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Victor Heimann
Victor Heimann
Director - GermanyGRI Club
Director - DACH Region
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Die deutschen Immobilienmärkte 2021: Immer noch an der Spitze oder nur am durchhalten?

Während Deutschland die Pandemie und deren wirtschaftliche Konsequenzen - auch auf die Immobiliensektoren bezogen - anscheinend besser als andere europäische Länder bewältigt, scheinen bereits bestehende oder von COVID ausgelöste Probleme den deutschen Immobilien Investoren, Kreditgebern und Projektentwicklern Kopfschmerzen in 2021 zu bereiten. Preise sind weiter am Anstieg und Zinssätze sind so niedrig wie lange nicht mehr, da könnte man vermuten es hätte sich seit 2019 nichts verändert, aber mit einer langsamer als erwarteten Erholung und höhere Arbeitslosigkeit könnte 2021 etwas problematischer werden.

Werden Preise sich der neuen Post-COVID Phase anpassen und was wird das für Core, Opportunistische und Entwicklungspipelines bedeuten?

Jetzt in seinem 15. Jahr kommen Teilnehmer zusammen, um Findungsprozesse und Deal Flows einfacher zu sourcen, da wir die größten Private Equity Investoren, Fondsmanager, LPs Entwickler, Besitzer, Betreiber und Kreditgeber investiert in allen deutsche Regionen und Asset Klassen versammeln. Sie diskutieren in informellen Round Table Konversationen, um die momentanen Hindernisse in Nachfrage, Ankauf und zukünftige Trends zu navigieren.
In-depth Industry Knowledge
Roundtable discussions
Networking made easy
Find the perfect opportunity and partner

Tentative Program

Jochen Möbert
Deutsche Bank Research
Jochen Möbert
Jochen Möbert
MacroeconomistDeutsche Bank Research
Frankfurt am Main | Germany

Macroeconomic Keynote


Confirmed participants include

Finance & Investment
Preisfindung in Deutschland
Weitere Anstieg trotz Pandemie oder Evaluations Albtraum?
Gerhard Meitingerpbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank Moderator
Bernd MayerBayernLB
Hans-Joachim LehmannE.R. CAPITAL HOLDING GmbH & Cie. KG
Jörg WidhalmBerliner Volksbank
Markus ReinertBecken Holding
Martin HellwegerKronberg International Group
Private Equity
Angehäuftes Kapital wie nie zuvor, aber kaum Produkte?
Stefan KlingsöhrKlingsöhr Projektentwicklung Moderator
Gustav KirschnerBayernLB
Markus Wehneltpbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Rainer ThalerInvesta Holding GmbH
Langzeit Nachfragetrends
Neue Fundamentalfaktoren in Tech, ESG & Demographie?
Karl-Josef SchneidersK-STONE Capital & Advisory Moderator
Alexander AustLEG Management
James BauerREAG GmbH
Norbert KellnerBerlin Hyp
Oliver HechtBerlin Hyp
Robert C. WaidhaasHeureka Real Estate
Debt Availability
All about asset classes or location?
Assem El AlamiBerlin Hyp Moderator
Burkhard SchlickenriederLenwood Capital
Dr. Ruprecht HellauerAlbulus
Guido GerstnerPrime Capital AG
Guillaume BernardNatixis
Holger Göttepbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Tim BrücknerDEMIRE Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate

Transactions, Pricing & Finding Value

Post Covid risk curve too steep or easy ride?

