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Infra Minas GRI 2023

22 de junho
08:30 - 19:00 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)
Credit: EAFO / Shutterstock

As conferências regionais do GRI Club Infra fazem parte de uma agenda descentralizada que tem como objetivo promover discussões estratégicas mais focadas nas iniciativas e projetos de determinados estados e municípios, com destaque para PPPs e concessões nos setores de infraestrutura, energia, transporte, iluminação pública, resíduos sólidos e infraestrutura social. Os objetivos são gerar a retroalimentação dos players do setor e poder concedente, discutir os aprendizados na estruturação e desenvolvimento desses projetos e, sobretudo, descobrir novos fluxos de negócio.

Objetivo do Infra Minas GRI

Como parte dos encontros regionais do GRI Infra, o Infra Minas GRI tem como objetivo ser o principal hub de discussão das autoridades municipais de todo Estado de Minas Gerais e players do setor de infraestrutura urbana e social, destacando os principais projetos de mobilidade urbana, iluminação pública, saneamento básico, infraestrutura e energia de modo geral, promovendo a descoberta de novas oportunidades de investimento, aproximando e conectando os agentes que atuam nestes setores. Na última edição, +120 executivos estiveram reunidos na conferência e nas visitas técnicas que faziam parte da agenda no Estado.

Por que participar? 

Discussões a portas fechadas em formato de mesa redonda
Ambiente exclusivo para líderes da infraestrutura mineira
Oportunidade única de fazer Networking


Sessão de Abertura I 9:00 - 10:00

Minas Open for Business - No caminho para viabilizar novas parcerias de investimentos?

Carlos CastroGrupo Águas do Brasil Moderator
Pedro Bruno SouzaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Mateus SimõesGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.

Minas Open for Business - No caminho para viabilizar novas parcerias de investimentos?

Carlos Castro
Diretor Executivo de Novos Negócios e Regulação
Grupo Águas do Brasil
Pedro Bruno Souza
Secretário de Infraestrutura e Mobilidade
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Mateus Simões
Governador em Exercício
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Carlos Castro
Carlos Castro
Diretor Executivo de Novos Negócios e RegulaçãoGrupo Águas do Brasil
Pedro Bruno Souza
Pedro Bruno Souza
Secretário de Infraestrutura e MobilidadeGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Pedro was superintendent of the Project Structuring area of ​​BNDES for 10 years, whose objective was the development of infrastructure projects in the Concession and PPP modalities, and was responsible for conducting privatization processes. Education: MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking, Reading University, UK; MSc in Administration, COPPEAD / UFRJ; Graduated in Engineering / UFRJ.
Mateus Simões
Mateus Simões
Governador em ExercícioGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
O Professor Mateus Simões, de 41 anos, foi eleito vice-governador de Minas Gerais no primeiro turno das eleições de 2022, ao lado do governador Romeu Zema, que obteve mais de seis milhões de votos (56,1%). Nascido em Gurupi, no Tocantins, Professor Mateus é advogado, graduado pela Faculdade Milton Campos, com mestrado em Direito Empresarial. No primeiro mandato do governador Romeu Zema, Simões atuou como secretário geral de governo após deixar o mandato de vereador na Câmara Municipal de Belo Horizonte.
Discussões Simultâneas I 10:30 - 11:30

Regulação em Transporte - Como fortalecer os contratos e serviços no setor?

Thierry BesseVINCI Concessions Moderator
David GoldbergA&M Infra
André DabusMarsh
Vitor CostaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruna BouissouAzevedo Sette Advogados
Letícia QueirozQueiroz Maluf Advogados
Celia DaumasArteris
Luiz VidalEGTC Infra
Pedro SenaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Emmanuel do Vale MadeiroTCU - Tribunal de Contas da União

Rota de Descarbonização - Quais os pilares da agenda energética e de mudanças climáticas mineira?

Henrique PaivaSiemens Energy Brasil Moderator
Frederico de AraújoDeode Energia
Julia AmbrosanoClimate Bonds Initiative
José FirmoPetroReconcavo
Leandro Luiz SantosPrefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia

Unidades Regionais - Como destravar a criação dos blocos no Saneamento?

Giuliano DragoneGS Inima Moderator
Renato SucupiraBF Capital
Laura SerranoARSAE-MG
Luiz Cláudio CamposEY
René Mendes VilelaPrefeitura Municipal de Contagem
Jorge AssalieBNDES
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Azevedo Sette has profound expertise in the infrastructure industry, domestically and internationally. It has assisted clients of various profiles, ranging from investment funds and engineering companies, to international infrastructure operators.

Regulação em Transporte - Como fortalecer os contratos e serviços no setor?

Thierry Besse
Institutional Director Brazil
VINCI Concessions
David Goldberg
A&M Infra
André Dabus
Director of Construction & Infrastructure
Vitor Costa
Presidente da Comissão de Regulação de Transportes
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruna Bouissou
Partner - Infrastructure
Azevedo Sette Advogados
Letícia Queiroz
Queiroz Maluf Advogados
Celia Daumas
Superintendente de Relações Institucionais
Luiz Vidal
EGTC Infra
Pedro Sena
Superintendente de Política Minerária, Energética e Logística
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Auditor-Chefe Adjunto - Unidade de Auditoria Especializada em Infraestrutura Rodoviária e Aviação Civil
TCU - Tribunal de Contas da União
Thierry Besse
Thierry Besse
Institutional Director BrazilVINCI Concessions
Multicultural professional with 10 years of experience with infrastructure concessions. Contract and regulatory management, strategic planning, project development and institutional relations.
David Goldberg
David Goldberg
DirectorA&M Infra
David is a Senior Director at Alvarez & Marsal Infrastructure practice. He holds bachelor and MsC degrees in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (University of São Paulo - USP), as well as an MBA from IESE Business School.
André Dabus
André Dabus
Director of Construction & InfrastructureMarsh
André Dabus is Director of Construction & Infrastructure of Marsh Brazil, Insurance broker authorized by Susep and lawyer formed by PUC-SP. Certification CP3P-F by APMG Internacional, he holds a postgraduate degree in Infrastructure Law from the FGV- SP and an executive MBA from Fundação Don Cabral. He is also a professor of the MBA of Insurance and Reinsurance Law of ESSP- Escola Superior de Seguros Privados and Professor of the MBA PPPs and Concessions - FESP-SP /LSE.
Vitor Costa
Vitor Costa
Presidente da Comissão de Regulação de TransportesGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruna Bouissou
Bruna Bouissou
Partner - InfrastructureAzevedo Sette Advogados
Bouissou is partner of Azevedo Sette Advogados’ Infrastructure practice in Belo Horizonte. She draws upon more than 15 years’ experience advising clients in complex transactions in concessions, public private partnerships, administrative law, regulatory law, privatizations, finance, infrastructure projects, contracts and corporate law. LL.B. from Faculdade Milton Campos Law School, she was admitted to practice in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2002. She is specialized in Business and Economic Law at FGV (2004), and Master’s Degree in Law at Georgetown University (LL.M., 2006). She is certified as CP3P-F (since 2017).
Letícia Queiroz
Letícia Queiroz
PartnerQueiroz Maluf Advogados
Graduate of the PUC/SP. Master and Doctor at Administrative Law by PUC/SP.Post-graduated in International Mediation by Queen Mary University.Professor at PUC/SP and PUC-COGEAE. Member of the Dispute Boards Comission of CAM-CCBC. Recognised as one of the main lawyers in the Public Law area in Brazil, by the Chambers and Partners Latin America guide. Nominated as a reference in the Administrative Law area in Brazil, by the LACCA. Extensive expertise in the Regulatory and Administrative Law area, with an emphasis on Biddings, Public Bids, Regulation, Expropriation, Administrative Agreements in general, Balance Claims, Expression of Interest Procedures, Public-Private Partnerships, Public goods and Projects structures in the Infrastructure area
Celia Daumas
Celia Daumas
Superintendente de Relações InstitucionaisArteris
A person who loves Logistics and Infrastructure, aware of its fundamental importance for the country's development, I can describe myself as a person with large experience in ​​ports, highways and railways, with more than 25 years working in big companies.
Luiz Vidal
Luiz Vidal
SuperintendenteEGTC Infra
Pedro Sena
Pedro Sena
Superintendente de Política Minerária, Energética e LogísticaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Auditor-Chefe Adjunto - Unidade de Auditoria Especializada em Infraestrutura Rodoviária e Aviação CivilTCU - Tribunal de Contas da União
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.

Rota de Descarbonização - Quais os pilares da agenda energética e de mudanças climáticas mineira?

Henrique Paiva
Director for Government Relations
Siemens Energy Brasil
Frederico de Araújo
Deode Energia
Julia Ambrosano
LAC Market Development Manager
Climate Bonds Initiative
José Firmo
Leandro Luiz Santos
Ex - Secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico
Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia
Henrique Paiva
Henrique Paiva
Director for Government RelationsSiemens Energy Brasil
Henrique Paiva is the Director for Government Relations and Sustainability of Siemens, whose responsibility is the management of governmental and institutional relations, strategic communication with the business areas, corporate governance of sustainability. He is currently part of the Siemens global group dealing with China's Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). Henrique is also the Chief Executive Secretary and responsible for Siemens Foundation Brazil. In addition, he is a member of ABDIB, ABINEE, COGEN, ABIMAQ, CEBRI, CNI MEI, ICC Brasil. Henrique Paiva has been working at Siemens since 2005.
Frederico de Araújo
Frederico de Araújo
CEODeode Energia
Julia Ambrosano
Julia Ambrosano
LAC Market Development ManagerClimate Bonds Initiative
Sustainable development consultant, currently working within the sustainable finance universe, where her main role is leading Climate Bonds Initiative Green Resilient Infrastructure Programme in Brazil, while supporting the efforts and projects in the wider Latin American market.
José Firmo
José Firmo
José Firmo took over as Porto do Açu Operações’ CEO in November 2019. With more than 30 years of experience in the O&G services area, Firmo has built a solid international career having worked in several companies of the sector. Previously, he was president of Seadrill Brasil and later Senior Vice President for Western Hemisphere at Seadrill in Houston. He also dedicated 22 years for Schlumberger as Managing Director of the company's operations in Brazil and as VP for Latin America. He also developed relevant institutional roles as CEO of the Brazilian Association of Oil Service Companies (ABESPETRO) and President of the Brazilian Petroleum, Gás and Biofuel Institute (IBP), position he held until October 2019.
Leandro Luiz Santos
Leandro Luiz Santos
Ex - Secretário de Desenvolvimento EconômicoPrefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.

Unidades Regionais - Como destravar a criação dos blocos no Saneamento?

