Your application for a Courtesy Membership is under review

We have just received your information and we will get back to you shortly. Check out the steps below:

Information sent


Application in analysis


Feedback email


Complimentary access activated

* Required fields
* I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of GRI Club
Andrés Barberis Martín
Andrés Barberis Martín
Director General, Viaschile

Introduction by GRI

Send a brief message to your Account Manager, who will be happy to assist you
Successful registration
Your Introduction Request was successfully sent.
Soon your Account Manager will get back to you regarding this request.

Schedule a Meeting

Please propose 2 slots that are convenient for you. Feel free to add a short comment to make the connection easier
Successful registration
America/Adak (GMT -9:00)
Your Private Meeting suggestion was successfully sent.
You'll receive an email with the confirmation.
Con más de una década de presencia en nuestro país, VíasChile se ha consolidado, por volumen de tráfico, como el mayor operador de autopistas en el país, con la gestión de 773 kilómetros de carreteras distribuidos en seis concesiones; cinco autopistas interurbanas en la IV, V y Región Metropolitana y además gestiona la carretera urbana de mayor tráfico en Chile y la primera en implementar el sistema de peaje en flujo libre (free flow).