Oliver WaldthalerHYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG Moderator
Ben LehreckeFundament Advisory
Christian ZillyWaterway Investments
Helge PitzContinuum Capital
Sascha BeckerBarings
Thierry BeaudemoulinAdler Group
Preisfindung in Deutschland
Weitere Anstieg trotz Pandemie oder Evaluations Albtraum?
  • Wertfindung in A, B, C Regionen - Urbanisations Umkehrung oder Rückkehr in die Städte?
  • Berlin, Frankfurt, München - Immer noch an der Spitze, oder Diversifizierung in andere Regionen?
  • Evaluationen - Stabile Preise oder kommendes Chaos?
  • Käufer & Verkäufer Unstimmigkeiten - Wie kann man Einigkeit finden?
Gerhard Meitinger
Head of Real Estate Finance Germany
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Bernd Mayer
Global Head of Real Estate
Hans-Joachim Lehmann
Jörg Widhalm
Head of Sales Dept RE Finance
Berliner Volksbank
Markus Reinert
Becken Holding
Martin Hellweger
CEO & Founder of the Kronberg Group
Kronberg International Group
Gerhard Meitinger
Gerhard Meitinger
Head of Real Estate Finance Germanypbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Gerhard Meitinger is Managing Director at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank and is responsible for the Real Estate Finance Business Germany. He has many years of experience in the German Real Estate and Lending business both with real estate professionals as well as international and institutional clients. The focus of his activities is the financing of real estate investments with single properties and portfolios. He also focuses on the financing of development projects in appropriate locations and adequate financing models.
Bernd Mayer
Bernd Mayer
Global Head of Real EstateBayernLB
Bernd Mayer is Managing Director and responsible for BayernLB’s real estate division. He assumed his current role in April 2013. Bernd Mayer joined BayernLB in 1993 and has held a variety of specialist and management positions in commercial real estate. His previous experience includes German and international real estate lending. Most recently, he served as a Head of the Savings Banks & Association Division from 2009 until 2013.
Hans-Joachim Lehmann
Hans-Joachim Lehmann
Jörg Widhalm
Jörg Widhalm
Head of Sales Dept RE FinanceBerliner Volksbank
Mr Widhalm has been Head of Sales Department Real Estate Finance in the Berliner Volksbank eG since 2008. His responsibility lays at all corporate clients with more than 70 Mill. € revenue, the professional real estate market and the infrastructure market, including renewable energies. He is also Member of the Supervisory Board of the BBT, a company which consults many Berlin based companies owning residential properties, and of the VVBI Capital AG.
Markus Reinert
Markus Reinert
COOBecken Holding
Markus Reinert FRICS is the Chairman of the Executive Board / CEO of IC Immobilien Holding AG. IC Immobilien Group is one of the largest independent full-service-provider for commercial real estate in Germany. Markus Reinert FRICS is a real estate professional with more than thirty years experience in the national and international real estate sector, working in a variety of international roles and positions, mainly at Cushman & Wakefield LLP and Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).
Martin Hellweger
Martin Hellweger
CEO & Founder of the Kronberg GroupKronberg International Group
Dr. Hellweger founded the Kronberg Group in 1989. He had previously studied economics at the Bocconi University in Milan, after which he worked for KPMG and then as a manager at Munich RE – both also in Milan, and then later at Union Investment in Frankfurt. Dr. Martin Hellweger is the sole owner of the Kronberg Group. Through his role at the Kronberg Group, Dr. Hellweger has completed transactions worth more than € 3 billion to date and holds investments in joint ventures with renowned partners such as the Ärztekammer für Steiermark (Steiermark medical chamber, Graz), Covivio (Paris), Gewobag Wohnungsbau AG (Berlin) and the SPAR Austria Group (Salzburg).
Private Equity
Angehäuftes Kapital wie nie zuvor, aber kaum Produkte?
  • Kapitalbeschaffung - Wo kommt das Geld her?
  • Ist der Standort am wichtigsten oder ist die Assetklasse der wichtigste Faktor?
  • Kapitalvergabe - Zu früh oder Chancen en masse?
  • Flight to Quality - Geht Equity nur auf Core Investitionen?
Stefan Klingsöhr
Managing Partner
Klingsöhr Projektentwicklung
Gustav Kirschner
Head of Real Estate Finance
Markus Wehnelt
Head of International & Institutional Clients, REF Germany
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Rainer Thaler
Managing Director
Investa Holding GmbH
Stefan Klingsöhr
Stefan Klingsöhr
Managing PartnerKlingsöhr Projektentwicklung
Gustav Kirschner
Gustav Kirschner
Head of Real Estate FinanceBayernLB
Gustav Kirschner, Head of Real Estate Finance, is responsible for German Real Estate Customers. In his more than 20 years of business experience Gustav has held various specialist and management positions within real estate. He studied business administration at University of Passau and is lecturing part time at Technische Universität München (TUM).
Markus Wehnelt
Markus Wehnelt
Head of International & Institutional Clients, REF Germanypbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Markus Wehnelt is a Managing Director and Head of Real Estate Finance Germany Institutional and Private Equity Clients for Germany at pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG. He has many years of experience in complex structured real estate financing transactions. In the past years, Markus and his team successfully closed a large number of lending transactions with a focus on Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Rainer Thaler
Rainer Thaler
Managing DirectorInvesta Holding GmbH
Rainer was appointed Managing Director of Investa Holding GmbH in 2012. He is responsible for its Investment/Asset Management in Germany. Prior to this, he was the CEO of GE Real Estate Germany since 2006 and former CEO of Investment Management platform Sireo, which he built up. Before this, he was member of the Management Committee of Sireo Real Estate Asset Management and Head of Sales and Placements. Past positions also include Head of Asset Management of DeTeImmobilien and the corporate M&A group in the headquarters of Deutsche Telekom AG. Rainer holds degrees in Law from Bonn, Berlin University and WHU Koblenz.
Langzeit Nachfragetrends
Neue Fundamentalfaktoren in Tech, ESG & Demographie?
  • Nachhaltigkeit & Impact Investment als die wichtigsten nicht-traditionellen Immobilieninvestition Faktoren? 
  • Neue Technologien - Was ist relevant und was ist überflüssig?
  • Demografische Trends - Quartiere & Inner City Projekte
  • Social Impact - Wie kann man es benchmarken & messen?
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Independent Director & Senior Advisor
K-STONE Capital & Advisory
Alexander Aust
Leiter Akquisition
LEG Management
James Bauer
Managing Director - Germany
Norbert Kellner
Head of Syndication
Berlin Hyp
Oliver Hecht
Head of Domestic Sales and Portfolio Management
Berlin Hyp
Robert C. Waidhaas
Managing Partner
Heureka Real Estate
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Karl-Josef Schneiders
Independent Director & Senior AdvisorK-STONE Capital & Advisory