Giuliano Dragone
New Business Director
GS Inima
Renato Sucupira
BF Capital
Laura Serrano
Diretora Geral
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Partner, Head of Government & Infrastructure LatAm
René Mendes Vilela
Secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico
Prefeitura Municipal de Contagem
Jorge Assalie
Gerente de Estruturação de Projetos de Saneamento
Giuliano Dragone
Giuliano Dragone
New Business DirectorGS Inima
Renato Sucupira
Renato Sucupira
PresidentBF Capital
Civil Engineer from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and MBA in Corporate Finance from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-RJ). Renato worked at BNDES between 1986 and 2004, with its main role being Director of BNDES-EXIM. Over the past seven years he has led an independent financial advisory company, BF CAPITAL, with operations surpassing R$ 20 billion in project financing.
Laura Serrano
Laura Serrano
Diretora GeralARSAE-MG
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Partner, Head of Government & Infrastructure LatAmEY
More than 25 years of experience in Finance, Market Studies, Project Finance, Strategic Planning, Mergers and Acquisitions, Economic-Financial Modeling for concessions and PPPs. Coordinated several infrastructure projects in Brazil and abroad, in assets that exceed US$ 30 billion, given to the main players in the public and private sector in Brazil and Latin America. Coordinated projects for public and private sectors in a wide range of infrastructure sectors,such as: Urban Mobility; Railways; Airports; Ports; Highways; Energy; Water & Sanitation; Social Infrastructure.
René Mendes Vilela
René Mendes Vilela
Secretário de Desenvolvimento EconômicoPrefeitura Municipal de Contagem
Jorge Assalie
Jorge Assalie
Gerente de Estruturação de Projetos de SaneamentoBNDES
Discussões Simultâneas I 12:00 - 13:00

Modelagem de Projetos - Quais as ferramentas para a continuidade de uma carteira em Minas?

Frederico DieterichAzevedo Sette Advogados Moderator
Aquilino MartinezSacyr
Guilherme PeixotoB3
André DabusMarsh
Fernanda AlenGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Diogo ProsdocimiCODEMGE
Graciema BertolettiOPY Health
Emmanuel do Vale MadeiroTCU - Tribunal de Contas da União

Consórcios Intermunicipais - Histórico de lições, mas com novas oportunidades?

Cristina RibasHTB Moderator
Cristiano SoaresMiya Brasil
Mila da CostaRMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Jordan Motta JordãoConsórcio Intermunicipal de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - CISRU
William MussiConsórcio Intermunicipal de Saneamento Básico da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais (Cisab)
Enilson Francisco dos SantosConsórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável do Norte de Minas (Codanorte)
Paulo Sérgio da SilvaConsórcio Intermunicipal dos Municípios da Microregião do Alto Sapucaí para Aterrro Sanitário - CIMASAS
Vincenzo PiepoliSUMA Brasil

Mineração Sustentável - Como aumentar a segurança da mineração e manter a competitividade?

Leticia PerigoloA&M Infra Moderator
Gustavo CotaBAMIN - Bahia Mineração S/A
Lucas FonsecaArcadis
Marcelo Sampaio Cunha FilhoVale
Vítor TavaresGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruno Estéfano TeixeiraCODEMGE

MG Inteligente - Como conectar expectativas e realidade?

Christiano FrançaConstrutora Barbosa Mello Moderator
Flávio Augusto Maia LaraPrefeitura Municipal de Betim
Otávio Barbosa da Silva SoaresANATEL
Gilmar Lembi MascarenhasPrefeitura Municipal de Betim
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.

Modelagem de Projetos - Quais as ferramentas para a continuidade de uma carteira em Minas?

Frederico Dieterich
Senior Partner & Head of Infrastructure
Azevedo Sette Advogados
Aquilino Martinez
Latam BD Director - Agua
Guilherme Peixoto
Superintendente de Governança em Licitações
André Dabus
Director of Construction & Infrastructure
Fernanda Alen
Subsecretária de Concessões e Parcerias
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Diogo Prosdocimi
Diretor de Concessões e Parcerias
Graciema Bertoletti
Chief Growth Officer
OPY Health
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Auditor-Chefe Adjunto - Unidade de Auditoria Especializada em Infraestrutura Rodoviária e Aviação Civil
TCU - Tribunal de Contas da União
Frederico Dieterich
Frederico Dieterich
Senior Partner & Head of InfrastructureAzevedo Sette Advogados
Frederico Bopp Dieterich is a senior partner with Azevedo Sette Advogados, having over 25-year experience in the infrastructure industry. PhD. CP3P-F. He assists clients in complex deals involving Administrative Law, Regulations, Infrastructure, PPPs and Concessions, Project Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Law, Construction and EPC, in Brazil and abroad. Frederico is recommended in all relevant legal guides, such as LACCA Approved, Who’s Who, The Legal 500, Chambers Global, Chambers Latin America, Chambers Brazil, Latin Lawyer 250, Leaders League and Análise Advocacia. He constantly provides relevant information, opinions and materials at
Aquilino Martinez
Aquilino Martinez
Latam BD Director - AguaSacyr
With almost 20 years of experience in the Infrastructure sector, Aquilino has effectively led the tendering, planning, structuring, financing and implementation of various types of PPP and investment projects in multicultural working environments. As a distinguished civil engineer, Aquilino works with passion, combining a goal-oriented and results-driven mindset. Analytical thinking, commitment, leadership and team building motivation form the basis of his professional career.
Guilherme Peixoto
Guilherme Peixoto
Superintendente de Governança em LicitaçõesB3
Superintendente de Licitações da B3. Advogado formado pela Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo, possui LLM em Direito dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais pelo INSPER e é pós-graduando do MBA em PPP e Concessões pela Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo - FESPSP, em conjunto com a London School of Economics – LSE (Londres, Reino Unido).
André Dabus
André Dabus
Director of Construction & InfrastructureMarsh
André Dabus is Director of Construction & Infrastructure of Marsh Brazil, Insurance broker authorized by Susep and lawyer formed by PUC-SP. Certification CP3P-F by APMG Internacional, he holds a postgraduate degree in Infrastructure Law from the FGV- SP and an executive MBA from Fundação Don Cabral. He is also a professor of the MBA of Insurance and Reinsurance Law of ESSP- Escola Superior de Seguros Privados and Professor of the MBA PPPs and Concessions - FESP-SP /LSE.
Fernanda Alen
Fernanda Alen
Subsecretária de Concessões e ParceriasGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Diogo Prosdocimi
Diogo Prosdocimi
Diretor de Concessões e ParceriasCODEMGE
Graciema Bertoletti
Graciema Bertoletti
Chief Growth OfficerOPY Health
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Auditor-Chefe Adjunto - Unidade de Auditoria Especializada em Infraestrutura Rodoviária e Aviação CivilTCU - Tribunal de Contas da União
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.

Consórcios Intermunicipais - Histórico de lições, mas com novas oportunidades?

Cristina Ribas
Superintendente Comercial
Cristiano Soares
Miya Brasil
Mila da Costa
RMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Jordan Motta Jordão
Consórcio Intermunicipal de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - CISRU
William Mussi
Presidente Cisab e Prefeito de Senador Firmino
Consórcio Intermunicipal de Saneamento Básico da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais (Cisab)
Enilson Francisco dos Santos
Secretário Executivo
Consórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável do Norte de Minas (Codanorte)
Paulo Sérgio da Silva
Presidente do CIMASAS e Prefeito de São José do Alegre
Consórcio Intermunicipal dos Municípios da Microregião do Alto Sapucaí para Aterrro Sanitário - CIMASAS
Vincenzo Piepoli
SUMA Brasil
Cristina Ribas
Cristina Ribas
Superintendente ComercialHTB
Cristiano Soares
Cristiano Soares
CEOMiya Brasil
Cristiano Soares is Managing Director of Miya Brazil and BBL Engenharia, senior executive with an excellent track record of conquering major infrastructure development projects. Substantial experience in working with large energy/utility companies and Brazilian companies and having worked for more than 10 years as Águas de Portugal executive in concessions in Brazil, Mozambique, and Angola. He has significant experience in strategic management and business, managing business relationships and developing lasting relationships that lead to lucrative contracts in Brazil and Africa.
Mila da Costa
Mila da Costa
Diretora-GeralRMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Jordan Motta Jordão
Jordan Motta Jordão
SuperintendenteConsórcio Intermunicipal de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - CISRU
William Mussi
William Mussi
Presidente Cisab e Prefeito de Senador FirminoConsórcio Intermunicipal de Saneamento Básico da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais (Cisab)
Enilson Francisco dos Santos
Enilson Francisco dos Santos
Secretário ExecutivoConsórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável do Norte de Minas (Codanorte)
Paulo Sérgio da Silva
Paulo Sérgio da Silva
Presidente do CIMASAS e Prefeito de São José do AlegreConsórcio Intermunicipal dos Municípios da Microregião do Alto Sapucaí para Aterrro Sanitário - CIMASAS
Vincenzo Piepoli
Vincenzo Piepoli
PresidenteSUMA Brasil
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Azevedo Sette has profound expertise in the infrastructure industry, domestically and internationally. It has assisted clients of various profiles, ranging from investment funds and engineering companies, to international infrastructure operators.

Mineração Sustentável - Como aumentar a segurança da mineração e manter a competitividade?

Leticia Perigolo
Director, Capital Projects & Infrastructure
A&M Infra
Gustavo Cota
Diretor de Operações e Desenvolvimento
BAMIN - Bahia Mineração S/A
Lucas Fonseca
Diretor de Projetos
Marcelo Sampaio Cunha Filho
Diretor de Assuntos Regulatórios
Vítor Tavares
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruno Estéfano Teixeira
Diretor Jurídico
Leticia Perigolo
Leticia Perigolo
Director, Capital Projects & InfrastructureA&M Infra
Gustavo Cota
Gustavo Cota
Diretor de Operações e DesenvolvimentoBAMIN - Bahia Mineração S/A
Graduado em Engenharia Mecânica pela UFMG, MBA pelo IBMEC, mestre em Finanças pela Universidad del CEMA (Argentina). Atuou por 18 anos em grandes empreendimentos de mineração e infraestrutura no Brasil, Argentina, Canadá e África em empresas como Vale e Mineração Rio do Norte. Atualmente está como Diretor de Operações de Ferrovias da BAMIN, responsável pelo desenvolvimento do Trecho 1 da Ferrovia de Integração Oeste-Leste (FIOL).
Lucas Fonseca
Lucas Fonseca
Diretor de ProjetosArcadis
Marcelo Sampaio Cunha Filho
Marcelo Sampaio Cunha Filho
Diretor de Assuntos RegulatóriosVale
Ex -Ministro de Estado da Infraestrutura – Minfra Ex-secretário Executivo da pasta, responsável pelo programa de modernização, desburocratização e transformação digital do setor de infraestrutura. Servidor de carreira do Governo Federal, Analista de Infraestrutura do Ministério da Economia há mais de 14 anos, ocupando cargos como de Diretor de informações e gestão estratégica, Subchefe de Gestão Pública na Casa Civil da Presidência da República. Mestre em Planejamento de Transportes com estudos em Avaliação de Vulnerabilidade de Infraestrutura de Transportes (UnB). Especialista em Economia no setor Público e MBA em Gestão Pública. Graduado em Engenharia Civil com ênfase no Setor de Transportes pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB.
Vítor Tavares
Vítor Tavares
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruno Estéfano Teixeira
Bruno Estéfano Teixeira
Diretor JurídicoCODEMGE
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.

MG Inteligente - Como conectar expectativas e realidade?

