Participants find the discovery process for sourcing deal flow is most advantageous by welcoming the largest concentration of LP’s developers, asset owners, operators and lenders interested in all European regions and asset classes. Over two days they will engage in a series of informal roundtables where everyone can participate.

Fireside Chat:
Post COVID Accelerated Trends
- COVID Accelerated Trends - Short term vs long term strategies
- The Office of The Future - Sustainable vs fashionable trends
- ESG in Real Estate - 10 years too late to use as a competitive advantage?
- Managing A Global Portfolio - Old risks, new risks and how remain agile
- Diversity and its role in resiliency in commercial real estate
‘On Demand’ Buildings
Are all consumers tech-savvy these days?

Investment Cycle Recovery
Sunny side up or risking over easy?
- Was the bounceback too easy?
- Cyclical downturn vs structural shifts, how to adapt?
- GDP, interest rates & unemployment - Will the markets cool or ramp up?
- Diversification as the only safety net?
- Has COVID changed pricing & leveraging and is it rational?
- Europe Assets - Flight to core or alternatives in the driving seat?
- Europe Regions - Finding Equity Partners & Adjusting Risk Profiles

Student Housing & Co-Living
Still immature or stable diversification opportunities?
- Convergence of Asset Classes - Could Co-Living attract more mainstream investors this way?
- PBSA - Impact of travel restrictions for international students on student housing take up
- Co-Living - Increased importance of accessing communities while living alone; do the rental figures match?
- New Tech - Necessary to increase operational flexibility?
- Leasing Models - Can greater flexibility innovate the product offering?

CEE Supply & Demand
Strategic development opportunities or too risky?
- Investment Volume - Still going strong, but which asset classes & locations are favoured?
- Supply & Demand - Development slowdown causing potential supply constraints?
- Cross Border Activity - Will foreign capital come back or too much risk?
- Vacancies & Rents - Which asset classes will be most resilient?

‘On Demand’ Buildings
Are all consumers tech-savvy these days?
- Changing Demographics - Opportunity or threat?
- Putting the Customers First - Improving the Customer Experience (CX) for higher yields
- Digital solutions for finding and attracting tenants
- Using technology to find optimal development locations

Futurs besoins en bureaux
l’emplacement est-il plus important que le prix ?
- Repenser le bureau traditionnel - rénover ou construire ?
- L'Emplacement, l'emplacement, l'emplacement ? Aligner les priorités sur le prix et l’emplacement
- Flexibilité des baux - les propriétaires et les locataires peuvent-ils se mettre d’accord ?
- Bureaux en France - Panique sur les prix ou garder son calme et continuer ?
- Appétit des investisseurs - Les allocations de capital restent fortes ou trop risquées ?

Liquidity in Living
How is scale, space, rent and demand changing?
Unlocking value and improving asset performance

Office Investments
Values make sense post COVID?
- Pricing, demand & investment fundamentals
- Flight to Core - Is there a new dynamic for commercial office space?
- Grade A Short & Long Term - What forecasts for valuations, capital growth, rents and leasing structures?
- CBD & Prime Locations - What has changed?

Hotels Transactions & Investments
Capital bounceback or still in too deep?
- Hotel Investment Transactions - where is the capital appetite coming from?
- Liquidity - Investors, operators & owners to deploy capital to fill the gap on cash flows?
- Sustainability Strategies: What are the strategies for current assets, ongoing deals and pipeline opportunities?
- Macro trends and Hospitality: What are they and how will they play out in the hospitality industry?

Liquidity in Living
How is scale, space, rent and demand changing?
- Yields, Rents & Rates - Business as usual or shake up expected?
- Government Regulations - Any countries facing regulatory crackdowns on rent?
- Portfolios - Repositioning, JVs & cross border activity
- Risk, Reward & Resilience - Which living sub sectors are ones to buy, which to sell, and where?
- Urban vs Suburban/Migration vs the Return to Work - How is scale, space, rent and demand changing?
- Liquidity in the Markets - Who’s lending where and in what products?

Raising & Allocating Capital
Dry powder en mass but nowhere to go?
- Distressed Investing - Post-pandemic bargain wave or wash out?
- Raising Capital - Where is the capital coming from and will equity pour only in core assets?
- All about Location or are Asset Classes the Main Deciding Factor?
- Lack of Product - No shortage of capital but nowhere to invest?
- Institutional Investment Appetite - What’s changed, what’s staying the same?
- Which assets are most at risk of becoming obsolete?

Unlocking value and improving asset performance
- Gaining the Competitive Edge - How can real estate owners make better use of their data?
- Industry Wide Data Collaboration and Standardisation - Can it become a reality?
- Data Capture and Sharing - Is it possible to improve data interoperability between landlords and tenants?
- Data Ethics and Privacy - Who owns and controls the data generated by users in our buildings?
- How technology is redefining the art and science of valuation
- AI powered lease abstraction for faster decision making

Smart Cities Are Just Smart People
Building the cities of tomorrow from the bottom up
Senior Debt Leveraging
Loan on loans new game, or risk & pricing in dissonance?
Looking Past and Present - Retrofit & Value Add
Modernising existing portfolios to reach a new core?