Karl-Josef, with more than 30 years of experience in the real estate & asset management sector has founded, managed or restructured real estate investment & management companies. In his most recent role at CREDIT SUISSE, CEO Asset Management Germany & Head Real Estate Europe he repositioned the platform (initially 7bn Euro under restructuring). Karl-Josef held senior roles with the likes of CorpusSireo, Morgan Stanley and Citibank. Today, as an Independent Director & Senior Advisor he holds mandates from CREDIT SUISSE Luxembourg, VERIANOS SE, FOM Real Estate. He is a business graduate of the University of Applied Sciences in Trier, he holds an MBA from the University of Wales and an Executive MBA from Zurich Institute of Business Education.
Alexander Aust
Alexander Aust
Leiter AkquisitionLEG Management
James Bauer
James Bauer
Managing Director - GermanyREAG GmbH
James Bauer MRICS is the Country Managing Director at Duff & Phelps REAG GmbH. He has experience in transaction advisory, development, as well as asset management of commercial buildings, office buildings, portfolio strategy and valuation. He holds a MBA degree from City University and is a member of various national and international organizations and a speaker at conferences. Prior to joining REAG in 2004, he worked with CALLISTON development company as a manager responsible for acquisition, development and asset management of commercial properties. Before coming to Germany in 1990, he worked in the field of real estate in the USA. He’s a registered valuer with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Norbert Kellner
Norbert Kellner
Head of SyndicationBerlin Hyp
A Senior Finance professional with extensive experience in structured and asset-based finance. Transaction exposure in UK, Europe, USA & Asia with sector expertise including corporate, energy, property & transportation. I have successfully established a global and multi-cultural team of international syndication professionals covering various asset classes in Europe, North America and Asia and have a significant record in the management of complex transactions. With my strong problem-solving and excellent bi-lingual communication skills I established a large network in the credit lending community.
Oliver Hecht
Oliver Hecht
Head of Domestic Sales and Portfolio ManagementBerlin Hyp
Dipl. Kfm. and Immobilienökonom (ebs) Oliver Hecht is heading the Portfoliomanagement Division of Berlin Hyp AG. Since over 20 years Oliver Hecht has been able to gain solid real estate experience in different roles and companies throughout the industry. Besides having worked for commercial investors, developers and financial institutions in a leading role for over 15 years, he spends some of his spare time lecturing at the Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft GmbH.
Robert C. Waidhaas
Robert C. Waidhaas
Managing PartnerHeureka Real Estate
Robert Waidhaas is a co-founder and managing partner of Heureka Real Estate GmbH and Heureka Development GmbH. He is primarily responsible for financing and commercial project controlling. Corporate management and human resources are jointly led by the two managing directors. Before founding Heureka, Robert worked for major international banks. Inter alia, he set up a department for structured equity investments in the German-speaking market for an American bank. Robert Waldhaas has a degree in Business Studies from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. He is also a Real Estate Economist (IREBS).
Debt Availability
All about asset classes or location?
  • Asset Classes - Are hotels, retail & offices too risky?
  • Pricing - Senior, junior & mezzanine; how to stay competitive?
  • Debt Origins - Are foreign lenders looking to Germany as a safe haven or too much competition?
  • Risk Profile - Will lenders have to go up the risk curve post-COVID?
Assem El Alami
Head of International Real Estate Finance
Berlin Hyp
Burkhard Schlickenrieder
Managing Partner
Lenwood Capital
Dr. Ruprecht Hellauer
Managing Partner
Guido Gerstner
Head of Real Estate Debt, Managing Director
Prime Capital AG
Guillaume Bernard
Executive Director Real Estate Finance
Holger Götte
Director, Loan Markets
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Tim Brückner
Chief Financial Officer
DEMIRE Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate
Assem El Alami
Assem El Alami
Head of International Real Estate FinanceBerlin Hyp
Assem El Alami is the Head of the International Real Estate Finance Sales Division of Berlin Hyp AG. As such he supervises four sales teams: Origination International Investors based in Berlin, as well as the offices in Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw. Berlin Hyp's loan book accounts for approximately 26 bn EUR. Being a law graduate, Assem has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate sector of which he has spent 10 years in France. He joined Berlin Hyp in 2010. *** Berlin Hyp is a wholly owned subsidiary of LBBW and specialises in large-volume real estate financing for professional investors and housing companies. It also provides German savings banks with a comprehensive range of products and services.
Burkhard Schlickenrieder
Burkhard Schlickenrieder
Managing PartnerLenwood Capital
Burkhard Schlickenrieder is Managing Partner of Lenwood Capital, a debt investment manager investing instititutional capital across the entire financing structure in mezzanine, junior and senior loans secured by real estate covering almost all asset classes. He has a backgroud in structured finance, investment banking and in the planning & construction business, with former positions as an architect and afterwards in the financial industry at Hypo Vereinsbank (HVB), Hypo Real Estate (HRE) and REFTA. Burkhard Schlickenrieder holds an MSc in Philosophy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a Diploma in Engineering/Architecture from Dortmund University.
Dr. Ruprecht Hellauer
Dr. Ruprecht Hellauer
Managing PartnerAlbulus
Ruprecht founded Albulus, an investment advisor to the Albulus CREDIT fund and several separately managed accounts, in 2011. Albulus is actively acquiring sub-performing and non-performing CRE loans on the secondary market with a focus on the DACH region. In 2004 together with the Soros Real Estate Partners he founded one of the first NPL investment platforms in Germany. Ruprecht has 25 years of real estate investment experience. His career started with Gerald Hines as a project manager for a major development in Berlin. He holds a diploma from Hochschule St. Gallen and a MBA from the University of Chicago. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Vienna in BA, specializing in real estate.
Guido Gerstner
Guido Gerstner
Head of Real Estate Debt, Managing DirectorPrime Capital AG
Guillaume Bernard
Guillaume Bernard
Executive Director Real Estate FinanceNatixis
Guillaume BERNARD has been active in the real estate finance markets for more than 10 years. He started his career at Société Générale in Frankfurt in the Debt Capital Markets and then moved to the Real Estate Finance. He joined NATIXIS in 2012 in the real estate finance origination team.
Holger Götte
Holger Götte
Director, Loan Marketspbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Based in Munich, Holger Götte is a Director within the Loan Markets Real Estate Team, with a focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and CEE. He has nearly 30 years of experience in the real estate financing business, hereof more than 15 years in the loan markets (Syndication) and real estate structured finance business.
Tim Brückner
Tim Brückner
Chief Financial OfficerDEMIRE Deutsche Mittelstand Real Estate
Tim Brückner is an experienced real estate professional with in-depth corporate finance skills. He has an academic background from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Prior to join DEMIRE, Tim was Managing Director at Corpus Sireo.

