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<b>MS Day Roadshow</b>

Meet the pipeline of projects of Mato Grosso do Sul

16th May
17:30 - 19:30 | EDT (GMT-4)

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Credit: Edemir Rodrigues


Session & Cocktail | May 16 | 5:30pm - 7:30pm

MS Day Session

Meet the pipeline of projects of Mato Grosso do Sul
The state of Mato Grosso do Sul structured an environment of responsibility, trust and transparency to strengthen interaction between the state and the private sector. With an austere and responsible economic management, it develops projects focused on strategic areas for its growth.
This scenario is consolidated in the State Program of Strategic Partnerships for Infrastructure Development, through which R$ 10 billion were invested in economic infrastructure, especially in the basic sanitation, highways, telecommunications and renewable energy sectors.

Currently, the portfolio of public-private partnership (PPP) and concession projects is estimated at R$ 18 billion (eighteen billion reais). Fundraising, through national and international financial institutions, is estimated at R$ 3.3 billion (three billion and three hundred million reais) in investments to the state.
Mato Grosso do Sul has an efficient transport network, predominantly road transport. This network is in the process of expanding towards the Bioceanic Route that will connect Brazil to the Asian market. Aiming to improve trafficability and road safety, the state has already promoted the concession of state highways and sections of federal highways, consolidating more than 600 km under private sector management.

Highways are important corridors for the agro-industrial production flow in Mato Grosso do Sul and the entire Central-West region, as they are the main access routes to the Southeast and South of Brazil, mainly to the states of São Paulo and Paraná. Project structuring is being developed for more 900 km of road corridors as an important route for distributing production to the Brazilian and foreign markets.
Located in the central region of Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul has great aerial integration potential with the other Brazilian states. As a way of attracting more investment, the government is considering granting airport terminals in all state regions to encourage business and boost the production, commercial, tourist and environmental markets.

The expansion of regional routes aims to attract investments and improvements from the private sector. In this scenario, the government is studying the concession of 20 regional airports, including the three aerodromes installed in the largest agro-industrial and business hubs in Mato Grosso do Sul. And the one that serves one of the main ecotourism destinations in the country, in the city of Bonito.
Mato Grosso do Sul is among Brazil’s largest soybean producers and is a national reference in sustainable agriculture. The border city of Porto Murtinho has an important strategic position for waterway flow of regionally produced commodities.
The waterway is 3,442 km long and connects the city of Cáceres/MT to Nueva Palmira, in Uruguay. The state government is studying the concession of a cargo transfer station with great logistical potential for the region.

The concession area is in the influence zone of Bioceanic Route, a road corridor that aims to connect Brazil to the Chilean ports of Antofagasta and Iquique, reducing the time it takes to export Brazilian products to the Asian market, especially grains and fertilizers, with the possibility to expand for containers and ore.
State Parks
Sustainable Development is one of the pillars of the State Government. The concession of state parks, located in Campo Grande, aims to promote ecological tourism and better management of environmental assets, combined with environmental protection.

The complex of urban parks to be granted are the Parque das Nações Indígenas (Indigenous Nations Park), including the Pantanal Biopark and the conservation unit Prosa State Park. They are places of sustainable use that attract residents, visitors and tourists from all over Brazil as well as being reference parks for bird watching tourism.

Pantanal Biopark is a tourist and environmental education attraction that is included in the concession project. It is the largest freshwater aquarium in the world, with 5 million liters of water, 31 tanks and more than 300 species of Pantanal animals on display.
Mato Grosso do Sul aims to strengthen the hospital network with incentives and actions that can provide better services to the population. The complex health sector should be receiving a special investment program that intends to be an important milestone in the partnership model in Brazil.

The management transfer of state hospital units to the private sector aims to enable new investments in cutting-edge technologies and improvements in managing and operating the state hospital network. The first project being structured includes more than 700 medium and high complexity hospital beds, distributed in the Capital, Campo Grande, and in the three macro-regions of the state: Dourados, Três Lagoas and Corumbá.

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Campo Grande | MS | Brazil
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