Valuations & Pricing
Time to sell or double down?
- Continued increase despite pandemic or valuations nightmare?
- Investment Strategies & Risk Appetite - ESG, location or asset class deciding factor?
- Institutional Investment Appetite - What’s changed, what’s staying the same?
- Lack of Product - No shortage of capital but nowhere to invest?
- Office, Hospitality & Retail - Post Covid risk curve too steep or easy ride?
- Valuations - Stable pricing or chaos to come?
- ESG & Climate Risks - Understanding Asset Obsolescence Risks Across Portfolios

Senior Housing, Extra Care & Retirement Assets
Now is the time for scale?
- Demand & Supply Imbalance - Is now the time to scale up?
- Urban Location Opportunities - Neighbourhood assisted living to diversify portfolios & bridge supply gap?
- Working with Operators - The Risks and potential
- Institutional Investment Appetite - What investment models are attracting capital?
- Rental vs For Sale Models - Which Living Concepts Offer the Best Value Proposition for Tenants & Investors?

Senior Debt Leveraging
Loan on loans new game, or risk & pricing in dissonance?
- All about asset classes or location?
- Debt Leveraging - Risk assessment & pricing in dissonance?
- Debt & Finance Recovery - Down goes Bankers’ Appetite, Up Goes the Forward Funding?
- Asset Classes - Are hotels, retail & offices too risky?
- Risk Profile - Will lenders have to go up the risk curve post-COVID?
- How has COVID Changed Debt Pricing & Leveraging?
- Pricing up Different Geographies

Greenman Presents
Grocery Retail & The New Core
- Institutional Appetite - Not only for retail specialists anymore?
- Re-imagining Retail - How will the retail landscape change to adapt to new demand drivers?
- ESG Considerations - Fundamentally changing grocery anchored retail supply chains?
- Supply Chain Constraints Post COVID - Shortening supply chains to build resilience & ESG considerations
- Food-Anchored Retail - Future proofing retail assets post COVID

Looking Past and Present - Retrofit & Value Add
Modernising existing portfolios to reach a new core?
- Asset obsolescence - Future proofing existing assets
- Asset Values - How might embedding the right technology improve valuation?
- Are Indoor environments, Wellbeing and Health & Safety the key ingredients to unlocking value?
- Digital twins, pro’s vs con’s? Turning your buildings into digital assets to maximise efficiencies and reduce OPEX costs
- Repurposing to Profit - How can landlords & owners capitalise on the multi-trillion dollar climate transformation opportunity?

Cycle d’investissement en France
Dépend-il plus que jamais des flux mondiaux ?
- Trouver de la valeur Post Covid
- Appétit d'investissement mondial en France - Appétit entrant dans les marchés immobiliers français
- Qu'y a-t-il de haut (ou de bas) avec l’inflation ? Les ratios américains et leur impact sur l'Europe
- Élections présidentielles (en France et en Allemagne) : comment les changements de politique affecteront-ils les investissements ?
- Comment le Pacte vert pour l'Europe affectera-t-il le cycle ?

Future Workspace
Obsolete space or chance to innovate?
Capital Evolution
Levering technology for real estate investment and financial transactions

Opportunistic & Value Add
Enough rope to climb or time for discretion?
- Investors going up the risk curve?
- Portfolio Resilience & Finding Value - Cities vs Assets
- Value Add Markets in Europe - How to identify future projects and ensure their quality and profit?
- Rates & Yields - When and how can we ensure profitability of those deals?
- Banks' Appetite & Lending Confidence - Why does the crisis impact banks' involvement in opportunistic and value add projects?
- Buy Cheap, Sell Green - Is value adding brownfield offering decent returns?

Alternative Lending
Best to price up new normal or opportunities too niche?
- Pricing - Senior, junior & mezzanine; how to stay competitive?
- Banks, Debt Funds, Mezz - Any upsides to more risk & higher prices?
- Risk Aversion of Banks - Alternatives the only way for higher risk asset classes?
- Adjusting Returns Depending on Risk Appetite?

Future Workspace
Obsolete space or chance to innovate?
- Investor Appetite - Capital allocations still going strong or too much risk?
- Occupiers Demands - Go green & go flex, are landlords adapting quick enough?
- Blurred Lines - Moving beyond categorising spaces by asset class?
- Flexible Leasing - What short to long term plans are occupiers making? What are the impacts on real estate business models & valuations?
- Space Planning - Can technology help align occupier and landlord needs to optimise spaces?
- Work from Anywhere & Tenant Experience - Can landlords leverage tech to provide a seamless occupier experience whether working remotely, at home or office?

Buying Light Industrial
Too specialised or diversification opportunities galore?
- Last Mile & Cold Storage - Only for experts or opportunities for all?
- Urban Density - Finding land, product & permits
- E-commerce Boom Pushing Light Industrial Demand - How long can it continue?
- Working with 3PLs - Emerging demands & trends
- Tech & Automation - Whose paying for it?

