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Miriam Wheeler
Miriam Wheeler
Global Head Real Estate Finance, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

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Miriam is head of the Global Real Estate
Financing Group in Investment Banking.
She is a member of the Firmwide Capital
Committee. Previously, Miriam worked in Fixed
Income, Currency and Commodities in Mortgage
Sales. She joined Goldman Sachs in 2005 as an
analyst and was named managing director in 2015
and partner in 2018.
Miriam serves on the board of the New York
Restoration Project, an organization responsible for
bringing community gardens, parks and green
space to New York. She also serves on the
Leadership Council for the East Harlem Tutorial
Miriam earned a BA, cum laude, in Ethics,
Politics and Economics from Yale University in
The Real Estate Investment arm of Goldman Sachs' Asset Management Division focuses on investing in equity and debt positions across all forms of real estate.
Working in this organization