Transactions, Pricing & Finding Value

Post Covid risk curve too steep or easy ride?

  • Institutional Investment Appetite - What’s changed, what’s staying the same?
  • Cross Border Activity - Europe’s safe haven vs Asia’s new darling
  • Opportunistic & Value Add - Post Covid risk curve too steep to climb or easy ride?
  • Top 7 Cities - Re-evaluating prime values 
  • Lack of Product - No shortage of capital but nowhere to invest?
Oliver Waldthaler
Head of Team Western Europe
HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG
Ben Lehrecke
Managing Partner
Fundament Advisory
Christian Zilly
Managing Partner
Waterway Investments
Helge Pitz
Managing Director
Continuum Capital
Sascha Becker
Managing Director - Country Head Real Estate Germany
Thierry Beaudemoulin
Adler Group
Oliver Waldthaler
Oliver Waldthaler
Head of Team Western EuropeHYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG
He has over 20 years of experience in Finance & Banking. 12 years as Deputy Head of Corporate Finance and Head of Real Estate and Project (Volksbank International/Sberbank Europe), 3 years as Deputy Head of Credit Department in an Italian cooperative bank (Raiffeisen) Private Wealth and Asset Management in an Austrian bank for Italian and German private clients (BAWAG) Project manager of several banking related key projects (bank license application, sale of banking group), several supervisory board mandates in CEE subsidiaries. Business Development Manager for a Multi-Family Office (Carey – Group) Investment Director (NPL) in Intrum Austria Since 2018: Real Estate and Project Finance in HYPO NOE Landesbank für Niederösterreich und Wien AG.
Ben Lehrecke
Ben Lehrecke
Managing PartnerFundament Advisory
Prior to founding Fundament, Ben acted for 12 years as country head of Round Hill Capital including 5 years as CEO of Vitus Group. Selected previous experience include Head of German and Austrian real estate business for Pears Global, Director of Acquisitions at The Mills Corp. and KanAm Group in Munich, and Director of New Business Development at Tishman Speyer Properties in London and New York. Ben holds a Dual Masters degree in Business Management and Engineering from TU Berlin and Masters of Real Estate Development from USC, Los Angeles.
Christian Zilly
Christian Zilly
Managing PartnerWaterway Investments
Christian is a founding partner of Waterway Investments, manages the Frankfurt office and is responsible for all aspects of the transaction process on behalf of Waterway’s international client base. Prior to co-founding Waterway, Christian has worked for various American opportunity funds as well as German open-ended fund vehicles. He received a Master ´s in Economics from Freie Universität Berlin/Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil and a Master´s in Real Estate Economics from European Business School (ebs), Germany. Christian is fluent in German, English, French and Portuguese.
Helge Pitz
Helge Pitz
Managing DirectorContinuum Capital
Helge Pitz joined Continuum Capital in 2018 as Managing Director. From 2013 to 2018, he occupied the position of Senior Vice President in the Real Estate Financing Team at HCOB-Bank AG (formerly HSH Nordbank AG) in Hamburg. Helge specialized in acquisition and development financing for foreign institutional investors for properties across all German regions. Between 2000 and 2012, He worked with Eurohypo AG in Frankfurt, focusing on the origination and selling of large real estate loans as part of the Debt Financing team. Helge is also a fully qualified lawyer and graduated at the University of Trier.
Sascha Becker
Sascha Becker
Managing Director - Country Head Real Estate GermanyBarings
United Kingdom
Thierry Beaudemoulin
Thierry Beaudemoulin
CO-CEOAdler Group
Graduate of IEP Paris, Thierry Beaudemoulin began his career with the Batigère Group as executive assistant prior to joining, in the same role, the Foncia Group. He joined ING Real Estate in 2000 as an Asset Manager, then was CEO, before re-joining the Batigère Group in September 2004 as its CEO for Ile-de-France. In early 2006, he joined the Executive Committee of Covivio by becoming CEO of Foncière Développement Logements. In 2007, he was also appointed Chairman of the Board of Covivio Immobilien, the German subsidiary of Covivio. He is since december 2019 co-CEO of ADLER group
Asset Class Stream
Kapitalbeschaffung für Wohnimmobilien
Einkommensschaffender Sweetspot oder zu viel Konkurrenz?
Fabian Klinglerabrdn Investments Deutschland AG
Marcus BuderBerliner Sparkasse
Robert C. WaidhaasHeureka Real Estate
Stephanie LinkGBI Development GmbH
Thierry BeaudemoulinAdler Group
Logistik Mietanstieg
Welche Regionen zu welchen Preisen?
Danilo HunkerArrow Capital Partners Moderator
Andreas GrießingerBerlin Hyp
Camila MalzkornValor Real Estate Partners
Hendrik StaigerBEOS AG
Gibt es neue Konzepte die den Mangel an Produkten lösen könnten?
Berthold BeckerTSC Real Estate Germany Moderator
Alexander Hubbard-FordTERRAGON
Gerald KlinckCureus GmbH
Heinz Joachim KummerCMS
Jan PetersenApleona
Post COVID Arbeitsplätze
Angleichen der Nachfrage von Investoren, Betreibern & Pächtern
Boris MatuszczakKapHag Beteiligungen GmbH Moderator
Daniel GrimmIWG - Germany
Katharina von SchackyWeWork
Katja FreeseECE Real Estate Partners GmbH
Thomas Landschreiber777 Financial Advisors GmbH
Tim SchlüterAEW

