Your application for a Courtesy Membership is under review

We have just received your information and we will get back to you shortly. Check out the steps below:

Information sent


Application in analysis


Feedback email


Complimentary access activated

* Required fields
* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
Lauren Iguarán
Lauren Iguarán
Control Coordinator, FFIE

Introduction by GRI

Send a brief message to your Account Manager, who will be happy to assist you
Successful registration
Your Introduction Request was successfully sent.
Soon your Account Manager will get back to you regarding this request.

Schedule a Meeting

Please propose 2 slots that are convenient for you. Feel free to add a short comment to make the connection easier
Successful registration
America/Adak (GMT -9:00)
Your Private Meeting suggestion was successfully sent.
You'll receive an email with the confirmation.
El Fondo de Financiamiento de la Infraestructura Educativa – FFIE, es una cuenta especial del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), sin personería jurídica, creada con fundamento en el documento Conpes 3831 de 2015, a través del artículo 59 de la Ley 1753 de 2015, modificado por el artículo 184 de la Ley 1955 de 2019, con el propósito de viabilizar y financiar proyectos para la construcción, mejoramiento, adecuación, ampliaciones y dotación de infraestructura educativa física y digital de cará