Christiano França
Comercial Superintendent
Construtora Barbosa Mello
Flávio Augusto Maia Lara
Secretário de Finanças, Planejamento, Gestão, Orçamento e Obras Públicas
Prefeitura Municipal de Betim
Otávio Barbosa da Silva Soares
Gerente Regional no Estado de Minas Gerais
Gilmar Lembi Mascarenhas
Secretário Municipal de Finanças, Planejamento, Gestão, Orçamento e Obras Públicas
Prefeitura Municipal de Betim
Christiano França
Christiano França
Comercial SuperintendentConstrutora Barbosa Mello
Flávio Augusto Maia Lara
Flávio Augusto Maia Lara
Secretário de Finanças, Planejamento, Gestão, Orçamento e Obras PúblicasPrefeitura Municipal de Betim
Otávio Barbosa da Silva Soares
Otávio Barbosa da Silva Soares
Gerente Regional no Estado de Minas GeraisANATEL
Gilmar Lembi Mascarenhas
Gilmar Lembi Mascarenhas
Secretário Municipal de Finanças, Planejamento, Gestão, Orçamento e Obras PúblicasPrefeitura Municipal de Betim
Discussões Simultâneas I 14:30 - 15:30

Mineração & Logística - Como fomentar e mover novos investimentos?

Miguel NoronhaBMPI Moderator
Mario SaadiDias Carneiro Advogados
Gustavo CotaBAMIN - Bahia Mineração S/A
André MiariTORC
Roberta DemangePinheiro Neto Advogados
André NogueiraAon
Frederico AmaralGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Leandro Luiz SantosPrefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia

Aeroportos Regionais - Como turbinar investimentos no Estado?

Ana Cândida De MelloBMA Advogados Moderator
Fabio CruzZurich Airport Latin America
Wanderley Galhiego JuniorSocicam
Thierry BesseVINCI Concessions
Mattheus SantosItaú BBA
Cristina RibasHTB
Emmanuel do Vale MadeiroTCU - Tribunal de Contas da União

Infraestrutura Social - Como Minas pode continuar sendo pioneira nas PPPs?

Otávio SilveiraIG4 Capital Moderator
Renato SucupiraBF Capital
Luis Eduardo Serra NettoDuarte Garcia
Diogo ProsdocimiCODEMGE
Leonardo PereiraBNDES
Marcelo CastroEngeform Concessoes e Investimentos
Daniel FigueiredoEnleva Saúde Social

Resíduos & Biogás - Qual o papel de Minas na transição energética?

Bruno WerneckMayer Brown Tauil & Chequer Moderator
Marcelo BragançaVibra Energia
Mila da CostaRMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Vincenzo PiepoliSUMA Brasil
Leticia TheotonioCurrently Unaffiliated
Silvio JuniorEssencis
Marcio FroésBNDES
Pedro SenaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Rodrigo FrancoGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.

Mineração & Logística - Como fomentar e mover novos investimentos?

Miguel Noronha
Managing Director
Mario Saadi
Partner - Infrastructure & Project Finance
Dias Carneiro Advogados
Gustavo Cota
Diretor de Operações e Desenvolvimento
BAMIN - Bahia Mineração S/A
André Miari
Vice President
Roberta Demange
Sócia - Mineração
Pinheiro Neto Advogados
André Nogueira
Construction & Infrastructure Specialty Leader
Frederico Amaral
Subsecretário de Promoção de Investimentos e Cadeias Produtivas
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Leandro Luiz Santos
Ex - Secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico
Prefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia
Miguel Noronha
Miguel Noronha
Managing DirectorBMPI
Managing Director of BMPI and board member at SGA – Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental and BH-IP, first big scale public lighting company in Brazil. Miguel was deputy chairman at Rocha Port Terminals and board member at Cattalini Port Terminals and NovaAgri Logistics Company. He was also managing partner at Angra Infraestrutura and executive of Generation, Transmission and Environment at Eletropaulo Power Company. At Amcham-American Chamber of Commerce São Paulo, he was chairman of Logistics Committee. Miguel holds an MBA at IBMEC and Environmental Management Specialization at USP, as well as a graduate degree in Geology at USP.
Mario Saadi
Mario Saadi
Partner - Infrastructure & Project FinanceDias Carneiro Advogados
Mário Saadi represents clients in various types of transactions and regulatory issues in the sectors of Administrative Law and Infrastructure, including concessions, public-private partnerships, logistics projects (ports, airports, highways and railways) and social segments (urban mobility, public lighting and basic sanitation). He also advises on different aspects of bidding procedures (participation in public hearings and consultations, analysis of bid notices and contracts, preparation of documentation presented in the bids, objections and appeals), as well as in lawsuits involving bids, administrative contracts and regulatory aspects. Finally, he supports clients in project mapping, privatization and industry mergers and acquisitions.
Gustavo Cota
Gustavo Cota
Diretor de Operações e DesenvolvimentoBAMIN - Bahia Mineração S/A
Graduado em Engenharia Mecânica pela UFMG, MBA pelo IBMEC, mestre em Finanças pela Universidad del CEMA (Argentina). Atuou por 18 anos em grandes empreendimentos de mineração e infraestrutura no Brasil, Argentina, Canadá e África em empresas como Vale e Mineração Rio do Norte. Atualmente está como Diretor de Operações de Ferrovias da BAMIN, responsável pelo desenvolvimento do Trecho 1 da Ferrovia de Integração Oeste-Leste (FIOL).
André Miari
André Miari
Vice PresidentTORC
The Vice President of TORC . André Miari Paulino, graduated in business administration from IBMEC, also has an MBA degree in Corporate Finances from IBMEC and participated in the PDA program from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC). Worked in consulting and audit at Ernst & Young before going to TORC where he is the head of the financial department, valuation of investments and new businesses for all the companies belonging to the group, in the infrastructure and agribusiness sectors. He was Project Manager in implementing the SAP ERP system at TORC and now is responsible for coordinating improvements and developments in the system.
Roberta Demange
Roberta Demange
Sócia - MineraçãoPinheiro Neto Advogados
André Nogueira
André Nogueira
Construction & Infrastructure Specialty LeaderAon
Frederico Amaral
Frederico Amaral
Subsecretário de Promoção de Investimentos e Cadeias ProdutivasGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Leandro Luiz Santos
Leandro Luiz Santos
Ex - Secretário de Desenvolvimento EconômicoPrefeitura Municipal de Santa Luzia
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Azevedo Sette has profound expertise in the infrastructure industry, domestically and internationally. It has assisted clients of various profiles, ranging from investment funds and engineering companies, to international infrastructure operators.

Aeroportos Regionais - Como turbinar investimentos no Estado?

Ana Cândida De Mello
BMA Advogados
Fabio Cruz
Head of Institutional Relations & Legal Affairs
Zurich Airport Latin America
Wanderley Galhiego Junior
Institutional Relations Director
Thierry Besse
Institutional Director Brazil
VINCI Concessions
Mattheus Santos
VP de Infraestrutura - Transportes
Itaú BBA
Cristina Ribas
Superintendente Comercial
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Auditor-Chefe Adjunto - Unidade de Auditoria Especializada em Infraestrutura Rodoviária e Aviação Civil
TCU - Tribunal de Contas da União
Ana Cândida De Mello
Ana Cândida De Mello
PartnerBMA Advogados
Ana Cândida experience involves various Administrative Law matters: public procurement and government agreements, concession of public services, public-private partnerships, public companies, administrative corruption, accountability and fiscal responsibility, corporate social investment, regulated sectors, administrative proceedings with public and controlling entities (Audit Courts and Comptrollers).She participated in relevant infrastructure projects related to airport, port,railway and water and sewage sectors. She is internationally referenced in relevant legal guides, such as Chambers & Partners Latin America and The Legal 500. She is also CP³P-F certified, that’s granted by the APGM Public–Private Partnerships Certification Program.
Fabio Cruz
Fabio Cruz
Head of Institutional Relations & Legal AffairsZurich Airport Latin America
Fábio Cruz leads institutional relations and legal operations at Zurich Airport Latin America, the regional office of the Swiss airport operator Flughafen Zürich AG in Latin America. He specializes in M&A and holds a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law from Insper. He is currently an International Executive MBA candidate at FIA Business School. Also oversees the interface with other shareholders of the JVs companies established for the shared management of two of the airports in the Latin American portfolio. His role encompasses institutional and investor relations to facilitate business intermediation and asset management. Furthermore, Fábio serves as the Alternate Member and Secretary of the Board of Directors at BH Airport.
Wanderley Galhiego Junior
Wanderley Galhiego Junior
Institutional Relations DirectorSocicam
Business Administrator with MBA's in Business Management from FIAP and Finance from FIA. Executive responsible for the New Business area of Socicam, he has extensive experience in the development of concession contracts in passenger terminals, airports, ports and social infrastructures and services. Since 2018, it has been responsible for the technological innovation and corporate communication areas of Socicam.
Thierry Besse
Thierry Besse
Institutional Director BrazilVINCI Concessions
Multicultural professional with 10 years of experience with infrastructure concessions. Contract and regulatory management, strategic planning, project development and institutional relations.
Mattheus Santos
Mattheus Santos
VP de Infraestrutura - TransportesItaú BBA
Cristina Ribas
Cristina Ribas
Superintendente ComercialHTB
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Emmanuel do Vale Madeiro
Auditor-Chefe Adjunto - Unidade de Auditoria Especializada em Infraestrutura Rodoviária e Aviação CivilTCU - Tribunal de Contas da União
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.

Infraestrutura Social - Como Minas pode continuar sendo pioneira nas PPPs?

Otávio Silveira
IG4 Capital
Renato Sucupira
BF Capital
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto
Duarte Garcia
Diogo Prosdocimi
Diretor de Concessões e Parcerias
Leonardo Pereira
Chefe de Departamento
Marcelo Castro
CEO - Concessões e Investimentos
Engeform Concessoes e Investimentos
Daniel Figueiredo
Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Enleva Saúde Social
Otávio Silveira
Otávio Silveira
CounselorIG4 Capital
More than 20 years of top management experience over complex assets and businesses, taking part and leading several M&A processes on different industries. Strong experience in infrastructure industry, specially on startup and turnaround processes, taking active participation on real estate, road operation, energy and sanitation markets. Specialties: Strategic and financial planning; Long-term contracts management; Team leadership; Negotiation; Improvement of corporate reputation; Start-up and turnaround processes leadership.
Renato Sucupira
Renato Sucupira
PresidentBF Capital
Civil Engineer from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and MBA in Corporate Finance from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-RJ). Renato worked at BNDES between 1986 and 2004, with its main role being Director of BNDES-EXIM. Over the past seven years he has led an independent financial advisory company, BF CAPITAL, with operations surpassing R$ 20 billion in project financing.
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto
PartnerDuarte Garcia
Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), 1989. Graduated studies in Tax Law from Centro de Extensão Universitária (CEU), 1992, and in Public Law at Sociedade Brasileira de Direito Público, 1998. Project coordinator at the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law Infrastructure Committee, 2018.
Diogo Prosdocimi
Diogo Prosdocimi
Diretor de Concessões e ParceriasCODEMGE
Leonardo Pereira
Leonardo Pereira
Chefe de DepartamentoBNDES
Marcelo Castro
Marcelo Castro
CEO - Concessões e InvestimentosEngeform Concessoes e Investimentos
Executivo com mais de 25 anos de experiência, com forte atuação em Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Negócios, tendo atuado em empresas de grande porte, na Direção de Unidades de Negócio no Brasil e na América do Sul. Atuação nos segmentos industrial ( cimenteira ) e na cadeia da construção civil, estruturando negócios Greenfield, Brownfield, Vendas e Aquisições, PPPs ( Iluminação Pública, Saneamento, Saúde ) Concessões, Energia, Real Estate e Infraestrutura em âmbito nacional. Especializações e MBAs na área de Gestão de Negócios e de Empresas, Financeira, Direção Comercial e Marketing, Gestão de Pessoas, Negociações e Estratégia Corporativa.
Daniel Figueiredo
Daniel Figueiredo
Diretor de Desenvolvimento de NegóciosEnleva Saúde Social
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.

