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GRI Residencial para Renda eSummit 2021

04, 05 e 06 de maio
Brasilia Time (GMT-3)

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Participação é restrita a Membros do Clube e eMembers.

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168 pessoas estão participando
Credit: elxeneize / Envato Elements
Lucas Tortelli
Lucas Tortelli
CEO & PartnerArchipelago - Grupo Mauá
Lucas Tortelli is an executive with solid knowledge about hospitality and real estate industries, with more than 15 years of experience in leadership roles, he has been leading hotel teams of different markets and sizes, as well as leading some of the main real estate entities in Brazil. He was also the Business Development Director of Smartus, a content based spin off of GRI Club with the mission of sharing the best practices and reliable information about the Real Estate industry for emerging markets. Nowadays, he is the responsible for the strategy and operations of GRI Club in Brazil, developing a high-level networking environment and helping to gather the world’s leading Real Estate players across the globe.
Robinson Silva
Robinson Silva
Robinson Silva
COO and Partner
GRI Club
+55 11 99955-5662
+55 11 2391 5583
Robinson Silva is the COO of the GRI Club, which brings together leading real estate and infrastructure players in more than 100 countries. He leads the club's real estate market division in Brazil, including conferences and exclusive activities for members in the residential, land development, malls, retail, hospitality, offices, industrial and logistics segments. He is also a moderator of debates with essential players in the market, economy, and politics. He has an extensive network of relationships and broad experience in the Latin American and Brazilian real estate industry and the financial and credit areas. He holds a degree in Public Relations and postgraduate degrees in Marketing and Project Management.  

Com o objetivo de debater sobre novos modelos de negócio e como será o futuro da moradia no Brasil, os membros de Real Estate Brasil do GRI Club se reunirão nos dias 04, 05 e 06 de maio para o GRI Residencial para Renda eSummit 2021. Em 03 dias de sessões online, discutiremos tendências do setor, novos desenvolvimentos, perspectivas e aprendizados, além de novas oportunidades de negócio que o setor terá nos próximos meses frente à sua consolidação no País.

Networking & Formato Interativo
Nossos co-chairs iniciam a rodada de discussão e troca de conhecimentos. Depois disso, você pode participar da forma como quiser; de pessoa para pessoa, entre colegas sênior do setor à portas fechadas.
Planeje suas reuniões comerciais e faça networking com os participantes dos eSummits
Discussões privadas e informais, destinadas a fomentar a interação e troca de experiências; não apenas com a participação dos co-chairs, mas de todos na sala
Organize uma chamada de vídeo, ou verifique quem está online agora (fotos destacadas em verde) para enviar uma mensagem instantânea
Siga nossas sugestões de matchmaking, com leads comerciais gerados por IA com base em suas preferências
4 de maio | 09:00 - 10:00 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)

Consolidation of the Multifamily Model in Brazil

Good winds ahead?

  • Demand, Development, and Price - Where are the opportunities for the Multifamily asset class?
  • Accelerated Trends - What to expect in the medium and long term for the Brazilian market?
  • Rising Markets - Which are worth highlighting and how to achieve economies of scale?
  • International Investments - What do international investors expect from the Multifamily segment?

5 de maio | 09:00 - 09:10 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)

Perspectivas e tendências no setor

Breve overview com apresentação de dados consolidados do setor

5 de maio | 09:10 - 10:30 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)

Mercado de Residencial para Renda e Estruturação Financeira

Como estruturar projetos rentáveis? 

  • Levantando Capital - Quais estruturas financeiras levar em consideração ao buscar o desenvolvimento e investimento em novos projetos? 
  • Fluxos de Capital - As Joint Ventures entre investidores domésticos e internacionais são o destaque para o futuro? 
  • Investimentos Internacionais - Como os fundos enxergam a estratégia de médio-longo prazo no mercado brasileiro?
6 de maio | 09:00 - 10:30 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)

Gestão e Operação de Ativos

Quais os desafios impostos ao modelo?

  • Maior Atração - Incorporadora e Fundos enxergando cada vez mais o mercado de aluguéis? 
  • Desenho, Locação e Administração dos Imóveis - Quais os diferenciais na gestão e operações dos ativos? 
  • Marco Regulatório e Desafios Jurídicos - Quais desafios a serem superados em relação à lei do inquilinato?

Torne-se um patrocinador

Entre em contato com nossa equipe e conheça as oportunidades de destaque que melhor se adequa a sua estratégia comercial.

Oportunidades de patrocínio

Successful registration
* Eu confirmo que li e concordo com os Termos e Condições do GRI Club
Global eClub Partner
Club Partners Americas
Club Partners
eClub Partner
IWG is the leading global workspace provider with more than 3300 business centers across the globe. IWG has built an unparalleled network of office, co-working and meeting spaces for companies to use in every city in the world. Through our network of workspaces, IWG enables businesses to enhance productivity and connect over 2.5 million like-minded professionals.
+55 41 3243 2880
Curitiba | Brazil
BRAIN is a company of intelligence, research and market studies in Real Estate. Brain develops quantitative, qualitative researches, product tests, vocational studies and competitive analysis, with its own methodology throughout Brazil.
+55 11 2755-1515
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Global leader in flexible solutions of workspaces, with more than 3.000 business centers in 120 countries, provides convenient and high-quality spaces for people work, for minutes or for years. Companies such as Google, Toshiba and GlaxoSmithKline have chosen Regus as their workspace. The key to the flexible working is the convenience and, therefore, Regus is wherever its 2,1 millions members need. Founded in Brussels, in Belgium, in 1989, Regus is headquartered in Luxembourg and is listed on the London Stock Exchange.
+55 11 5185 4688
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Globally recognized as the best and biggest real estate consulting firm, CBRE stablished in Brazil in 1979 and became one of the largest business platforms in Latin America. The company operates throughout the whole national territory through equipped and specialized departments to provide the best service to all it’s customers. Within an aggressive international policy, through acquisitions of several companies around the world, the company expanded it’s operations both to office and industrial users and occupiers, in Brazil and outside the country. CBRE offers a broad range of integrated services, the growing number of transactions and expertise acquired during its 238 years of existence in the world, provide CBRE a differentiated market knowledge, allowing the identification of the best opportunities and providing excelence to its consulting services, whether its clients are investors, developers, builders, occupants or owners.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
This eMeeting is exclusive
for Premium members
Este evento é exclusivo para membros do GRI.