodriguez
Blanca Rodriguez
With more than 20 years of experience in Finance, advisory and fund management, Ms. Rodriguez has been actively involved in the capital raising, originating, structuring and execution of over US$6.5 billion of debt and equity transactions in real estate and infrastructure in various countries of Latam and the US. Ms. Rodriguez is currently CFO at Marhnos, a leading Mexican company, with more than 6 decades of experience specialized in real estate and infrastructure projects. Prior to Marhnos, Ms. Rodriguez was Managing Director of the Banyan Tree Mexico Hospitality Fund.
Brigitt Bencich Aguilar
Brigitt Bencich Aguilar
Presidenta del DirectorioCOFIDE
Bruno Sena
Bruno Sena
He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, having started his career in the financial market at Banco Opportunity. He was previously Managing Director at Internet Group, company integrated by iG, BrTurbo and iBest. In 2009, he joined Angra Infra as Managing Partner, where he could manage a wide range of investment in infrastructure. In 2013, he founded Barbosa Mello Investimentos, an infrastructure investment holding company. The company currently has investments in sectors such as water, energy, social infrastructure, street lighting and transports.
Carlos Barrera
Carlos Barrera
CEOAtlas Renewable Energy
Carlos Barrera (Ucho) is currently CEO of Atlas Renewable Energy. Before joining Atlas Renewable Energy, Ucho worked at SunEdison for six years, as Managing Director & VP for Latin America where he grew the business from scratch to invest $1bn in a span of 4 years, and develop 500MW+ of projects financed and constructed. Prior to that time, Ucho was at BP in multiple executive roles across Oil & Gas, Cleantech Venture Capital, and Alternative Energy in London, Australia, China and Madrid. Ucho holds an Engineering degree from Lehigh University, a PLD certificate from Harvard University, and an Executive MBA from Kellogg, Northwestern University.
César Cañedo-Arguelles
César Cañedo-Arguelles
César Canedo-Arguelles is the CEO of CIFI, the leading non-banking financial institution in Latin America and the Caribbean in the fields of infrastructures and energy. He is a Founding Member of CIFI and he leads the global development of the company, especially the advisory, financing and fund management activities. Today, the company has taken part in over 160 projects with a total investment of $1.3 billion in the region.
César Ramírez
César Ramírez
Portfolio ManagerUnión para la Infraestructura
César Ramirez holds a MBA at the Kellog School of Management, MPA at the Kennedy School of Government Harvard. Has more than 20 years experience in investments. Former Managing Director of Petroperú, before starting in Credicorp worked as managing director at Trafigura Colombia, ING Funds, was Vice-president at AIC International Investments and held the position of investments specialist at IFC.
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
CEOR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Cristina joined R&Q in 2015 as a Head of PPP Investment. She holds an Economy degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master´s degree in Infrastructure Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Prior to joining R&Q Cristina worked in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and America as CEO of multinational engineering companies and advised Banks, IFIs and Investors in infrastructure projects, with a remarkable specialization in PPP structures. Cristina also served as Strategic Director for Ayesa in Spain and now is part of the Commercial Board of R&Q Group in Chile. Today Cristina manages a portfolio of infrastructure investment of more than USD 1,000 Mill in Chile.
Daniella Barros
Daniella Barros
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure ProjectsVale
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure Projects with a demonstrated history of working in the mining & metals, port and railway industries. Strong operations professional skilled in Negotiation, Operations Management, Supply Chain Optimization, Demand Planning, and Operational Excellence.
Dênio Cidreira
Dênio Cidreira
CEOFonte Nova Negócios e Participações
Dênio Cidreira is President of Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova. He is a chemical engineer graduated from UFBA and holds an MBA from FGV and Cranfield (England). He also took the Harvard Business School Product Innovation Leadership Course and the IBGC Management Advisor Course. He previously held positions in the Odebrecht Group, which he joined as Braskem's New Business Manager and gained executive experience by being part the board of several companies within the group: Santo Antonio Energia, Odebrecht Ambiental (currently BRK Ambiental) and Odebrecht Properties.
Diana Muñozcano
Diana Muñozcano
CIOGrupo Indi
Jordi Tasias
Jordi Tasias
Managing Director, Latin AmericaCDPQ
Jordi Tasias is a Managing Director in the Private Equity team. He heads the Mexico office from which he oversees the activities in Latin America (outside of Brazil), including CDPQ’s private equity activities. He also supports the Infrastructure team’s business development activities. Mr. Tasias joined CDPQ in April 2018 as a Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships in the Growth Markets team. He has almost 20 years of experience in investment banking in Europe and Latin America. He spent much of his career at BBVA in Spain and Mexico, where he led the Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Markets teams. Before that, he worked at KPMG Corporate Finance in Madrid and London, and at Clairfield M&A Advisors in Barcelona.