Resíduos & Biogás - Qual o papel de Minas na transição energética?

Bruno Werneck
Mayer Brown Tauil & Chequer
Marcelo Bragança
Vice-Presidente Executivo de Operações
Vibra Energia
Mila da Costa
RMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Vincenzo Piepoli
SUMA Brasil
Leticia Theotonio
Gerente Executiva de Resíduos
Currently Unaffiliated
Silvio Junior
Diretor Comercial e Novos Negócios
Marcio Froés
Coordenador de Serviço
Pedro Sena
Superintendente de Política Minerária, Energética e Logística
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Rodrigo Franco
Presidente da Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Bruno Werneck
Bruno Werneck
PartnerMayer Brown Tauil & Chequer
Bruno counsels Brazilian and foreign clients on matters related to infrastructure projects, energy, oil and gas and mining. His experience includes mergers and acquisitions transactions, concessions, public-private partnerships, including PMIs, government purchases, project financing, tax; incentives and regulatory matters. He worked as a foreign associate in the New York office of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, and was a partner in the American law Firm of Mayer Brown. He is a Professor of graduate courses at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).
Marcelo Bragança
Marcelo Bragança
Vice-Presidente Executivo de OperaçõesVibra Energia
Engenheiro mecânico formado pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), com pós-graduação em Engenharia de Manutenção e MBA em Logística Empresarial (FGV), Marcelo está no BR desde 1998, já tendo ocupado outros cargos executivos em atividades de logística, marketing e comerciais na companhia. Foi Diretor Executivo de Rede de Postos e Varejo e atualmente é Vice-Presidente Executivo de Operações.
Mila da Costa
Mila da Costa
Diretora-GeralRMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Vincenzo Piepoli
Vincenzo Piepoli
PresidenteSUMA Brasil
Leticia Theotonio
Leticia Theotonio
Gerente Executiva de ResíduosCurrently Unaffiliated
Silvio Junior
Silvio Junior
Diretor Comercial e Novos NegóciosEssencis
Marcio Froés
Marcio Froés
Coordenador de ServiçoBNDES
Pedro Sena
Pedro Sena
Superintendente de Política Minerária, Energética e LogísticaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Rodrigo Franco
Rodrigo Franco
Presidente da Fundação Estadual do Meio AmbienteGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Discussões Simultâneas I 16:00 - 17:00

Mobilidade em Movimento - Surgem novas soluções para o transporte metropolitano?

Luiz Cláudio CamposEY Moderator
Antonio GobboCODEBA
Mila da CostaRMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Aaron DallaGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Alexandre ChamieMCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento
Christiano FrançaConstrutora Barbosa Mello
Gilmar Lembi MascarenhasPrefeitura Municipal de Betim

Norte e Nordeste de Minas - Quais as estratégias para o desenvolvimento econômico e social das regiões?

Karin Yamauti HatanakaTozziniFreire Advogados Moderator
Jorge PalomequeCifi
Enilson Francisco dos SantosConsórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável do Norte de Minas (Codanorte)
Nelson Fonseca LeiteAgência de Desenvolvimento da Região Norte de Minas Gerais
Ovidio QuintanaTAG
Jordan Motta JordãoConsórcio Intermunicipal de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - CISRU
André SardinhaConstrutora Elevação
Felipe de Sá TavaresANA -Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico
Lincoln FariasCODEMGE

Minas sobre Trilhos - Como criar um corredor de exportação eficiente?

Bruno Meireles NavesSystra Moderator
Alexandre BozziEgis
Daniella BarrosVale
Fabricio FreitasMacro Development
Miguel NoronhaBMPI
Agnaldo BritoCurrently Unaffiliated
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Azevedo Sette has profound expertise in the infrastructure industry, domestically and internationally. It has assisted clients of various profiles, ranging from investment funds and engineering companies, to international infrastructure operators.

Mobilidade em Movimento - Surgem novas soluções para o transporte metropolitano?

Luiz Cláudio Campos
Partner, Head of Government & Infrastructure LatAm
Antonio Gobbo
Mila da Costa
RMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Aaron Dalla
Subsecretário de Transportes e Mobilidade
Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais
Alexandre Chamie
Head of Business
MCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento
Christiano França
Comercial Superintendent
Construtora Barbosa Mello
Gilmar Lembi Mascarenhas
Secretário Municipal de Finanças, Planejamento, Gestão, Orçamento e Obras Públicas
Prefeitura Municipal de Betim
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Partner, Head of Government & Infrastructure LatAmEY
More than 25 years of experience in Finance, Market Studies, Project Finance, Strategic Planning, Mergers and Acquisitions, Economic-Financial Modeling for concessions and PPPs. Coordinated several infrastructure projects in Brazil and abroad, in assets that exceed US$ 30 billion, given to the main players in the public and private sector in Brazil and Latin America. Coordinated projects for public and private sectors in a wide range of infrastructure sectors,such as: Urban Mobility; Railways; Airports; Ports; Highways; Energy; Water & Sanitation; Social Infrastructure.
Antonio Gobbo
Antonio Gobbo
President from the Port Authority in Bahia. C-level executive with over 23 years of experience in Structuring and Project Management on 4 continents. Expert in Public Private Partnership and Concession projects development in both public and private sectors, notably in the fields of Transportation, Urban Mobility, Sanitation and Energy.
Mila da Costa
Mila da Costa
Diretora-GeralRMBH - Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Aaron Dalla
Aaron Dalla
Subsecretário de Transportes e MobilidadeGoverno do Estado de Minas Gerais
Alexandre Chamie
Alexandre Chamie
Head of BusinessMCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento
Christiano França
Christiano França
Comercial SuperintendentConstrutora Barbosa Mello
Gilmar Lembi Mascarenhas
Gilmar Lembi Mascarenhas
Secretário Municipal de Finanças, Planejamento, Gestão, Orçamento e Obras PúblicasPrefeitura Municipal de Betim
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.

Norte e Nordeste de Minas - Quais as estratégias para o desenvolvimento econômico e social das regiões?

Karin Yamauti Hatanaka
TozziniFreire Advogados
Jorge Palomeque
Investment Officer
Enilson Francisco dos Santos
Secretário Executivo
Consórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável do Norte de Minas (Codanorte)
Nelson Fonseca Leite
Diretor de Articulação Institucional
Agência de Desenvolvimento da Região Norte de Minas Gerais
Ovidio Quintana
Commercial and Regulatory Director
Jordan Motta Jordão
Consórcio Intermunicipal de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - CISRU
André Sardinha
Business Development Director
Construtora Elevação
Felipe de Sá Tavares
Superintendente de Estudos Hídricos e Socioeconômicos
ANA -Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico
Lincoln Farias
Diretor Administrativo
Karin Yamauti Hatanaka
Karin Yamauti Hatanaka
PartnerTozziniFreire Advogados
Jorge Palomeque
Jorge Palomeque
Investment OfficerCifi
Investment Officer responsible for assessing High-Yield financing opportunities in power and infrastructure projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently focused on the Brazilian and Mexico markets.
Enilson Francisco dos Santos
Enilson Francisco dos Santos
Secretário ExecutivoConsórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento Ambiental Sustentável do Norte de Minas (Codanorte)
Nelson Fonseca Leite
Nelson Fonseca Leite
Diretor de Articulação InstitucionalAgência de Desenvolvimento da Região Norte de Minas Gerais
Ovidio Quintana
Ovidio Quintana
Commercial and Regulatory DirectorTAG
Jordan Motta Jordão
Jordan Motta Jordão
SuperintendenteConsórcio Intermunicipal de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - CISRU
André Sardinha
André Sardinha
Business Development DirectorConstrutora Elevação
Business Development Director at Construtora Elevação, André Sardinha has 19 years of experience in the heavy construction and infrastructure market. André Sardinha has worked on public and private infrastructure projects and was directly involved in the negotiation and contracting of projects, totaling approximately R$ 3.0 billion. At Construtora Elevação, André Sardinha is responsible for the development of new businesses in the heavy construction market. Previously, André Sardinha was Director of Business Development for the Andrade Gutierrez Group, responsible for business development in the mining sector for private clients.
Felipe de Sá Tavares
Felipe de Sá Tavares
Superintendente de Estudos Hídricos e SocioeconômicosANA -Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico
Lincoln Farias
Lincoln Farias
Diretor AdministrativoCODEMGE
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.

Minas sobre Trilhos - Como criar um corredor de exportação eficiente?

Bruno Meireles Naves
Diretor de Novos Negócios
Alexandre Bozzi
CCO Brasil
Daniella Barros
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure Projects
Fabricio Freitas
Macro Development
Miguel Noronha
Managing Director
Agnaldo Brito
Director of Infrastructure Communication
Currently Unaffiliated
Bruno Meireles Naves
Bruno Meireles Naves
Diretor de Novos NegóciosSystra
Engenheiro Civil e MBA pela FGV, atua desde 2012 na SYSTRA e participou diretamente em mais de 150 projetos de consultoria em engenharia. Atua atualmente, na prospecção de oportunidades no mercado de engenharia privado e público, bem como uma das imagens institucionais pela SYSTRA no Brasil. Com relevante experiência na condução de estudos de engenharia e tráfego, com ênfase em estudos demanda, planejamento regional de transporte, logística e viabilidade econômica de novas infraestruturas viárias.
Daniella Barros
Daniella Barros
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure ProjectsVale
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure Projects with a demonstrated history of working in the mining & metals, port and railway industries. Strong operations professional skilled in Negotiation, Operations Management, Supply Chain Optimization, Demand Planning, and Operational Excellence.
Fabricio Freitas
Fabricio Freitas
CEOMacro Development
Miguel Noronha
Miguel Noronha
Managing DirectorBMPI
Managing Director of BMPI and board member at SGA – Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental and BH-IP, first big scale public lighting company in Brazil. Miguel was deputy chairman at Rocha Port Terminals and board member at Cattalini Port Terminals and NovaAgri Logistics Company. He was also managing partner at Angra Infraestrutura and executive of Generation, Transmission and Environment at Eletropaulo Power Company. At Amcham-American Chamber of Commerce São Paulo, he was chairman of Logistics Committee. Miguel holds an MBA at IBMEC and Environmental Management Specialization at USP, as well as a graduate degree in Geology at USP.
Agnaldo Brito
Agnaldo Brito
Director of Infrastructure CommunicationCurrently Unaffiliated
He holds a degree in Social Communication with a specialization in Energy from the Journalism Laboratory of the State University of Campinas (Labjor/Unicamp). He worked for more than 20 years in the main press offices in Brazil, including Gazeta Mercantil, O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S.Paulo. As a journalist, he has covered issues related to the infrastructure sector in Brazil and abroad. He specializes in various infrastructure segments, such as highways, ports, airports, urban mobility and energy. In corporate communication, he has worked as a specialist in strategic communication for the infrastructure sector.
Discussões Simultâneas I 17:30 - 18:30

Concessões Rodoviárias - Quais as perspectivas para os próximos lotes mineiros?