Core Offices
Investment appetite cooled or swift bounceback to glory?

Frank ZabelIM4 Log Management gmbH Moderator
Christof AltendorferCA Immo Deutschland
Gunnar RüfferBayernLB
Lars OsterhoffRI Partners
Marcel SedlakHB Reavis
Tobias WaldschmidtPGIM Real Estate
Repurposing Retail - What’s the magic formula for success?
Sascha Wilhelmx+bricks SA Moderator
Andreas OttoCMS
Friedrich Einhoffpbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Michael PeterP & P Group
Neil HennessyCurrently Unaffiliated
Patrick OttoUniCredit Bank

Urban Living Spaces

Creating sustainable CBDs through alternative asset classes?

Joseph von SchaesbergCBRE GmbH Moderator
Dieter KornekTUI Hotels & Resorts
Josef Maximilian VollmayrLimehome
Lambros ReppasSilvertip Capital Germany
Lorenz TragatschnigSoravia Group
Matteo GhediniBrera Serviced Apartments
Xavier ScheibliGSA

Food-Anchored Retail

Future proofing retail assets post COVID

John WilkinsonGreenman Moderator
Angelus BernreutherDEFAMA - Deutsche Fachmarkt AG
Briain MorrisSlate Asset Management
Sascha Wilhelmx+bricks SA
Kapitalbeschaffung für Wohnimmobilien
Einkommensschaffender Sweetspot oder zu viel Konkurrenz?
  • Mietanstieg - Hervorgerufen vom Kapital im Markt oder durch Nachfrage?
  • Top 7 Städte - Zu viel Wettbewerb oder immer noch gute Erträge zu finden?
Fabian Klingler
CEO - Vorsitzender des Vorstandes
abrdn Investments Deutschland AG
Marcus Buder
Berliner Sparkasse
Robert C. Waidhaas
Managing Partner
Heureka Real Estate
Stephanie Link
Head of Debt Financing
GBI Development GmbH
Thierry Beaudemoulin
Adler Group
Fabian Klingler
Fabian Klingler
CEO - Vorsitzender des Vorstandesabrdn Investments Deutschland AG
With approximately seven billion euros in real estate assets under management in Germany, Aberdeen Standard Investments Deutschland AG is one of the leading providers of real estate funds for institutional investors in Germany. Our investment focus is on German and pan-European residential real estate. We also invest in Scandinavian commercial real estate and logistics properties. In total, we manage investments of approximately 37 billion euros in Germany.
Marcus Buder
Marcus Buder
DirectorBerliner Sparkasse
Marcus Buder (45) hat 1992 in der Berliner Pfandbriefbank eine Ausbildung zum Bankkaufmann mit anschließendem Fachwirtstudium absolviert. Nach der Ausbildung war er imFachwirtstudium absolviert. Nach der Ausbildung war er im Kreditbereich der zwischenzeitlich zur Berlin Hyp umfirmierten Bank in verschiedenen Funktionen tätig, zunächst als Gruppenleiter und Prokurist, seit 2004 im gemeinsamen Geschäftsfeld von Berlin Hyp und LBB in leitender Position. Zuletzt verantwortete er die Abteilung Marktfolge Kredit für Wohnungsunternehmen und Kunden der Geschäftsstellen München und Frankfurt. Seit Februar 2013 ist Marcus Buder Bereichsleiter Gewerbliche Immobilienfinanzierung der LBB/Berliner Sparkasse. M. Buder ist verheiratet und hat 2 Kinder.
Robert C. Waidhaas
Robert C. Waidhaas
Managing PartnerHeureka Real Estate
Robert Waidhaas is a co-founder and managing partner of Heureka Real Estate GmbH and Heureka Development GmbH. He is primarily responsible for financing and commercial project controlling. Corporate management and human resources are jointly led by the two managing directors. Before founding Heureka, Robert worked for major international banks. Inter alia, he set up a department for structured equity investments in the German-speaking market for an American bank. Robert Waldhaas has a degree in Business Studies from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. He is also a Real Estate Economist (IREBS).
Stephanie Link
Stephanie Link
Head of Debt FinancingGBI Development GmbH
Since 2020, Stephanie is head of the Commerical Real Estate department. She is advising the existing client base in all matters around real estate lending, sourcing and structuring senior, mezzanine and equity financings. In addition, she is responsible for the further expansion of REM CAPITALS/Hypoport network in Germany. Before joining Hypoport Group, Stephanie worked as a Key Account Manager for Airbus Bank GmbH, where she was responsible for expanding a portfolio of commercial real estate loans, primarily targeting medium-sized developers and institutional investors. Stephanie is a qualified banker and studied banking and finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
Thierry Beaudemoulin
Thierry Beaudemoulin
CO-CEOAdler Group
Graduate of IEP Paris, Thierry Beaudemoulin began his career with the Batigère Group as executive assistant prior to joining, in the same role, the Foncia Group. He joined ING Real Estate in 2000 as an Asset Manager, then was CEO, before re-joining the Batigère Group in September 2004 as its CEO for Ile-de-France. In early 2006, he joined the Executive Committee of Covivio by becoming CEO of Foncière Développement Logements. In 2007, he was also appointed Chairman of the Board of Covivio Immobilien, the German subsidiary of Covivio. He is since december 2019 co-CEO of ADLER group
Logistik Mietanstieg
Welche Regionen zu welchen Preisen?
  • Neue Produkte - Gibt es neue Logistikstandorte oder sind sie preislich nicht tragbar post-COVID?
  • Mietanstieg - Versicherungen für Investoren Zuversicht?
Danilo Hunker
Head of Germany
Arrow Capital Partners
Andreas Grießinger
Leiter Geschäftsstelle
Berlin Hyp
Camila Malzkorn
Vice President Investments
Valor Real Estate Partners
Hendrik Staiger
Board Member
Danilo Hunker
Danilo Hunker
Head of GermanyArrow Capital Partners
Danilo Hunker is responsible for managing the local office in Berlin and driving investment strategy and asset management for Germany. Danilo has over 20 years of experience in commercial real estate in Germany. He is former Head of Germany at Valad Europe /Cromwell Property Group, where he was responsible for the investment and asset management of a combined portfolio of up to €1bn, working very closely with some of the world’s largest private equity businesses. Danilo holds an MBA in International Real Estate from Bauakademie Biberach and a Bachelor of Commerce (Real Estate) from the university of applied science in Berlin and is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Andreas Grießinger
Andreas Grießinger
Leiter GeschäftsstelleBerlin Hyp
Andreas Grießinger took over the management as Head of Berlin Hyp Frankfurt Office in July 2021 and is responsible for Real Estate Financing in the Rhine/Main region. The real estate economist (IREBS) has specialised in commercial real estate financing since 2006 and was responsible for various positions in commercial real estate financing at BayernLB.
Camila Malzkorn
Camila Malzkorn
Vice President InvestmentsValor Real Estate Partners
United Kingdom
Hendrik Staiger
Hendrik Staiger
Board MemberBEOS AG
Born in 1964. Degree in physics from the Technical University of Berlin. Until 1997 Research. 1997-1999 Redevelopments in Berlin. 1999-2005 Managing partner of the Linie Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG. Since 2005 BEOS AG as head of acquisitions - since 2016 board member. Since 2009 Lectures at IREBS, DVFA, University of Wuppertal, TU Berlin, etc. Since 2017 head of crenet Deutschland e.V. Since 2019 Head Industrial & Logistics Swiss Life Asset Managers Germany. Since 2020 director BEOS Logistics GmbH
Gibt es neue Konzepte die den Mangel an Produkten lösen könnten?
  • Nachfrage & Versorgungs Ungleichgewicht - Werden Preise ansteigen?
  • Fehlende Produkte - Kann betreutes Wohnen in Quartieren die Lücke schließen?
  • Arbeiten mit Betreibern - Risiken und Potential
  • Was sind die verschiedenen Modelle & welche bieten den besten Mehrwert für Investoren & Mietern? 
Berthold Becker
Managing Director
TSC Real Estate Germany
Alexander Hubbard-Ford
Gerald Klinck
Chief Financial Officer
Cureus GmbH
Heinz Joachim Kummer
Rechtsanwalt | Partner
Jan Petersen
Managing Director, Head of Fund & Portfolio Management
Berthold Becker
Berthold Becker
Managing DirectorTSC Real Estate Germany
Since April 2018: Managing Director of TSC Real Estate Germany GmbH; 2013 – 2018: Managing Director and Head of Asset Management Operations, JLL Retail Asset Management GmbH & Acrest Property Group, 2008-2013: Managing Director & Head of Asset Management of Internos Global Investors KAG; 2008: Associate Director, JLL Asset Management GmbH; 2006-2007: Deloitte & Touche, Manager RE Advisory; 2005-2006: Site Acquisitions Manager, Bauhaus München GmbH (Munich based RE developer) 2000 – 2005: Technical Project & Development Manager, Nixdorf Consult 1993-1998: Dipl.-Ing. Architect 2005-2007: International Real Estate Management MBA 2010 – 2011: Real Estate Investment & Finance (ebs).
Alexander Hubbard-Ford
Alexander Hubbard-Ford
Gerald Klinck
Gerald Klinck
Chief Financial OfficerCureus GmbH
Since 2020, Gerald Klinck is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Cureus. His career as a finance specialist in the real estate industry spans more than 20 years. Prior to Cureus, he was CFO of TLG Immobilien and COO at Vonovia, as well as holding various management positions at Deutsche Wohnen Group and the former HSH Nordbank.
Heinz Joachim Kummer
Heinz Joachim Kummer
Rechtsanwalt | PartnerCMS
Heinz Joachim Kummer is a partner of CMS Germany with more than 25 years of in-depth experience in the real estate sector, having advised on various landmark deals and projects. His expertise includes the full range of commercial real estate law with the focus on complex real estate transactions, structuring and advising private equity and other real estate funds. Before joining CMS, Heinz Joachim was a partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP for over 20 years. Heinz Joachim is recognized as a leading real estate lawyer in the current issue of The Who’s Who Legal 2017. The same is true for the major legal directories.
Jan Petersen
Jan Petersen
Managing Director, Head of Fund & Portfolio ManagementApleona
Jan Petersen ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren in leitenden Funktionen bei Unternehmen der Bank-, Finanz- und Immobilienbranche tätig. Er hat u.a. einen Abschluss als Diplom Bankbetriebswirt der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Bei Apleona verantwortet Herr Petersen als Geschäftsführer der Apleona Invest GmbH das Fonds- und Portfoliomanagement und ist seit 2017 Mitglied des Apleona Real Estate Management Boards.
Post COVID Arbeitsplätze
Angleichen der Nachfrage von Investoren, Betreibern & Pächtern
  • Verständnis von COVID beschleunigten Trends von Raum, Preisen & Nachfrage
  • Arbeitsplätze - Obsoleter Raum oder Chancen für Innovationen?
Boris Matuszczak
Managing Director
KapHag Beteiligungen GmbH
Daniel Grimm
Network Development Director
IWG - Germany
Katharina von Schacky
Head RE & Strategy, Northern Europe
Katja Freese
Director Office & Residential
ECE Real Estate Partners GmbH
Thomas Landschreiber
777 Financial Advisors GmbH
Tim Schlüter
Head of Asset Management
Boris Matuszczak
Boris Matuszczak
Managing DirectorKapHag Beteiligungen GmbH
Daniel Grimm
Daniel Grimm
Network Development DirectorIWG - Germany
Katharina von Schacky
Katharina von Schacky
Head RE & Strategy, Northern EuropeWeWork
Katja Freese
Katja Freese
Director Office & ResidentialECE Real Estate Partners GmbH
Director Office & Residential for ECE Work&Live as part of the ECE Group: responsible for acquisition and development of commercial and residential developments in Germany. ECE Work & Live develops, realizes, and operates major real estate projects such as residential and office buildings, logistics centers, hotels, and urban districts; invests in their development and enhancement; and thus creates state-of-the-art working and living spaces that inspire people and offer them room to grow. Previously, Branch Manager for the BEOS AG in Hamburg: responsible for acquisition, development and asset management of mixed-use commercial properties in Northern Germany. 2010 to 2016, City of Hamburg Head of Portfoliomanagement for the City of Hamburg.
Thomas Landschreiber
Thomas Landschreiber
Founder777 Financial Advisors GmbH
Tim Schlüter
Tim Schlüter
Head of Asset ManagementAEW
Tim Schlüter is Head of Asset Management for Germany, Hungary and the Czech Republic and is based in Düsseldorf. He joined AEW in 2014 and has over 15 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the firm, Tim was Key Account Manager and Head of the Düsseldorf office at CR Investment Management GmbH, helping to develop their local office to a transaction volume of €1.2bn. Tim has also worked for Proceed Portfolio Services, a subsidiary of GFKL Financial Services, managing credits of circa €2.6bn. He is a graduate of the Fachhochschule Bielefeld and holds a degree in Law and Business Administration, a postgraduate in Real Estate Law from the University of Münster and Immobilienökonmie at the University of Regensburg and successfully finish

