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Coup d’envoi du marché immobilier en 2023

26 janvier
16:00 - 17:30 | Central European Time (GMT+1)
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Cette adhésion vous donnera un accès gratuit à notre communauté internationale, en vous permettant d'entrer en contact avec plus de 10 mille membres, ainsi que de participer de manière illimitée à nos évènements de courtoisie en ligne.

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* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
65 people are attending
Credit: Marina Datsenko / Shuttertosck
L’économie française est affectée par des phénomènes internes et externes qui brouillent les prévisions pour le marché immobilier en 2023. Malgré le contexte d’incertitude, les économistes sont d’accord pour annoncer un rétrécissement du nombre de transactions immobilières par rapport à 2022, ainsi qu’une montée importante des enjeux environnementaux.

Participants confirmés

Imagem Guillaume Joly

Guillaume Joly
Directeur du Département Research France
Imagem Michel Baroni

Michel Baroni
Dean of Faculty
Imagem Arnaud Taverne

Arnaud Taverne
Directeur Général / Chief Executive Officer
Imagem Isabelle Clerc

Isabelle Clerc
Director of Real Estate Investment
Imagem Laurent Diot

Laurent Diot
Imagem Philippe Duvergne

Philippe Duvergne
Head of REF France

What is an eMeeting? How can I participate?

Our discussion co-chairs kick off the knowledge exchange. After that, you can join it as much as you like:
peer-to-peer, capital to product, and behind closed doors.
Who can join
What is an eMeeting
An exclusive, private and regular online gathering of the Club Members. Is the seniority of the boardroom from the convenience of your desktop.
Who can join
Who can join
Senior investors, lenders and developers active in the infrastructure and real estate market.
Who can join
How to join
Click on "Join the Event". After that, our team will check your eligibility. If you qualify, you will get your GRI eMembership (no cost, contract or expiration date).

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Les GRI e-meetings offrent une opportunité unique de visibilité aux acteurs de l’immobilier dans le monde 
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Opportunités de Sponsorship

Successful registration
* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
Pan European Club Partner
Club Partners
Industry Partners
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.
Boulogne-Billancourt | France
Accenta s'attaque à un immense défi environnemental : décarboner le chauffage et la climatisation des bâtiments, qui représentent 10% des émissions mondiales de CO2. Elle est issue de 3 années de R&D au X-Novation Center de l'Ecole Polytechnique. Grâce à des innovations portées par l'Intelligence Artificielle, l'entreprise a mis au point des technologies énergétiques uniques qui rendent accessibles et garantissent aux propriétaires immobiliers une décarbonation drastique du chauffage et de la climatisation. Avec la chaufferie bas carbone et la plateforme d'optimisation d'Accenta, vous chauffez et climatisez vos bâtiments de manière compétitive en divisant par 14 vos émissions de carbone et réduisant vos émissions carbone jusqu’à -95%.
Sienna Real Estate (formerly L'Etoile Properties), a pan-European investment manager, present in Amsterdam, Hamburg, Paris, Madrid, London and Seoul. For more than 30 years, we have been a long-term partner for international investors, accompanying them throughout the entire property investment cycle. Currently, we manage 98 real estate assets that represent an approximate value of 7,000 million euros and have the support of more than 100 employees. Since 2021, we have been part of Sienna Investment Managers, the Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL) platform for alternative investments and real assets. With this merger, Sienna further expanded into third-party asset management and now oversees €10 billion on behalf of its shareholder GBL and international clients.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
This eMeeting is exclusive
for Premium members
This event is exclusive for GRI members.