Daiana CamposACCIONA Moderator
Ralph RosenbergPerfin Investimentos
Francisco BulhõesSaúde BH
Marco Aurélio BarcelosABCR
Celia DaumasArteris
André NogueiraAon
José Carlos CassanigaEPR
Guilherme MartinsBNDES
Frederico DieterichAzevedo Sette Advogados
Bruno Eustáquio de CarvalhoCODEMGE

Liderança em Energia Solar - Quais as vantagens para a GC e GD em Minas?

Matheus PenidoGrupo Serveng Moderator
Luiz ViannaThymos Energia
Gabriela IanhezTotal Eren
Daniel EngelVeirano Advogados
Deborah CanongiaScatec Solar
Ricardo MendesAtlas Renewable Energy

Parcerias para o Saneamento Mineiro - Como ganhar eficiência nos investimentos?

Andréa HäggsträmAegea Saneamento Moderator
Carlos CastroGrupo Águas do Brasil
Gustavo ValenteVinci Partners
Guilherme AraújoUBS
Guilherme MendonçaBNDES
Felipe de Sá TavaresANA -Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico
Fernando PereiraGrupo Ambipar
William de Almeida PereiraSiemens Participações
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Azevedo Sette has profound expertise in the infrastructure industry, domestically and internationally. It has assisted clients of various profiles, ranging from investment funds and engineering companies, to international infrastructure operators.

Concessões Rodoviárias - Quais as perspectivas para os próximos lotes mineiros?

Daiana Campos
Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Novos Negocios
Ralph Rosenberg
CIO and Founding Partner
Perfin Investimentos
Francisco Bulhões
Saúde BH
Marco Aurélio Barcelos
Diretor Presidente
Celia Daumas
Superintendente de Relações Institucionais
André Nogueira
Construction & Infrastructure Specialty Leader
José Carlos Cassaniga
Guilherme Martins
Head of Investment Partnerships Structuring
Frederico Dieterich
Senior Partner & Head of Infrastructure
Azevedo Sette Advogados
Bruno Eustáquio de Carvalho
Diretor de Concessões e Parcerias da Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais - CODEMGE
Daiana Campos
Daiana Campos
Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Novos NegociosACCIONA
Ralph Rosenberg
Ralph Rosenberg
CIO and Founding PartnerPerfin Investimentos
Mr Ralph Rosenberg is the CIO and Founding Partner at Perfin Asset. Mr. Rosenberg has been involved in all phases of Perfin’s development, since the first equity funds to its recent infrastructure investments. Mr. Rosenberg has always worked in the financial industry beginning his career at Banco Santander in 2001. Since 2006 he has been responsible for equity and infrastructure funds. He supports social projects, mainly child cancer institutions. Mr. Rosenberg holds a B.A. degree in Business MBA in Finance.
Marco Aurélio Barcelos
Marco Aurélio Barcelos
Diretor PresidenteABCR
Marco Aurélio Barcelos é Secretário de Infraestrutura e Mobilidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Anteriormente, ocupou os cargos de Secretário de Articulação para Investimentos e Parcerias no Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos (PPI) da Presidência da República e de Diretor Jurídico na São Paulo Negócios. É doutorando em Direito do Estado pela USP, Mestre em Direito (LL.M) pela Universidade de Londres e Mestre em Direito Administrativo pela UFMG. Também foi consultor para PPPs da Fundação Getúlio Vargas e diretor da Unidade de PPP do Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais.
Celia Daumas
Celia Daumas
Superintendente de Relações InstitucionaisArteris
A person who loves Logistics and Infrastructure, aware of its fundamental importance for the country's development, I can describe myself as a person with large experience in ​​ports, highways and railways, with more than 25 years working in big companies.
André Nogueira
André Nogueira
Construction & Infrastructure Specialty LeaderAon
José Carlos Cassaniga
José Carlos Cassaniga
Executivo com ampla experiência nos setores de concessões de rodovias e de infraestruturas, incluindo posição atual como diretor-presidente da EPR, além de atuações como diretor-executivo da ABCR (Associação Brasileira de Concessionárias de Rodovias), diretor executivo de concessões rodoviárias, diretor presidente de concessionárias e diretor de engenharia corporativa no Grupo Ecorodovias, entre outras funções. Trabalhou, também, para o Grupo CIBE Participações e para a empresa inglesa Roughton International, pela qual empreendeu projetos rodoviários no continente africano. Durante sua passagem pela Ecorodovias, foi membro do Conselho Diretor da ABCR.
Guilherme Martins
Guilherme Martins
Head of Investment Partnerships StructuringBNDES
Guilherme is the department head of highways at the PPP Advisory Unit of the BNDES. He holds the financial analyst certification CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). Before joining this division, he led the Debt Capital Markets department, with a portfolio of over 60 corporate and infrastructure project bonds under its management. Previously, he had worked with infrastructure finance, including airports, toll roads, municipal solid waste and energy from waste. Before joining BNDES in 2009, he had worked for private sector companies in mining and communications. He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense and a Master's in Economics and Finance from Finance from Ibmec-RJ, with an extension at Nottingham University.
Frederico Dieterich
Frederico Dieterich
Senior Partner & Head of InfrastructureAzevedo Sette Advogados
Frederico Bopp Dieterich is a senior partner with Azevedo Sette Advogados, having over 25-year experience in the infrastructure industry. PhD. CP3P-F. He assists clients in complex deals involving Administrative Law, Regulations, Infrastructure, PPPs and Concessions, Project Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Law, Construction and EPC, in Brazil and abroad. Frederico is recommended in all relevant legal guides, such as LACCA Approved, Who’s Who, The Legal 500, Chambers Global, Chambers Latin America, Chambers Brazil, Latin Lawyer 250, Leaders League and Análise Advocacia. He constantly provides relevant information, opinions and materials at
Bruno Eustáquio de Carvalho
Bruno Eustáquio de Carvalho
Diretor de Concessões e Parcerias da Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais - CODEMGECODEMGE
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.

Liderança em Energia Solar - Quais as vantagens para a GC e GD em Minas?

Matheus Penido
Vice President
Grupo Serveng
Luiz Vianna
Thymos Energia
Gabriela Ianhez
Head de Construção & Engenharia
Total Eren
Daniel Engel
Partner - Infrastructure and Energy
Veirano Advogados
Deborah Canongia
Vice President Business Development LATAM
Scatec Solar
Ricardo Mendes
Diretor Comercial
Atlas Renewable Energy
Matheus Penido
Matheus Penido
Vice PresidentGrupo Serveng
He is a member of the third generation of the owner and founder family. Matheus returned to the Group in April/2021, after 4 years in the United States where he obtained an MBA from Columbia University and worked as Chief Operations Officer of a footwear company. Previously, he worked for 19 years in several units of the company and studied Civil Engineering at Poli/USP.
Luiz Vianna
Luiz Vianna
COOThymos Energia
Graduated as a business administrator at Tuiuti University of Paraná, with specialization in Challenges of Leadership in Teams by MIT. Started his carried at LACTEC in 1999, as a trainee. Fifteen years later, became the president of the institute, position he occupies up to the moment. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of IPD Eletron, Thematic Council of Industrial Policies, Innovation and Design of FIEP, and of Superior Council of the Araucaria Foundation. He was the president of the Abipti and actively participated, as a member, of the Consulting Council and of the Thematic Group about FINEP, the Gas and Oil Sector, Administration Council of the CGEE and of the Technical Scientific Committee of ANP.
Gabriela Ianhez
Gabriela Ianhez
Head de Construção & EngenhariaTotal Eren
Daniel Engel
Daniel Engel
Partner - Infrastructure and EnergyVeirano Advogados
Daniel Engel has significant experience in providing legal advice to national and foreign companies in infrastructure contracts in the various phases of projects (from greenfield to implementation, restructuring and claims management), in project finance, M&A transactions involving infrastructure and energy assets, as well as in public contracts and regulatory aspects of several industries.
Deborah Canongia
Deborah Canongia
Vice President Business Development LATAMScatec Solar
Ricardo Mendes
Ricardo Mendes
Diretor ComercialAtlas Renewable Energy
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.

Parcerias para o Saneamento Mineiro - Como ganhar eficiência nos investimentos?

Andréa Häggsträm
Diretora de Relações Institucionais
Aegea Saneamento
Carlos Castro
Diretor Executivo de Novos Negócios e Regulação
Grupo Águas do Brasil
Gustavo Valente
Infrastructure Principal
Vinci Partners
Guilherme Araújo
Diretor Executivo
Guilherme Mendonça
Felipe de Sá Tavares
Superintendente de Estudos Hídricos e Socioeconômicos
ANA -Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico
Fernando Pereira
Head Water Solutions
Grupo Ambipar
William de Almeida Pereira
CEO da Smart Infrastructure e VP da Siemens do Brasil
Siemens Participações
Andréa Häggsträm
Andréa Häggsträm
Diretora de Relações InstitucionaisAegea Saneamento
Carlos Castro
Carlos Castro
Diretor Executivo de Novos Negócios e RegulaçãoGrupo Águas do Brasil
Gustavo Valente
Gustavo Valente
Infrastructure PrincipalVinci Partners
Guilherme Araújo
Guilherme Araújo
Diretor ExecutivoUBS
Felipe de Sá Tavares
Felipe de Sá Tavares
Superintendente de Estudos Hídricos e SocioeconômicosANA -Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico
Fernando Pereira
Fernando Pereira
Head Water SolutionsGrupo Ambipar
Possui 17 anos de experiência no setor de saneamento, atualmente exercendo a função de CEO na General Water S.A., empresa na qual construí minha carreira, iniciando como trainee em 2006. Graduado em engenharia civil pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, com especialização em gerenciamento de risco e decisões estratégicas pela Stanford University, além de diversos cursos de extensão. Atualmente estou cursando o Certificate in Business Excellence da Columbia Business School, com previsão de conclusão em 2022.
William de Almeida Pereira
William de Almeida Pereira
CEO da Smart Infrastructure e VP da Siemens do BrasilSiemens Participações


Não perca a chance de conhecer as instalações do Aeroporto Internacional de Belo Horizonte,
BH Airport, que foram reformadas recentemente, como as novas áreas comerciais do terminal de passageiros l e o terminal 2.

Veja também como funciona o Hertz 400, sistema de ar condicionado que facilita o abastecimento dos aviões.