Jorge Valenzuela
Jorge Valenzuela
Principal & Managing Director, Advisory ServicesARUP
Jorge Valenzuela has 20 years of experience in investments, asset management, and project management of real assets in the US and Latin America. Jorge's areas of expertise include financial and technical advisory for the development, investment and financing of public infrastructure and real estate projects. At Arup, Jorge leads the Advisory Services team for San Francisco and Latin America and has directed engagements in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and the US. Civil Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, has a Master degree in construction management and real estate from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, and an MBA degree from University of California at Berkeley.
José Guilherme Souza
José Guilherme Souza
Managing Partner - Head of Infrastructure InvestmentsVinci Partners
Mr Souza has been with Vinci Partners since inception, and had been manager of FIP Brasil Energia while at Banco Pactual until 2009. At Vinci, Mr Souza was responsible for monitoring the investment in Equatorial Energia until 2015 and has served as board member of Celpa (Centrais Eletrica do Para), Cecrisa, and is still at the board of Grupo CBO. He holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá (EFEI) and an MBA with a major in Corporate Finance and Accounting from University of Rochester, New York (Beta Gamma Sigma award).
José María Zertuche
José María Zertuche
Managing Director, InfrastructureBlackRock
Mr. Zertuche has over 16 years of experience investing in Mexican real assets. He is former Vice-President of I2, the leading infrastructure investment manager in Mexico acquired by BlackRock in October, 2015. His prior experience is in investment banking, including M&A, debt and equity capital markets transactions, asset management, strategy and operations. Mr. Zertuche was a founder of Infraestructura Institucional ("I2") in 2010, and served as Chief Financial and Investment Officer since its inception in 2010. Prior to founding Infraestructura Institucional, Mr. Zertuche served as Chief Investment and Control Officer of Mexico Retail Properties ("MRP Group"), which he co-founded in October 2002.
Joswilb Vega Ugarte
Joswilb Vega Ugarte
Chief Investment OfficerProfuturo AFP
Julian Torrado
Julian Torrado
Managing DirectorCIBC
Laura Rodriguez
Laura Rodriguez
Head Of Business DevelopmentRoadis Colombia
Leopoldo Pellon
Leopoldo Pellon
Director Operations AmericaSacyr
Marilene Ramos
Marilene Ramos
Diretora de Relações Institucionais e SustentabilidadeGrupo Águas do Brasil
Sou diretora de Relações Institucionais e Sustentabilidade do Grupo Águas do Brasil. Fui diretora de Infraestrutura e Sustentabilidade do BNDES e também presidente do IBAMA e do Instituto Estadual do Ambiente do Rio de Janeiro. Sou Engenheira Civil e Doutora em Engenharia Ambiental pela COPPE/UFRJ, coordenadora do Comitê de Sustentabilidade da ABDIB - Associação Brasileira da Infraestrutura e Indústrias de Base - e membro do Conselho de Administração do Instituto Clima e Sociedade.
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri is president of the Odinsa Group. Previously, he worked as vice president for the Caribbean region and legal representative of Cementos Argos and as manager of Industrial Business and national manager of Marketing. He studied Business Administration and specialization in International Marketing at EAFIT University (Medellin). He also did the Advanced Management Program of the University of La Sabana (Bogotá) and the CEO's Management Program of the Kellogg School of Management (Illinois).
Miguel Toledo
Miguel Toledo
CIO – Energy Sector LeadIFC
Mr Toledo has more than 15 years of experience structuring financing for power, gas, transport, and water projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. He is currently a Chief Investment Officer within IFC's Latin America Infrastructure and Natural Resources group, leading IFC's efforts in Central America, the Caribbean and the Andean regions. Prior to joining IFC in 2005, Mr. Toledo worked at CAF and Citigroup. Mr. Toledo holds a bachelor degree in civil engineering from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and a Masters in Business Administration from McGill University in Montreal.
Otavio Silveira
Otavio Silveira
Managing Director and Board Member at OpyIG4 Capital
More than 20 years of top management experience over complex assets and businesses, taking part and leading several M&A processes on different industries. Strong experience in infrastructure industry, specially on startup and turnaround processes, taking active participation on real estate, road operation, energy and sanitation markets. Specialties: Strategic and financial planning; Long-term contracts management; Team leadership; Negotiation; Improvement of corporate reputation; Start-up and turnaround processes leadership.
Paola Larrahondo
Paola Larrahondo
Partner, InfrastructureGómez-Pinzón
Lawyer of Los Andes University admitted to practice in 2007, Specialist in Public Management and Administrative Institutions, and Master in Law and Economics (Universita di Bologna/Aix-Marseille Université -EMLE European Master in Law & Economics). Recipient of the Colfuturo scholarship (2014). Paola is a member of the Administrative, Constitutional and Infrastructure Team. Prior to joining our law firm, she was working as a legal advisor of the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and has experience as public server in national and local institutions as a Legal Chief or Legal advisor. Her practice focuses on administrative procedures, in constitutional and contentious administrative lawsuits, public policy design, public affairs.
