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Gobernanza Intermodal - ¿Cómo impactará el nuevo ministerio la inversión regional?

 ¿Cómo impactará el nuevo ministerio la inversión regional?


24th September
09:30 - 11:30 | PET (GMT-5)
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22 people are attending
Credit: Freepik / Freepik
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
As a global leader, Alvarez & Marsal is noted for its performance enhancement, restructuring and business consultancy services, which focus on boosting growth and accelerating results for clients. A&M has extensive experience in the infrastructure area and has delivered various management, restructuring and asset valuation projects for highway, port, energy and telecom ventures. A&M believes Brazil is a market that presents a range of opportunities that will help expand its service portfolio. It has therefore created the Infrastructure & Capital Projects (I&CP) department, staffed with consultants trained to offer clients a multidisciplinary approach analyzing a wide range of issues, including, strategy, finance, capital structure, tax, licensing, management and construction support, dispute resolution and asset development. A&M provides potential investors with support during the privatization process and is a one-stop-shop capable of validating underlying value-generating processes.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
Bogotá | Distrito Capital de Bogotá | Colombia
Lima | Peru
El Estudio Echecopar tiene una amplia trayectoria de 69 años atendiendo a clientes nacionales e internacionales, combinando su amplio conocimiento y experiencia local con los recursos globales y el alcance de Baker McKenzie.
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107

Perú quiere posicionarse como una potencia logística, y ha estado invirtiendo fuertemente en una serie de proyectos de infraestructura para reforzar su competitividad regional. Un ejemplo es el Eje Logístico de Callao-Chancay, que incluye proyectos como el Puerto de Chancay y el Parque Industrial de Ancón. 

Proinversión y el MTC están analizando 20 proyectos de mantenimiento y rehabilitación, explorando los diversos paquetes de concesiones que podrían crearse para despertar el apetito de los inversionistas. También está estudiando otros proyectos aeroportuarios y portuarios para integrar plenamente la región. 

Pero ahora, con el reciente anuncio de la creación del Ministerio de Infraestructura, ¿cómo se verá afectada la planeación, la licitación y las operaciones de estos proyectos? 

Los inversores, concesionarios y desarrolladores del GRI se reunirán con los directores de Proinversión para explorar los puntos fuertes y las áreas de oportunidad dentro de la gobernanza de los proyectos y cómo los sectores público y privado pueden unir sus fuerzas para transformar el transporte y la logística de Peru.


Proyectos Intermodales de Transporte - ¿Qué licitaciones se avecinan en puertos, aeropuertos y carreteras? ¿Qué incentivos están ofreciendo para asegurar que sean atractivas para los inversionistas?
Cambios regulatorios - ¿Qué impacto tendrá en la labor de Proinversión la nueva conformación del Ministerio de Infraestructura?
Gobernanza - ¿Qué criterios de gobernanza están incorporando para asegurar posicionar a Perú como una potencia logística?
Paquetes Atractivos - ¿Cómo crear paquetes de licitación para incentivar la inversión institucional?
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* Confirmo que he leído y acepto los Términos y Condiciones de GRI Club.
Sectoral Club Partners Latam
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
As a global leader, Alvarez & Marsal is noted for its performance enhancement, restructuring and business consultancy services, which focus on boosting growth and accelerating results for clients. A&M has extensive experience in the infrastructure area and has delivered various management, restructuring and asset valuation projects for highway, port, energy and telecom ventures. A&M believes Brazil is a market that presents a range of opportunities that will help expand its service portfolio. It has therefore created the Infrastructure & Capital Projects (I&CP) department, staffed with consultants trained to offer clients a multidisciplinary approach analyzing a wide range of issues, including, strategy, finance, capital structure, tax, licensing, management and construction support, dispute resolution and asset development. A&M provides potential investors with support during the privatization process and is a one-stop-shop capable of validating underlying value-generating processes.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
Bogotá | Distrito Capital de Bogotá | Colombia
Lima | Peru
El Estudio Echecopar tiene una amplia trayectoria de 69 años atendiendo a clientes nacionales e internacionales, combinando su amplio conocimiento y experiencia local con los recursos globales y el alcance de Baker McKenzie.

Participantes Confirmados

Almendra Pachari
Almendra Pachari
Cuatrecasas - Peru
Ana Reyna Palacios
Ana Reyna Palacios
Of CounselEstudio Echecopar
Carlos Monteza
Carlos Monteza
SocioCuatrecasas - Peru
Giuliana Cavassa
Giuliana Cavassa
Gerente Legal y de Asuntos CorporativosAndino
Lima | Peru
We are a Peruvian company with more than 84 years of experience, organized into three business lines: Engineering and Construction, Infrastructure and Real Estate.
Javier Lamarque
Javier Lamarque
Gerente Comercial de Cartas FianzaAVLA Seguros
Joel Hinojosa
Joel Hinojosa
Ejecutivo del Departamento de Financiamiento de InfraestructuraCOFIDE
Juan Carlos De La Concha
Juan Carlos De La Concha
Country ManagerMarhnos
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This event is exclusive for GRI members.
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