Esta visita técnica exclusiva será seguida de coquetel de boas-vindas.
Quarta-feira, 21 de Junho
15:00 | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)


Solicite sua participação para a Visita Técnica ao Aeroporto de Confins, incluindo suas informações abaixo.
Successful registration
* Eu confirmo que li e concordo com os Termos e Condições do GRI Club

Parcerias público-privadas geram agilidade nos serviços relacionados à infraestrutura social, pois permitem que governos e empresas privadas trabalhem juntos para entregar soluções inovadoras que garantem acesso a serviços de qualidade. Durante a visita técnica os membros do GRI poderão vivenciar como se dá a dinâmica do Hospital Metropolitano Dr. Célio de Castro (HMDCC), em Belo Horizonte, do qual a Opy Health é detentora da concessão administrativa para a implantação do local, além de prestar serviços de apoio não-clínicos para sua operação.
Sexta-feira, 23 de Junho
9h - 11h | Brasilia Time (GMT-3)

Submeta seu interesse

Solicite sua participação para a Visita Técnica ao BHIP, incluindo suas informações abaixo.
Successful registration
* Eu confirmo que li e concordo com os Termos e Condições do GRI Club


2W Energia
Perfin Investimentos
Vale S.A.
CCCCSA São Paulo Office
BNDES - Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social
Total Eren
Zurich Airport Latin America Ltda.
Grupo CCR
Origem Energia
IFC - International Finance Corporation - Brazil
OPY Health
Accenture - Brazil
UBS - Brazil
EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logística
Monte Equity Partners
Comerc Energia - Comercializadora de Energia Elétrica
Brookfield Asset Management
CPFL Energia - Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz
Huawei do Brasil Telecomunicações
Mubadala Investment Company
CDPQ - Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec - Brazil
DP World - USA (Headquarter LATAM)
GLP Capital Partners - Infra Club
Grupo Delta Energia
Itaú BBA S.A
CPPIB - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - Brazil
Credit Suisse - Brazil
Vinci Partners - RJ
Grupo Aterpa
ACCIONA - Brasil
Aegea Saneamento
BNP Paribas - Brazil
Marquise Ambiental
BRK Ambiental
Prumo Logística
Banco do Brasil - Headquarter
Arena Fonte Nova
VINCI Airports - Brasil
Instituto Couto Maia (Hospital)
Siemens Energy Brasil
Banco Santander - Brazil
Rio Energy
XP Investimentos
GS Inima - Brasil
Banco MUFG Brasil S.A
+55 (11) 3957-9400
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Com mais de 14 anos de história, a 2W Energia é uma plataforma completa de soluções em energia elétrica que atua na Segunda Onda do setor. Desenvolvemos produtos e serviços inovadores, tecnológicos e disruptivos para que o consumidor tenha ainda mais poder de escolha. Somos motivados pela autonomia e queremos provocar uma transformação escalável dentro do mercado. Com presença nacional de mais de 150 profissionais e mais de 800 agentes autônomos, somos influenciadores de impacto e impulsionamos a liberdade para milhares de consumidores espalhados pelo Brasil. Acreditamos na democratização do acesso à informação e, juntos, vamos reinventar a relação da sociedade com a energia.
Sao Paulo | Brazil
Perfin is an independent asset management, specializing in equity and infrastructure funds. Founded in 2007 by Ralph Rosenberg and José Roberto Ermírio de Moraes Filho, we focus on studying and understanding companies and investing constructively through deep and long-lasting partnerships. We seek returns with capital preservation and avoid the risk of permanent loss. We have senior teams responsible for analyzing the best opportunities.
+55 (21) 3814-4477
Rio De Janeiro | Brazil
With operations, offices, exploration projects and joint ventures spread across five continents, Vale is a world leader in the mining sector. Headquartered in Brazil, we operate in over 30 countries and employ over 195,000 people (including employees and long-term contractors). We are the global leader in iron ore and the second biggest nickel producer. We also produce copper, coal, manganese, ferroalloys, fertilizers, cobalt and platinum group metals.
+55 11 4550-6720
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCCC South America Regional Company was established in May 2016. Its headquarters are located in São Paulo, and its registration is in Luxembourg. In 2017 ,PC South America Regional Company acquired Concremat, a reputable Brazilian company in the field of Engineering Consulting. With 67 years old, Concremat has consolidated itself as the leader in Brazil in engineering projects and consultancy.
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
Paris | France
Total Eren in Brazil is now strongly considering investment in wind and is focused on building an exclusive investment partnership with Petrobras dedicated to onshore wind & solar.
Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
Located in Brazil, Zurich Airport Latin America Ltd is the regional representative office of Flughafen Zürich AG (Zurich Airport) in the region responsible for the management of the investments in Brazil (Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis, Vitória, Macaé, and Natal) , Chile (Iquique and Antofagasta), Colombia (Bogotá) and Curaçao; as for business development in Brazil and Latin America.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
+55 11 3168-0108
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Holding company of equity stakes in businesses and structured projects in infrastructure sector, particularly dedicated to solutions for sustainable cities (efficient sanitation and public lighting systems). The company highlights governance and management as primary sources of value creation in its business and also leverages an articulated framework to execution of new investments. It currently holds equity position in sub-holdings and 7 companies of diverse business niches in infrastructure.
Associada ao administrador de empresas Luiz Felipe Coutinho e ao engenheiro Nathan Biddle criaram uma companhia com a missão de participar da expansão e transformação da matriz brasileira de energia rumo à economia de baixo carbono.
São Paulo | Brazil
We are Opy Health, the first integrated platform of infrastructure assets and provider of non-medical services to the Brazilian healthcare sector
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
A Accenture é uma empresa líder global em serviços profissionais, com ampla atuação e oferta de soluções em estratégia de negócios, consultoria, digital, tecnologia e operações. Combinando experiência ímpar e competências especializadas em mais de 40 indústrias e todas as funções corporativas – e fortalecida pela maior rede de prestação de serviços no mundo –, a Accenture trabalha na interseção de negócio e tecnologia para ajudar companhias a melhorar seu desempenho e criar valor sustentável para seus stakeholders. Com cerca de 442.000 profissionais atendendo a clientes em mais de 120 países, a Accenture impulsiona a inovação para aprimorar a maneira como o mundo vive e trabalha. Visite
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
UBS is committed to providing private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland, with superior financial advice and solutions. Its strategy centers on its Wealth Management and Wealth Management Americas businesses and its leading universal bank in Switzerland, complemented by its Asset Management business and its Investment Bank. These businesses share three key characteristics: they benefit from a strong competitive position in their targeted markets, are capital-efficient, and offer a superior structural growth and profitability outlook. UBS’s strategy builds on the strengths of all of its businesses and focuses its efforts on areas in which it excels, while seeking to capitalize on the compelling growth prospects in the businesses and regions in which it operates. In Brazil, UBS offers wealth management services to private investors and broker dealer and corporate client solutions to institutional clients.
São Paulo | Brazil
EcoRodovias is the operator with the most extensive road network in Brazil. The Company, a subsidiary of the ASTM Group, currently manages ten highway concessions covering more than 4,000 kilometers in eight states and a port terminal.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Investment Fund focused on development and investments in the port, logistics, sanitation and solar energy sectors.
+55 11 4573 0289
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Padova | Italy
Studio Duso is a boutique consulting firm with focus on M&A and real estate deals
+ 55 (11) 2540-9164
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
Brookfied is a company dedicated to real estate investments, acquisition and construction of offices and industrial warehouses with a focus on revenue.
+55 19 3756-8111
Campinas | SP | Brazil
CPFL Energia, for 106 years in the electricity sector, has been active in the distribution, generation, trading and services segments. Since January 2017, the Group has been part of the Chinese state-owned State Grid.
+55 11 5105-5105
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world.
Safat | Kuwait
Abu Dhabi | UAE
We create value by leveraging our talent, our shareholder, our diverse portfolio, and our global presence and partnerships. As a responsible investor, we serve a wider social and economic development purpose through a principled work culture and by inspiring our businesses to make a positive and lasting impact on the communities in which they operate. Mubadala is a $302 billion (AED 1,111 billion) business that spans six continents with interests across multiple sectors and asset classes. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Mubadala also has offices in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, San Francisco and Beijing. At Mubadala we continue to look towards the future, with aspirations to double the size of our portfolio in the coming decade. Our environment thrives on inspiration, partnerships, and continuous evolution and is tailored for those who aspire to not only reach new heights in their careers but also contribute to sustainable, long-term investments that shape future industries.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
Canadian long-term institutional investor, CDPQ has been a major infrastructure investor for more than 15 years.
Charlotte | NC | USA
DP World is the leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain. We operate multiple related businesses – from marine and inland terminals, marine services, logistics and ancillary services, to technology-driven trade solutions. Our portfolio of more than 150 operations in over 50 countries in six continents gives us a significant presence both in high-growth and mature markets. DP World’s has more than 50,000 employees from 120 countries.
+55 11 3500 3700
Sao Paulo | Brazil
GLP is a leading global business builder, owner, developer and operator of logistics real estate, infrastructure, data centers, renewable energy and related technologies. GLP’s deep expertise and operational insights allow it to build and scale high-quality businesses and create value for its customers. GLP owns and operates assets and businesses in 17 countries across Asia, Europe and the Americas.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Com quase 20 anos de atuação e pioneiro às tendências de mercado, o Grupo Delta Energia consolidou-se como uma das maiores empresas de energia do país. Sua estratégia de crescimento foi pautada na constante política de reinvestimentos, onde todas as aquisições foram realizadas com recursos próprios, o que contribuiu para seu desenvolvimento sustentável e a diversificação do portfólio de negócios da companhia. Atualmente, o grupo transaciona 5 mil MW médios por mês, o que corresponde a 8% do consumo de energia brasileiro.
+55 21 3590-2410
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Navi is an investment firm focused on Brazilian public equities, infrastructure, and real estate assets, totaling USD 1.8bn of AuM. With a track record of over a decade, we serve leading banks, family offices, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds.
+55 11 3216 5700
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Credit Suisse is an global bank with presence in Brazil that works in Private Banking ,Wealth & Asset Management,Credit operations, and others.
Rio De Janeiro | Brazil
Vinci is one of Brazil’s largest alternative investment firms, with over R$ 60bi of AUM. The Real Estate area represents more than R$5,0bi of this AUM with investments across different asset classes and strategies.
+55 21 3721-3000
Rio De Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Eneva is a fully integrated energy company, with businesses in power generation and Oil & Gas exploration and production.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Miya is a multinational provider of urban water efficiency solutions, designing and implementing results that significantly improve customers' financial and operational productivity. It is currently operating in Europe, the Caribbean, and Africa.
Belo Horizonte | MG | Brazil
Grupo Aterpa, founded in 1951, is one of the main players in heavy construction and infrastructure business in Brazil. It operates in the highways, railways, bridges, tunnels and sanitation sectors, having delivered hundreds of works in Brazil and abroad.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
ACCIONA is a leader in providing sustainable solutions for infrastructure and renewable energy projects across the world. Its offer covers the whole value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. With a presence in more than 30 countries, the Group develops its business activities based on the desire to contribute to economic and social development in the communities in which it operates.
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Leading group in banking and financial services in Europe, it is divided into three business areas: Asset Management, Corporate and Institutional Banking and Asset Management.
Fortaleza | CE | Brazil
Marquise Ambiental was a pioneer on several fronts in Brazil's solid waste management. It obtained the first waste concession and made the first PPP of its kind in the country.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
In the Water and Wastewater segment, BRK Ambiental operates in all regions of the country under full concession (water and wastewater) or partial concession (wastewater) model, as well as through PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) and other associations with state and municipal entities. In addition, it has guaranteed its position with a strategy focused on synergy and on offering quality services. All of this guarantees effective performance when tackling the sanitation deficit challenge present in Brazil, while working in a complementary fashion with the government.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Na Prumo, atuamos como catalisadores de investimentos e principal parceiro de projetos industriais, de energia e infraestrutura no Hemisfério Sul. Nossa missão é identificar e desenvolver oportunidades de negócios alinhadas às nossas vocações naturais. Trazemos aos nossos negócios uma visão estratégica integrada, alavancada nos ativos do Porto do Açu, localizado no estado do Rio de Janeiro.
+55 61 3102-0000
Brasília | DF | Brazil
Banco do Brasil is one of the largest Latin American Bank in terms of Project Financing, Loans, Guarantees and DCM operations, besides being a very active player in financial advisory for the infrastructure sector in Brazil.
Salvador | BA | Brazil
Fonte Nova Arena is a consolidated event venue, housing a wide range of corporate and entertainment events, as well as touristic activities. By the end of the year, about 1m people should pass through or attend sporting an non-sporting events at Arena.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
The Salvador Airport was integrated through a Concession Agreement lasting until 2047 to VINCI Airports, one of the five major global companies in the sector, which develops, finances, builds and operates airports.
Salvador | BA | Brazil
A principal empresa privada de gestão em saúde na área de concessões do setor público incluindo o modelo de Parceria Público Privada (PPP).
Jundiaí | SP | Brazil
With more than 100 years of experience in the country, the Siemens transforms its excellence in electrification, automation and digitization into solutions to break borders and bring ingenuity to Brazilians.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
+55 11 3074-2404 (Ramal 14418)
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Arteris is one of the largest highway concession companies in Brazil in managed kilometers, with over 3,400km. It manages highways located in the states of SP, MG, RJ, PR and SC, in addition to 5 federal and 4 state concessions in SP.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Socicam contributes with pioneerism & efficiency to the sustainable development of the infrastructure and mobility. In Latin America, it takes leading position in the management of passengers in bus terminals, airports and ports.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Rio Energy develops, builds and operates renewable energy generation projects. Founded in 2012, has two wind farms in operation and a park in implantation in the Northeast of Brazil. In addition to 2.1GW in various stages of development.
+55 11 3513-8008
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
One of the largest investment companies in Brazil. For more than 15 years, XP has been transforming the investment market in the country. Today, XP are the reference when it comes to investment advice.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.
+55 41 3330 4700
Curitiba | PR | Brazil
Acting in the areas of construction and restoration of highways, railways, concession of highways, viaducts, dams and infrastructure. Company with 100% national capital, mainly works in the public works segment.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) is one of the world’s leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with over 360 years of history, MUFG has a global network with over 1,800 locations in more than 50 countries. The Group has over 150,000 employees and offers services including commercial banking, trust banking, securities, credit cards, consumer finance, asset management, and leasing. The Group aims to “be the world’s most trusted financial group” through close collaboration among our operating companies and flexibly respond to all of the financial needs of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and sustainable growth for a better world. MUFG’s shares trade on the Tokyo, Nagoya, and New York stock exchanges. For more information, visit