Ricardo Alves
Ricardo Alves
Senior Vice President - Infrastructure Private EquityGIC
Twelve years of experience investing in public and private equities in LatAm. Sector experience includes consumer, education, retail, healthcare at Warburg Pincus and infrastructure at GIC. He is responsible for origination and execution of transactions in the Digital Infrastructure and Transportation & Logistics sub-sectors as well as regional lead for high yield infrastructure debt in South and Central America.
Rubén López
Rubén López
Director GeneralAleatica México
Rubén López Barrera studied the Degree in Civil Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana; Master of Science in Management of the Master’s Program from Stanford University; Master of Business Administration from the joint program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He has more than 20 years of experience in the structuring of infrastructure projects, holding various positions within ICA as Executive Director and Director of Human, Legal and Communication Resources of Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte (OMA)and as Director of Business Development and Director of Project Financing of ICA. From 2006 to 2009 he was General Director of OMA
Sylvia Brasil Coutinho
Sylvia Brasil Coutinho
Country Head UBS GroupUBS
CEO of UBS in Brazil, Sylvia is responsible for all business lines, including the country's largest brokerage firm, Investment Banking and Wealth Management. She was responsible for the strategic direction and management of Retail Banking, Insurance, Wealth Management and Asset Management for HSBC across Latin America. She joined HSBC and held a number of positions including CEO of Asset Management for the Americas and Emerging Markets. She began her career at Citigroup in Brazil, acting in the United States, Europe and Asia. She holds a BS in Engineering from the USP – Brazil, and an MBA from Columbia University. Is currently a member of the Board of Edenred, Brazil Foundation NGO and also supports Instituto Ayrton Senna.

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Wednesday, May 11 
11:30 - 13:30 
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+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
A Accenture é uma empresa líder global em serviços profissionais, com ampla atuação e oferta de soluções em estratégia de negócios, consultoria, digital, tecnologia e operações. Combinando experiência ímpar e competências especializadas em mais de 40 indústrias e todas as funções corporativas – e fortalecida pela maior rede de prestação de serviços no mundo –, a Accenture trabalha na interseção de negócio e tecnologia para ajudar companhias a melhorar seu desempenho e criar valor sustentável para seus stakeholders. Com cerca de 442.000 profissionais atendendo a clientes em mais de 120 países, a Accenture impulsiona a inovação para aprimorar a maneira como o mundo vive e trabalha. Visite
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
Bogotá | Distrito Capital de Bogotá | Colombia
New York | USA
Baker McKenzie is recognized worldwide for its best-in-class client service, practices and for carrying out the most deals year-after-year through our unmatched global platform across 77 offices and 47 emerging and developed countries. Companies based in or with operations in Latin America, routinely rely on our leading cross-border and Latin America energy, mining & infrastructure attorneys for their most important transactional and disputes matters. As the largest law firm in Latin America with over 850 attorneys, we offer clients 60+ years of on-the-ground presence in the region, unique coverage in Latin America across our 15 offices and 7 countries*, and from major finance centers globally. *Through a cooperation agreement with Trench Rossi Watanabe, a Brazilian law firm
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
New York | NY | USA
Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary, and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective, and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, a leading provider of credit market data, analytical tools and risk services; and Fitch Learning, a preeminent training and professional development firm. With dual headquarters in London and New York, Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. For additional information, please visit
Lima | Peru
+55 11 4550-6720
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCCC South America Regional Company was established in May 2016. Its headquarters are located in São Paulo, and its registration is in Luxembourg. In 2017 ,PC South America Regional Company acquired Concremat, a reputable Brazilian company in the field of Engineering Consulting. With 67 years old, Concremat has consolidated itself as the leader in Brazil in engineering projects and consultancy.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Concremat Engineering and Technology leads the ranking of the engineering consultancy companies in Brazil. With 65 years of experience, Concremat has its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and strategically sited branches in nine different Brazilian state capitals – São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Vitória, Brasília, Fortaleza, Salvador, Manaus and Porto Alegre. Our approximately 2,800 employees are proud to contribute to the development of Brazil through their work. It is through the work that we participate, in partnership with our customers, that we help reinforcing the important role of engineering as an agent for transformation of a country. In 2017, Concremat started to be part of the China Communications Construction Company – CCCC group. Ranked #3 in the international ranking of the Engineering News-Record, CCCC is one of the world leaders in the segments of infrastructure projects and construction, with over 100 years of experience.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Existimos para moldar melhores decisões - para proteger e enriquecer a vida das pessoas em todo o mundo. Nossa equipe fornece aos nossos clientes, em mais de 120 países, consultoria e soluções que lhes dão clareza e confiança para tomar as melhores decisões para proteger e expandir seus negócios.
New York | NY | USA
SMBC Group is a top-tier global financial group. Headquartered in Tokyo and with a 400-year history, SMBC Group offers a diverse range of financial services, including banking, leasing, securities, credit cards, and consumer finance. The Group has more than 140 offices and 86,000 employees worldwide in nearly 40 countries. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. (SMFG) is the holding company of SMBC Group, which is one of the three largest banking groups in Japan. SMFG’s shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York (NYSE: SMFG) stock exchanges. As of December 31, 2021, its total assets were $2.18 trillion.
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