Capital Evolution
Levering technology for real estate investment and financial transactions
- Is Technology Making investing more seamless, transparent and dynamic?
- Performance Analysis - Which specific technologies are investors adopting throughout the real estate lifecycle?
- Dynamic Leasing - Can digital solutions improve transparency and landlord-tenant relationships

France, Germany & UK
Finding value in saturated markets
- Germany - Pricing dislocation & lack of product; where to find value?
- UK Dealflow- ‘New’ capital injections or stagnant bid & ask gap?
- Inbound Appetite into French Real Estate Markets - Direct vs Indirect?
- Dry Powder Allocations - Lack of product putting a halt in investments?
- Buyer & Seller Pricing Differences - How to find common ground?
- Valuations - Stable prices, or chaos to come?

Finding Value in Accelerated Trends
Demographics, Distressed, e-Commerce or ESG?
Iberia & Italy Value-Add
Post COVID upswing or optimism misplaced?
Looking Forward
2050 Net Zero Targets & Climate Technology in Real Estate
Finding Value in Accelerated Trends
Demographics, Distressed, e-Commerce or ESG?
- Investment Strategies & Risk Appetite - ESG, location or asset class deciding factor?
- Demographics - Urban density, reshaping space and community placemaking, can the deals attract institutional backing?
- Sustainability & Impact Investment as the Key Non-Traditional Investment Factors?
- New Tech - What is relevant and what is unnecessary?
- Social Impact - How to measure & benchmark?
- Re purposing of older assets

Hospitality & Serviced Residential
Demand for amenities vs scalability
- Rise of Service - Amenities more important than size?
- Impact on Valuations - How are new models changing the game?
- Any Lessons Learned from a Mature US Market?
- Blurring of Asset Classes - From co-living to serviced apartments; how much flexibility are tenants looking for?
- Hotels Moving into Multifamily - Any operators looking to expand cross sector?
- What Can Residential Learn from the Hospitality Industry?

Iberia & Italy Value-Add
Post COVID upswing or optimism misplaced?
- Investment Appetite for Spain, Portugal & Italy
- Competitive international capital or transactional values not quite there?
- Which assets up, which down & which bust?
- Value add yields or already overcrowded?
- Is there enough product to diversify portfolios?

Repositioning Retail
Structural shifts or sticking to proven concepts?
- Risk Return Considerations - Only for opportunistic players?
- New Concepts - All about experiences, location or tenant mix?
- Financing - Any lenders interested or all about equity?
- Repurposing Retail Assets - Is there a magic formula for success?

Looking Forward
2050 Net Zero Targets & Climate Technology in Real Estate
- Impact investment, a challenge or opportunity for investors?
- Capital Allocation, what metrics & targets could investors use to achieve ESG requirements?
- Cost Effective Quick Wins - Which technologies are real estate decision-makers adopting?
- Energy Efficiency - Best practices to make your buildings smarter & more efficient
- Optimising portfolio performance through digitisation, automation & data analytics

Green Lending
Ready to harvest or still planting seeds?

Development Deals & Fundraising for BTR
Right partner, right location, lacklustre pricing?
- Raising Capital - Where is the capital coming from and will equity pour only in core assets?
- Allocation Game - Too soon or opportunities en masse?
- Post COVID Fundraising - Fewer funds, but more capital available?
- Institutional Investment Appetite - What’s changed, what’s staying the same?
- Lack of Product - No shortage of capital but nowhere to invest?

Green Lending
Ready to harvest or still planting seeds?
- EU’s sustainable finance taxonomy
- Supporting decarbonisation agenda; real opportunities or too little impact?
- Discounted Margins from Lenders to Finance Greenfield
- Green Premiums Favoured over Brown Discounts - Can lenders deliver?
- ECB - When will transitional risk assessment come into play?
- Will Brownfield Developments Face Issues Accessing Financing?
- Developing New Financial Products & Solutions to Help Accelerate Decarbonisation of Buildings

Logistics Rental Growth
Sky’s the limit or tenants creating drag?
- Finding Product - Availability, price and locations
- Ecommerce penetration creating demand across Europe - What opportunities to buy, sell?
- Occupational Market Drivers Impact on BTS & Acquisitions - Cold storage, retail, food and automotive
- Strategies in saturated markets? UK, France, Germany, Netherlands?
- Spain, Italy, Czech & Portugal hidden gems?

L’Avenir de l’immobilier
ESG, projets d’aménagement, ou évolution démographique ?
- Post COVID World : vers une nouvelle géographie du marché immobilier ? De retour en ville ou prospérer à la périphérie
- Future Mobility - Voitures autonomes et autres qui façonnent l'avenir des villes ?
- Impact de RE 2020 : trop ambitieux ou réellement atteignable ? L’impact sur investissements, construction et exploitation d'actifs

Some of the confirmed participants