Advisory Board

Ana Cândida De Mello
BMA Advogados
Ana Cândida De Mello
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Founded in 1995, BMA is one of the most recognized law firms in Brazil. Present in a substantial part of the mergers and acquisitions operations carried out in the last two decades, BMA has participated in the creation of business groups with global operations and leaders in their segments. With experienced, qualified and knowledgeable professionals from the public and private sectors, BMA seeks in-depth knowledge of its clients' issues. It always works with creative and effective solutions based on a multidisciplinary vision, obtained through the integration of its teams.
Andre Clark
Senior Vice President for Latin America and Vice President Brazil
Siemens Energy Brasil
Andre Clark
Jundiaí | SP | Brazil
With more than 100 years of experience in the country, the Siemens transforms its excellence in electrification, automation and digitization into solutions to break borders and bring ingenuity to Brazilians.
André De Angelo
Country Director
André De Angelo
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
ACCIONA is a leader in providing sustainable solutions for infrastructure and renewable energy projects across the world. Its offer covers the whole value chain, from design and construction to operation and maintenance. With a presence in more than 30 countries, the Group develops its business activities based on the desire to contribute to economic and social development in the communities in which it operates.
Atilio Rulli
Vice-president of Public Relations - Latin America and the Caribbean
Atilio Rulli
+55 11 5105-5105
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world.
Bruno Sena
Bruno Sena
+55 11 3168-0108
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Holding company of equity stakes in businesses and structured projects in infrastructure sector, particularly dedicated to solutions for sustainable cities (efficient sanitation and public lighting systems). The company highlights governance and management as primary sources of value creation in its business and also leverages an articulated framework to execution of new investments. It currently holds equity position in sub-holdings and 7 companies of diverse business niches in infrastructure.
Daniella Barros
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure Projects
Daniella Barros
+55 (21) 3814-4477
Rio De Janeiro | Brazil
With operations, offices, exploration projects and joint ventures spread across five continents, Vale is a world leader in the mining sector. Headquartered in Brazil, we operate in over 30 countries and employ over 195,000 people (including employees and long-term contractors). We are the global leader in iron ore and the second biggest nickel producer. We also produce copper, coal, manganese, ferroalloys, fertilizers, cobalt and platinum group metals.
Dênio Cidreira
Currently Unaffiliated
Francisco Bulhões
Saúde BH
Francisco Bulhões
Belo Horizonte | MG | Brazil
Este é um projeto em forma de Parceria Público Privada (PPP). A PPP é resultado de uma iniciativa da Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte (PBH) juntamente à Saúde BH, empresa da Transpes, que beneficiará aproximadamente 800 mil habitantes da capital mineira. A parceria foi desenvolvida e colocada em prática pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde sob a forma de licitação pública, ficando então a cargo da concessionária vencedora pelo menor preço, a Saúde BH, a construção e a administração de 59 Centros de Saúde ao longo de 20 anos. A construção do primeiro Centro de Saúde foi iniciada em abril de 2019 e finalizada em dezembro de 2019. A expectativa é que todos os 59 Centros de Saúde estejam em funcionamento no segundo semestre de 2024.
José Guilherme Souza
Managing Partner - Head of Infrastructure Investments
Vinci Partners
José Guilherme Souza
+55 11 3572 3700
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Vinci is one of Brazil’s largest alternative investment firms, with over R$ 60bi of AUM. The Real Estate area represents more than R$5,0bi of this AUM with investments across different asset classes and strategies.
Marcelo Felberg
CFO Americas
DP World Americas
Marcelo Felberg
Charlotte | NC | USA
DP World is the leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain. We operate multiple related businesses – from marine and inland terminals, marine services, logistics and ancillary services, to technology-driven trade solutions. Our portfolio of more than 150 operations in over 50 countries in six continents gives us a significant presence both in high-growth and mature markets. DP World’s has more than 50,000 employees from 120 countries.
Marilene Ramos
Diretora de Relações Institucionais e Sustentabilidade
Grupo Águas do Brasil
Marilene Ramos
Niteroi | RJ | Brazil
Otávio Silveira
IG4 Capital
Otávio Silveira
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
IG4 Capital is an alternative asset manager focused on Latin America. With a team of 52 people and presence in Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Chile, it manages ~USD 1.2 billion in infrastructure assets in the following sectors: water and sanitation, transportation and logistics, urban mobility, social infrastructure, and energy and telecom. IG4 current portfolio generates more than USD1.5 billion of turnover per year, employs more than 20 thousand people and serves more than 15 million clients.
Ricardo Alves
Senior Vice President - Infrastructure Private Equity
Ricardo Alves
+55 11 3514 1600
Sao Paulo | Brazil
Fundo soberano de Cingapura, classificado como um dos maiores do mundo. Possui cerca de US$ 100 bilhões em ativos em mais de 40 países.
Sylvia Brasil Coutinho
Sylvia Brasil Coutinho
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
UBS is committed to providing private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland, with superior financial advice and solutions. Its strategy centers on its Wealth Management and Wealth Management Americas businesses and its leading universal bank in Switzerland, complemented by its Asset Management business and its Investment Bank. These businesses share three key characteristics: they benefit from a strong competitive position in their targeted markets, are capital-efficient, and offer a superior structural growth and profitability outlook. UBS’s strategy builds on the strengths of all of its businesses and focuses its efforts on areas in which it excels, while seeking to capitalize on the compelling growth prospects in the businesses and regions in which it operates. In Brazil, UBS offers wealth management services to private investors and broker dealer and corporate client solutions to institutional clients.
Ana Cândida De Mello
Ana Cândida De Mello
PartnerBMA Advogados
Ana Cândida experience involves various Administrative Law matters: public procurement and government agreements, concession of public services, public-private partnerships, public companies, administrative corruption, accountability and fiscal responsibility, corporate social investment, regulated sectors, administrative proceedings with public and controlling entities (Audit Courts and Comptrollers).She participated in relevant infrastructure projects related to airport, port,railway and water and sewage sectors. She is internationally referenced in relevant legal guides, such as Chambers & Partners Latin America and The Legal 500. She is also CP³P-F certified, that’s granted by the APGM Public–Private Partnerships Certification Program.
Andre Clark
Andre Clark
Senior Vice President for Latin America and Vice President BrazilSiemens Energy Brasil
André Clark began his career in the Pulp&Paper industry in 1995. He has 17 years of experience in Energy, Oil&Gas, Manufacturing, Logistics and Infrastructure areas. He was CEO of Acciona for Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay. Now, Mr Clark is the President and CEO of Siemens Brazil, since November, 1st, 2017. He holds Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and MBA in Finance and Operations Management from New York University Stern School of Business.
André De Angelo
André De Angelo
Country DirectorACCIONA
Country Director of ACCIONA Infraestructuras in Brazil, he is a Civil Engineer with an MBA in Business and Commercial Management. He began his career as a Construction Engineer at Andrade Gutierrez, where he worked for 17 years and was the Director of the Latin America Market, responding to the commercial and operational management of the company's projects in Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, among others. He also worked for 2 years as Executive Director for the Southern Cone region at Pentech, a multinational company of EPCenergy and industrial projects. At ACCIONA,with his strategic vision and experience in contract management, he is responsible for developing business in the areas of construction, concessions, industrial, water and services.
Atilio Rulli
Atilio Rulli
Vice-president of Public Relations - Latin America and the CaribbeanHuawei
With over 30 years of experience in the ICT field, Atílio is an electronic engineer from FAAP, postgraduate in Computer Science and an MBA in Economics and Government Relations from USP (University of São Paulo). The executive has already worked as a Network and Data Center manager at Prodam - SP, passing by multinationals such as Cabletron, Enterasys and CISCO, where he was responsible for the Regional Sales Department. With Huawei for 5 years, the world's leading Chinese ICT company operating in Brazil for 23 years, Atílio has contributed to building partnerships that leverage Brazil's digital transformation, through Huawei's connectivity expertise.
Bruno Sena
Bruno Sena
He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, having started his career in the financial market at Banco Opportunity. He was previously Managing Director at Internet Group, company integrated by iG, BrTurbo and iBest. In 2009, he joined Angra Infra as Managing Partner, where he could manage a wide range of investment in infrastructure. In 2013, he founded Barbosa Mello Investimentos, an infrastructure investment holding company. The company currently has investments in sectors such as water, energy, social infrastructure, street lighting and transports.
Daniella Barros
Daniella Barros
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure ProjectsVale
Director of Regulatory and Infrastructure Projects with a demonstrated history of working in the mining & metals, port and railway industries. Strong operations professional skilled in Negotiation, Operations Management, Supply Chain Optimization, Demand Planning, and Operational Excellence.
Dênio Cidreira
Dênio Cidreira
CEOCurrently Unaffiliated
Dênio Cidreira is President of Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova. He is a chemical engineer graduated from UFBA and holds an MBA from FGV and Cranfield (England). He also took the Harvard Business School Product Innovation Leadership Course and the IBGC Management Advisor Course. He previously held positions in the Odebrecht Group, which he joined as Braskem's New Business Manager and gained executive experience by being part the board of several companies within the group: Santo Antonio Energia, Odebrecht Ambiental (currently BRK Ambiental) and Odebrecht Properties.
José Guilherme Souza
José Guilherme Souza
Managing Partner - Head of Infrastructure InvestmentsVinci Partners
Mr Souza has been with Vinci Partners since inception, and had been manager of FIP Brasil Energia while at Banco Pactual until 2009. At Vinci, Mr Souza was responsible for monitoring the investment in Equatorial Energia until 2015 and has served as board member of Celpa (Centrais Eletrica do Para), Cecrisa, and is still at the board of Grupo CBO. He holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajubá (EFEI) and an MBA with a major in Corporate Finance and Accounting from University of Rochester, New York (Beta Gamma Sigma award).
Marcelo Felberg
Marcelo Felberg
CFO AmericasDP World Americas
CFO of DP World Americas since 2018. Prior to DP World Americas, was acting CEO (2017) and CFO of Odebrecht Transport S.A. (from 2010 to 2018) and CFO of Rede Energia (2008). Before that had worked for almost 20 years in wholesale and investment banking holding several senior and executive positions at Unibanco, HSBC, BBM, BofA and Chase Manhattan both in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Board member of several companies in Argentina, Peru, Chile, Brazil and the Dominican Republica. Holds a degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and Executive MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas Sao Paulo.
Marilene Ramos
Marilene Ramos
Diretora de Relações Institucionais e SustentabilidadeGrupo Águas do Brasil
Sou diretora de Relações Institucionais e Sustentabilidade do Grupo Águas do Brasil. Fui diretora de Infraestrutura e Sustentabilidade do BNDES e também presidente do IBAMA e do Instituto Estadual do Ambiente do Rio de Janeiro. Sou Engenheira Civil e Doutora em Engenharia Ambiental pela COPPE/UFRJ, coordenadora do Comitê de Sustentabilidade da ABDIB - Associação Brasileira da Infraestrutura e Indústrias de Base - e membro do Conselho de Administração do Instituto Clima e Sociedade.
Otávio Silveira
Otávio Silveira
CounselorIG4 Capital
More than 20 years of top management experience over complex assets and businesses, taking part and leading several M&A processes on different industries. Strong experience in infrastructure industry, specially on startup and turnaround processes, taking active participation on real estate, road operation, energy and sanitation markets. Specialties: Strategic and financial planning; Long-term contracts management; Team leadership; Negotiation; Improvement of corporate reputation; Start-up and turnaround processes leadership.
Ricardo Alves
Ricardo Alves
Senior Vice President - Infrastructure Private EquityGIC
Twelve years of experience investing in public and private equities in LatAm. Sector experience includes consumer, education, retail, healthcare at Warburg Pincus and infrastructure at GIC. He is responsible for origination and execution of transactions in the Digital Infrastructure and Transportation & Logistics sub-sectors as well as regional lead for high yield infrastructure debt in South and Central America.
Sylvia Brasil Coutinho
Sylvia Brasil Coutinho
Presidente do UBS no Brasil, Sylvia responde por todas as linhas de negócio, incluindo a maior corretora do país, Investment Banking e Wealth Management. Foi responsável pelos negócios de Varejo, Seguros, Asset Management e Wealth Management do Banco HSBC para a América Latina. Ingressou no HSBC e ocupou vários cargos, incluindo CEO da área de Asset Management para as Américas e Mercados Emergentes. Começou sua carreira no Citigroup no Brasil e com atuação nos Estados Unidos, Europa e Ásia. É Engenheira Agrônoma pela USP e possui MBA pela Columbia University. Membro do Board da Edenred, multinacional Francesa, e da Brazil Foundation e faz parte do Conselho de Empresários do Instituto Ayrton Senna e do CEO Task Force on Early Childhood.

