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1st Dialogue on Road Concessions - Consensual revitalization of distressed infrastructure assets in Brazil

Consensual revitalization of distressed infrastructure assets in Brazil

13th May
14:00 - 17:00 | EDT (GMT-4)

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Credit: Diego Grandi / Shutterstock
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107


The Ministry of Transportation is gearing up for a substantial overhaul of the highway sector with plans to conduct 12 highway concession auctions by 2024, marking a significant stride towards injecting R$122 billion in investments over the coming years, provided the contracts prove successful. These auctions, an integral part of the Brazilian governor's agenda, aim to offer a total of 35 concessions throughout his third mandate.

Among these endeavors, the government faces a pressing challenge with 14 contentious contracts awaiting resolution, notably including Concer's highway concession. These contracts, marked by financial and economic imbalances, have led to a substantial backlog of stalled projects. Recognizing the urgency, the Ministry is determined to unlock an additional R$110 billion in investments by streamlining these contracts and leveraging private resources for swift action.

While the inception of new concessions typically entails a two to three-year timeline to achieve peak investment, the renegotiation process has already commenced, advancing beyond initial preparatory stages. Nevertheless, the road ahead is fraught with challenges, particularly in navigating negotiations with concessionaires and engaging with the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) to ensure a favorable outcome.


Discussion I May 13 I 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Brazilian Delegation


Monday, May 13th 2024
Close See complete schedule
02:00pm - 05:00pm

Brazilian Delegation


Contact our team to find the sponsorship and exposure opportunities that best fit the strategy of your company.

Event Partner
+55 (61) 3410-1990
Brasília | DF | Brazil
Investment Partnerships Program (PPI) was created in 2016 to expand and accelerate the transfer between the State and private enterprise for the first time of a partnership meeting and other measures of privatization.
Brasilia | DF | Brazil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad, and to attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. Apex-Brasil organizes several initiatives aiming to promote Brazilian exports abroad. The Agency´s efforts comprise trade and prospective missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade fairs, arrangement of technical visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian productive structure, and other select activities designed to strengthen the country’s branding abroad. Apex-Brasil also plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, by working to identify business opportunities, promoting strategic events and lending support to foreign investors willing to allocate resources in Brazil.
+55 61 3411-8505
Brasília | DF | Brazil
The PPI was created by Law No. 13,344, 2016, with the purpose of expanding and strengthening the interaction between the State and the private sector through the signing of partnership agreements and other privatization measures.
+55 21 2052 7447
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is one of the largest development banks in the world and today the Federal Government's main instrument for long-term financing and investment in all segments of the Brazilian economy.
Brasília | DF | Brazil
Brasilia | DF | Brazil

Confirmed Attendees

Bruno Dantas
Bruno Dantas
President of the Federal Court of Accounts of BrazilFederal Court of Accounts - TCU
Carlos Eduardo Guimarães Araújo
Carlos Eduardo Guimarães Araújo
LawyerAdvocacia CEG
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for Premium members
This event is exclusive for GRI members.