Core Offices
Investment appetite cooled or swift bounceback to glory?

  • Core & Core+ - Which assets will lose in valuations?

  • CBD & Prime Locations - What has changed?

  • Investor Appetite - Capital allocations still going strong or too much risk?

Frank Zabel
IM4 Log Management gmbH
Christof Altendorfer
Managing Director/Head of Investment Management
CA Immo Deutschland
Gunnar Rüffer
Head of Real Estate Frankfurt a.M.
Lars Osterhoff
RI Partners
Marcel Sedlak
HB Reavis
Tobias Waldschmidt
Executive Director, Portfolio Management
PGIM Real Estate
Frank Zabel
Frank Zabel
CEOIM4 Log Management gmbH
15 experience as Architect, e.g. CEO of firm of architects with award winning architecture (Award for best high-rise building in Middle East Africa in 2009 by CTBUH, Chicago). Several years as leading Asset Manager (Babcock & Brown), responsible for acquisition and management of German and International portfolio of more than EUR 600mln. Since 2009 Managing Director within leading developers in Germany (e.g. CENTRUM, NEWPORT Holding). Responsible for organization, acquisition, development, deal structure and fund raising for projects in a volume larger than EUR 1bln. Since March 2020 director at Horn Grundbesitz KG, responsible for real estate business of P+C.
Christof Altendorfer
Christof Altendorfer
Managing Director/Head of Investment ManagementCA Immo Deutschland
Christof Altendorfer joined CA Immo in September 2019 as Head of Investment Management Germany and was also appointed to the management of CA Immo Deutschland GmbH. In this function, he is responsible for all CA Immo real estate transactions in Germany and is particularly responsible for the development and expansion of the portfolio in the core German markets of Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich. Before joining CA Immo, Christof Altendorfer worked as a portfolio manager at Norges Bank Real Estate Management (NBREM) in London. He was responsible for the development and management of a high-quality real estate portfolio worth a total of around two billion euros.
Gunnar Rüffer
Gunnar Rüffer
Head of Real Estate Frankfurt a.M.BayernLB
Located in BayernLB’s office in Frankfurt, Gunnar Rüffer is responsible for international and domestic client of the Greater Frankfurt real estate clients. Before joining BayernLB he was heading the Loan Sales and Securitisation department within Eurohypo’s Debt Capital Markets division. Altogether he can look back on a more than 25 years ofreal estate banking experiences. Prior to joining Eurohypo in 2002 he worked as an analyst within the CRE Structured Finance sector at Dresdner Bank New York Branch. 
Lars Osterhoff
Lars Osterhoff
CEORI Partners
Lars joined RI Partners as CEO in 2015. RI Partners is an active investment company specialized in the value-enhancing management of real estate for institutional and semi-institutional investors. Prior to that he worked as a senior project manager in real estate investment banking at the investment bank BERENBERG. Previously to that he gained his professional experience as a consultant in transaction management focusing on corporate finance in Hamburg. Lars received an international MBA at the International Real Estate Business School with modules at Harvard University and the University of Reading; he graduated as Real Estate Economist at the ebz Business School and as Private Equity Advisor at the European Business School.
Tobias Waldschmidt
Tobias Waldschmidt
Executive Director, Portfolio ManagementPGIM Real Estate
Tobias Waldschmidt is senior portfolio manager of PGIM Real Estate’s European core-plus strategy.
Repurposing Retail - What’s the magic formula for success?
  • Risk Positioning - Only for opportunistic players?

  • Financing - Any lenders in the game or all about equity?

  • Distressed & Obsolete Assets - What redevelopment opportunities to find in city centres vs suburbs?

  • Structural Changes & E-Commerce - Bricks and mortar out, or changes to re-invent the asset class?

Sascha Wilhelm
x+bricks SA
Andreas Otto
Partner, Global Co-Head of Real Estate
Friedrich Einhoff
Director Loan Markets
pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Michael Peter
Founder & CEO
P & P Group
Neil Hennessy
Head of Debt Capital Markets
Currently Unaffiliated
Patrick Otto
Managing Director Head of Real Estate Germany West & Key Accounts
UniCredit Bank
Sascha Wilhelm
Sascha Wilhelm
CEOx+bricks SA
Sascha M. Wilhelm launched the real estate company x+bricks Group in 2018. The investor specialized in grocery-anchored properties, focuses on the purchase of portfolios and individual properties in German cities. The Group has internalized the entire value chain and has a clear focus on digitalization and process optimization. Therefore, x+bricks has developed the software solution PATA ® for real estate analyses. Prior Sascha was CEO of Corestate Capital Group until April 2018. Sascha studied law at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (LMU) and obtained an MBA in International Real Estate Management in Germany, London and Zurich.
Andreas Otto
Andreas Otto
Partner, Global Co-Head of Real EstateCMS
Andreas Otto’s practice covers all aspects of commercial real estate law. Andreas had been head of the real estate practice group at CMS Germany for eight years. He has been recognised as an expert in the real estate market for many years advising a number of renowned German and international property owners, investors and project developers on transactions and project developments. In addition, Andreas has a strong, internationally focused notary practice, providing notarial services for real estate and corporate transactions.
Friedrich Einhoff
Friedrich Einhoff
Director Loan Marketspbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
Friedrich Einhoff joined Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (pbb) in 2006 and is a Director in the Loan Markets Real Estate team. Pbb is looking after large loan arrangement, loan trades (club and post, in and out) and structured solutions (incl. Mezz and Equity) for all global pbb exposures. Friedrich has worked for more than 25 years in the German banking industry with more than 20 years’ experience in the commercial real estate finance business. He holds a degree in business administration (Diplom-Kaufmann) from University of Mannheim.
Michael Peter
Michael Peter
Founder & CEOP & P Group
Within 30 years, Michael transformed P&P from a one-man show into a company employing 120 people, with a cumulative transaction volume of €3.1 billion as of today. Michael is a passionate investor, yet pragmatic in his approach. He identifies market opportunities early, seizing them swiftly and efficiently. The continuous and dynamic evolution of P&P’s business areas in response to an ever-changing society characterizes Michael’s endeavors and the resulting market expansion. The recently established investment subsidiary RIVUS, a Private Equity firm that invests in high-potential companies and strategic ventures, is a prime example of this vision. Social responsibility is a cause very close to his heart. The charity foundation VITA, as well as his commitment to the city of Fürth, exemplify this dedication.
Neil Hennessy
Neil Hennessy
Head of Debt Capital MarketsCurrently Unaffiliated
Neil joined Greenman Investments in 2018. Prior to this Neil held roles at ACXIT Capital Partners and Royal Bank of Scotland in Frankfurt where he spent almost 10 years in the Real Estate team.
Patrick Otto
Patrick Otto
Managing Director Head of Real Estate Germany West & Key AccountsUniCredit Bank
Patrick Otto is a trained Banker and carries a master's degree in business from Westfaelische-Wilhelms-Universtitaet Muenster (WWU). He is heading UniCredit’s Real Estate Large Client team in Germany as a Managing Director. Patrick has spent more than 18 years with UniCredit Bank AG (and its predecessor organizations) in various senior/managing positions: Corporate finance, Risk Management, Liquid and Structured Assets, Hedging Solutions, Portfolio Management, Principal Investments, Real Estate.