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+52 55 52 62 32 00
Ciudad de México | CMX | Mexico
Banco Sabadell es el cuarto grupo bancario privado español, integrado por diferentes bancos, marcas, sociedades filiales y sociedades participadas que abarcan todos los ámbitos del negocio financiero bajo un denominador común: profesionalidad y calidad. Un equipo dotado de los recursos tecnológicos y comerciales más modernos, y una organización multimarca y multicanal enfocada al cliente permiten a Banco Sabadell ocupar una destacada posición en el mercado en banca personal y de empresas.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
A Accenture é uma empresa líder global em serviços profissionais, com ampla atuação e oferta de soluções em estratégia de negócios, consultoria, digital, tecnologia e operações. Combinando experiência ímpar e competências especializadas em mais de 40 indústrias e todas as funções corporativas – e fortalecida pela maior rede de prestação de serviços no mundo –, a Accenture trabalha na interseção de negócio e tecnologia para ajudar companhias a melhorar seu desempenho e criar valor sustentável para seus stakeholders. Com cerca de 442.000 profissionais atendendo a clientes em mais de 120 países, a Accenture impulsiona a inovação para aprimorar a maneira como o mundo vive e trabalha. Visite
Brasilia | DF | Brazil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. Apex-Brasil organizes several initiatives aiming to promote Brazilian exports abroad. The Agency´s efforts comprise trade and prospective missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade fairs, arrangement of technical visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, and other select activities designed to strengthen the country’s branding abroad. Apex-Brasil also plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, by working to identify business opportunities, promoting strategic events and lending support to foreign investors willing to allocate resources in Brazil.
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência, somos uma consultoria especializada em potencializar os resultados das empresas dos mercados imobiliário e de infraestrutura. Atuamos com soluções 360º nas áreas de gestão de pessoas e de estruturação de processos organizacionais.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
New York | NY | USA
Fitch Ratings is a leading provider of credit ratings, commentary, and research. Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating through independent and prospective credit opinions, Fitch Ratings offers global perspectives shaped by strong local market experience and credit market expertise. The additional context, perspective, and insights we provide help investors to make important credit judgments with confidence. Fitch Group is a global leader in financial information services with operations in more than 30 countries. Fitch Group is comprised of: Fitch Ratings, a global leader in credit ratings and research; Fitch Solutions, a leading provider of credit market data, analytical tools and risk services; and Fitch Learning, a preeminent training and professional development firm. With dual headquarters in London and New York, Fitch Group is owned by Hearst. For additional information, please visit
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
Baker McKenzie is recognized worldwide for its best-in-class client service, practices and for carrying out the most deals year-after-year through our unmatched global platform across 77 offices and 47 emerging and developed countries. Companies based in or with operations in Latin America, routinely rely on our leading cross-border and Latin America energy, mining & infrastructure attorneys for their most important transactional and disputes matters. As the largest law firm in Latin America with over 850 attorneys, we offer clients 60+ years of on-the-ground presence in the region, unique coverage in Latin America across our 15 offices and 7 countries*, and from major finance centers globally. *Through a cooperation agreement with Trench Rossi Watanabe, a Brazilian law firm
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Cescon Barrieu is one of Brazil’s leading law firms. Our lawyers stand out for their strong commitment to the representation of our clients’ interests and for their work in highly sophisticated, groundbreaking matters. We have a first class practice in development of infrastructure projects across all its sectors, such as energy, telecom, oil and gas, water and wastewater, ports and navigation, airports, railways, mining and toll roads. We provide advice in all phases of a project, from its conception to its financing, assisting companies in structuring projects, participating in bidding procedures and in claims with the regulatory agencies and granting authorities. We have a multidisciplinary team specialized in drafting and negotiating project contracts, such as EPC contracts, offtake contracts and O&M agreements as well as in EPC Contract management, assisting clients with managing claims during the construction.
Niteroi | RJ | Brazil
São Paulo | Brazil
A Aon Plc (NYSE: AON) é uma empresa global líder de serviços profissionais, que oferece ampla gama de soluções em riscos, previdência e saúde. Globalmente, nossos 50 mil colegas nos 120 países em que atuamos, potencializam resultados para clientes utilizando dados e análises proprietários, com o objetivo de fornecer perspectivas inovadoras, reduzindo volatilidade em seus negócios e oportunidades e melhorando seus desempenhos e performance.
+55 11 4550-6720
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCCC South America Regional Company was established in May 2016. Its headquarters are located in São Paulo, and its registration is in Luxembourg. In 2017 ,PC South America Regional Company acquired Concremat, a reputable Brazilian company in the field of Engineering Consulting. With 67 years old, Concremat has consolidated itself as the leader in Brazil in engineering projects and consultancy.
Rio de Janeiro | RJ | Brazil
Concremat Engineering and Technology leads the ranking of the engineering consultancy companies in Brazil. With 65 years of experience, Concremat has its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and strategically sited branches in nine different Brazilian state capitals – São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Vitória, Brasília, Fortaleza, Salvador, Manaus and Porto Alegre. Our approximately 2,800 employees are proud to contribute to the development of Brazil through their work. It is through the work that we participate, in partnership with our customers, that we help reinforcing the important role of engineering as an agent for transformation of a country. In 2017, Concremat started to be part of the China Communications Construction Company – CCCC group. Ranked #3 in the international ranking of the Engineering News-Record, CCCC is one of the world leaders in the segments of infrastructure projects and construction, with over 100 years of experience.
+55 11 3818-8150
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Aegea manage sanitation assets through its dealerships in several states of the country. The company acts as manager of public concessions operating in all processes of the full cycle of water – supply, collection and sewage treatment. Currently, Aegea is represented in ten Brazilian states and supplies more than 21 million people in 153 municipalities. Its shareholders are Grupo Equipav, GIC and Itaúsa.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Azevedo Sette has profound expertise in the infrastructure industry, domestically and internationally. It has assisted clients of various profiles, ranging from investment funds and engineering companies, to international infrastructure operators.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
GS Inima Brasil acts as a construction company and holding company, structured to ensure the operational continuity and performance of the controlled concessionary companies (SPE's), as well as to compete in, get awarded and establish new concessions and public private partnerships, either by itself or in consortium with other companies. It acts in sanitation projects, from its conception and construction to its operation and maintenance in public and private markets. In addition to the Brazilian portfolio, in partnership with the South Korean unit GS E&C, GS Inima Brasil starts to develop projects of Incineration of Waste, as a form of energy generation friendly to the Environment.

Participantes Confirmados

Agnaldo Brito
Agnaldo Brito
Diretor de Comunicação de Infraestrutura-
É formado em comunicação social com especialização em Energia pelo Laboratório de Jornalismo da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Labjor/Unicamp). Trabalhou por mais de 20 anos nas principais redações da imprensa brasileira, entre as quais a Gazeta Mercantil, O Estado de S. Paulo e Folha de S.Paulo. Como jornalista cobriu temas ligados ao setor de infraestrutura no Brasil e no exterior. É especialista em vários segmentos da infraestrutura, como rodovias, portos, aeroportos, mobilidade urbana e energia. Na comunicação corporativa tem atuado como especialista na comunicação estratégica para o setor de infraestrutura.
Alex Castro
Alex Castro
Alexandre Caldeira
Alexandre Caldeira
Director of Commercial Strategy and InnovationNanum Nanotecnologia S. A.
NOVA LIMA | MG | Brazil
Alexandre Chamie
Alexandre Chamie
Head of BusinessMCA Auditoria e Gerenciamento
Belo Horizonte | MG | Brazil
Anatricia Borges
Anatricia Borges
Diretora de ESG e SustentabilidadeLLYC
+55 (11) 3060 3390
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
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