Urban Living Spaces

Creating sustainable CBDs through alternative asset classes?

  • What to bet on and position in the German market?
  • Emerging Trends - Alternative assets & rise of the service factor?
  • Flexible Space - Shorter leases the only way forward?
  • Redevelopments - What opportunities might distressed assets open up?
  • Blurred Asset Classes - Mixed use & the continued rise of shared economy?
Joseph von Schaesberg
Senior Director
Dieter Kornek
Head of Project Scouting
TUI Hotels & Resorts
Josef Maximilian Vollmayr
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Lambros Reppas
Managing Director
Silvertip Capital Germany
Lorenz Tragatschnig
Managing Director
Soravia Group
Matteo Ghedini
Brera Serviced Apartments
Xavier Scheibli
Portfolio Director
Joseph von Schaesberg
Joseph von Schaesberg
Senior DirectorCBRE GmbH
Joseph von Schaesberg primarily focuses on transactions of residential portfolios and was involved in all portfolio purchasing and selling processes, that were supported by CBRE since 2005. His line of work also covers both the support of forward-developments and the selling of residential building plots nationwide. Another of his responsibilities is the focus on the further expansion of Residential Investment at CBRE‘s Munich office.
Dieter Kornek
Dieter Kornek
Head of Project ScoutingTUI Hotels & Resorts
Nearly25 years of experience in hotel development in various senior management positions. From 1995 to 2003 Director Development of ACCOR Hotels in Germany and Austria, from 2003-2011 Director Development of Motel One Group for European development of these Budget Design Hotels. In 2011 I joined TUI Hotels & Resorts, but after strategic change in hotel business I started in 2013 as Managing Director Development for Vienna based Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences, being responsible for the growth of Falkensteiner in CEE. In 2017 I returned to TUI Group to manage the growth of Tui own hotels & resorts worldwide, especially TUI Blue, Club Robinson and Club Magic Life
Josef Maximilian Vollmayr
Josef Maximilian Vollmayr
Co-Founder and Managing DirectorLimehome
Dr. Josef Vollmayr is Co-Founder and Managing Director of limehome, a 2018 founded, radically tech-driven hospitality concept. Within less than 2 years the company grew to over 120 employees, operates around 100 locations in Germany, Austria, Spain and Netherlands in over 40 cities. In Series-A they received more than 25 Mio funding from HV Ventures, Lakestar, Picus and GGC. Previously, Dr. Josef Vollmayr worked for 5 years as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company with a focus on growth strategies for consumer industries and private equity. He is author of research articles, lecturer for statistics, CRM and empirical research methods at several universities and invests as a business angel in tech start-ups.
Lambros Reppas
Lambros Reppas
Managing DirectorSilvertip Capital Germany
Lambros is the Managing Director at Silvertip Capital based in Frankfurt am Main. Responsible for heading up the Asset and Portfolio Management activities, Lambros has 20 years of experience in the international real estate industry. Prior to this, Lambros was Managing Director and European Head of Residential & Micro Living for CORESTATE Capital Group. Responsible for setting up a pan-European asset management team with real estate portfolios worth over EUR 3 billion, Lambros´ role included the strategic operational orientation and expansion of the Micro Living & Residential asset classes. Further positions in his career were AXA IM, INOVALIS Group ( now Advenis), SVP-Global, HOIST Finance Group and Postbank.
Lorenz Tragatschnig
Lorenz Tragatschnig
Managing DirectorSoravia Group
Since 2011 Lorenz is the Managing Director of Romania within the Soravia Group (Soravia Real Estate Development), a group of companies which actives in the real estate market, developing and managing office buildings. Lorenz graduated from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and in 2014 graduated from the University of Chicago.
Matteo Ghedini
Matteo Ghedini
CEOBrera Serviced Apartments
Matteo Ghedini is the founder and CEO of Brera Serviced Apartments. Matteo started Brera in 2013 by opening the first location in Nuremberg. Since then Brera expanded in many German cities and manages today ca. 700 Apartments. Born in Italy, Matteo started his career as a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, attended an MBA at INSEAD and thereafter successfully completed the turnaround of a Real Estate Family Office in Germany. Passionate about Interior Design and about unleashing People´s talent, Matteo´s goal is to develop Brera to one of the most important long stay players in Europe.
Xavier Scheibli
Xavier Scheibli
Portfolio DirectorGSA
United Kingdom
Since 2018, Xavier Scheibli is Portfolio Director at GSA, based out of Frankfurt. He has more than 17 years of experience in multiple RE sectors, both on the equity & debt sides. In his current role, he’s responsible for managing portfolios of PBSA assets in Germany & UK, maintaining a close relationship with all players in the capital stack. Prior to GSA, Xavier was a Director at LNR/Hatfield Philips, leading NPL underwriting activities in Continental Europe & the firm’s co-investment opportunities. Before joining LNR in 2013, Xavier served as VP at Hudson Advisors & held posts in the RE division of UBS Wealth Mgt, where he was involved in fund structuring, acquisitions & distributions to high net worth individuals & inst. investors.

Food-Anchored Retail

Future proofing retail assets post COVID

  • Re-imagining Retail - How will the retail landscape change to adapt to new demand drivers?
  • Supply Chain Constraints Post COVID - Shortening supply chains to build resilience & ESG considerations
  • New tech - Implementations & impacts of vertical farming, drone delivery, autonomous vehicles & co
  • Grocery Door-to-Door Deliveries - Any concepts to make the numbers work?
John Wilkinson
Angelus Bernreuther
Head of Business Development
DEFAMA - Deutsche Fachmarkt AG
Briain Morris
Managing Director
Slate Asset Management
Sascha Wilhelm
x+bricks SA
John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson is CEO and founding member of Greenman. John has over 15 years’ experience in real estate development and investment. Since managing the company from 2005, John gained a significant expertise in the selection, funding, purchase and management of German food and non-food retail warehousing. Since forming Greenman, the company has acquired and manages real estate projects to a value of €900m including Greenman OPEN, Germany’s largest grocery focused retail RE fund. John is currently leading the execution of Greenman’s European expansion, with the target of acquiring c.€175m of grocery dominated retail real estate in France and Spain during 2020.
Angelus Bernreuther
Angelus Bernreuther
Head of Business DevelopmentDEFAMA - Deutsche Fachmarkt AG
Briain Morris
Briain Morris
Managing DirectorSlate Asset Management
Briain is Managing Director of Slate Asset Management. He has significant corporate finance, restructuring, and capital markets experience in both North America and Europe. Briain leads the Slate European platform. His responsibilities include originating and executing acquisitions, capital raising, overseeing various asset management functions and establishing new investment platforms.
Sascha Wilhelm
Sascha Wilhelm
CEOx+bricks SA
Sascha M. Wilhelm launched the real estate company x+bricks Group in 2018. The investor specialized in grocery-anchored properties, focuses on the purchase of portfolios and individual properties in German cities. The Group has internalized the entire value chain and has a clear focus on digitalization and process optimization. Therefore, x+bricks has developed the software solution PATA ® for real estate analyses. Prior Sascha was CEO of Corestate Capital Group until April 2018. Sascha studied law at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (LMU) and obtained an MBA in International Real Estate Management in Germany, London and Zurich.
Keynote Talkshow

Future of Real Estate

Emerging winners & losers post-COVID

Heinz Joachim KummerCMS Moderator
Andreas TrumppColliers International - Germany
Assem El AlamiBerlin Hyp
Christian DaumannQSix
Katharina von SchackyWeWork

Future of Real Estate

Emerging winners & losers post-COVID

  • Asset Classes - Safe haven vs too much risk, where is debt & equity going?
  • Flight to Core - Is there a new dynamic for commercial space?
  • Demographics - Urban density, reshaping space, ESG and community placemaking, can the deals attract institutional backing?
  • Grade A Short & Long Term - What forecasts for valuations, capital growth, rents and leasing structures?
  • Locations - Still the same hotspots or any new ones emerging?
  • Gen Z vs an Aging Population - Catering to needs across the demographic scale
Heinz Joachim Kummer
Rechtsanwalt | Partner
Andreas Trumpp
Head of Research Europe
Colliers International - Germany
Assem El Alami
Head of International Real Estate Finance
Berlin Hyp
Christian Daumann
Chief Executive Officer - Germany
Katharina von Schacky
Head RE & Strategy, Northern Europe
Heinz Joachim Kummer
Heinz Joachim Kummer
Rechtsanwalt | PartnerCMS
Heinz Joachim Kummer is a partner of CMS Germany with more than 25 years of in-depth experience in the real estate sector, having advised on various landmark deals and projects. His expertise includes the full range of commercial real estate law with the focus on complex real estate transactions, structuring and advising private equity and other real estate funds. Before joining CMS, Heinz Joachim was a partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP for over 20 years. Heinz Joachim is recognized as a leading real estate lawyer in the current issue of The Who’s Who Legal 2017. The same is true for the major legal directories.
Andreas Trumpp
Andreas Trumpp
Head of Research EuropeColliers International - Germany
Assem El Alami
Assem El Alami
Head of International Real Estate FinanceBerlin Hyp
Assem El Alami is the Head of the International Real Estate Finance Sales Division of Berlin Hyp AG. As such he supervises four sales teams: Origination International Investors based in Berlin, as well as the offices in Paris, Amsterdam and Warsaw. Berlin Hyp's loan book accounts for approximately 26 bn EUR. Being a law graduate, Assem has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate sector of which he has spent 10 years in France. He joined Berlin Hyp in 2010. *** Berlin Hyp is a wholly owned subsidiary of LBBW and specialises in large-volume real estate financing for professional investors and housing companies. It also provides German savings banks with a comprehensive range of products and services.
Christian Daumann
Christian Daumann
Chief Executive Officer - GermanyQSix
Christian Daumann with more than 20 years of professional and leadership experience in the fields of Company Management, RE Investment and AM, Debt Restructuring and CMBS workout,has joined Hamburg Trust in December 2015. As MD of CR Investment Management, he built CR´s Special Servicing and Pan - European Underwriting Platform. As MD of LNR/Hatfield Philips, he built and grew the German Special Servicing operation. As member of the board of stock - listed Anterra AG, he was in charge of all day to day operations and managed Assets in multiple RE Asset classes. In prior roles, He led RE Asset Management for Morgan Stanley core Funds in Germany/Netherlands/Sweden & Austria and worked in different roles at Helaba and Frankfurter Sparkasse.
Katharina von Schacky
Katharina von Schacky
Head RE & Strategy, Northern EuropeWeWork

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Dublin | Ireland
Greenman is a market-leading, sector specific, German real estate investment fund manager, authorised as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) by the Central Bank of Ireland under AIFMD Regulations 2013. Greenman manage Greenman Investments S.C.A., SICAV-FIS, a Luxembourg seated investment platform. Greenman has developed an investment model which is designed to generate investor income from the purchase, operation and sale of food anchored real estate. Using this model, Greenman has, since 2005, successfully selected, funded and purchased properties for a number of segregated compartments within the platform’s umbrella structure. Greenman follow a buy and hold strategy with a focus on food anchored retail real estate let on long term leases to highly creditworthy tenants. Currently Greenman have c.€690m of assets under management.
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.
Frankfurt am Main | Germany
At Goodwin, we partner with our clients to practice law with integrity, ingenuity, agility and ambition. Our 1,200-plus lawyers across the United States, Europe and Asia excel at complex transactions, high-stakes litigation and world-class advisory services in the technology, life sciences, real estate, private equity, and financial industries. Our unique combination of deep experience serving both the innovators and investors in a rapidly-changing, technology-driven economy sets us apart.
London | United Kingdom
WeWork is a global network of workspaces where companies and people grow together. We transform buildings into dynamic environments for creativity, focus, and connection. More than just the best place to work, though, this is a movement toward humanizing work. We believe that CEOs can help each other, offices can use the comforts of home, and we can all look forward to Monday if we find real meaning in what we do.
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