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Deutsche GRI 2022

A senior real estate gathering to match local products to international capital

140 people are attending
Credit: Sybille Reuter / Shutterstock

After the last two years of uncertainties and volatility impacting the German and international real estate and capital markets, many are looking with renewed optimism towards 2022. Now in its 17th year, participants find the discovery process for sourcing deal flow is most advantageous. 

Closed-door discussions, keynote speakers, case studies, debates, presentations and insights.


Private Equity Investors, Fund Managers, Operators, LPs, Developers, Asset Owners and Lenders invested in the German real estate markets.

"The event’s participation demographic is very diverse and is characterised by great expertise. The GRI discussion format gives opportunities to candidly converse and to connect with each other."

Gerhard Meitinger

Head of Real Estate Finance Germany

pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank


Thursday, June 2nd 2022
Close See complete schedule
09:00am - 10:15am

Future City Landscapes

Public & private partnerships the way forward?

  • Changing City Landscapes - How will new ways of living, working & mobility impact city structures?
  • ESG & Climate Impacts - Incorporating sustainable & social structures into cities
  • Space Distribution - Will 15 minute cities become the new driver for city layouts?
  • The Affordability Question - How to create more sustainably priced city hubs?
  • Private Capital - Will investors need to work more closely with the public sector?
  • Innovative Neighbourhoods - Mixed use as the only way forward?

11:00am - 12:00pm

Rethinking 'Space'

Is there a common strategy for innovation that aligns with profit?

  • Strategies - How to readjust complementary but distinct strategies to organize, accelerate and execute an innovative portfolio?
  • Digital Solutions for Unlocking Value in Portfolios - What's the investment appetite?
  • Portfolio Management - Are real estate players embracing more tech, innovative & ESG solutions to build and diversify an innovative portfolio?
  • Data-based and AI-supported Solutions - The best or only tools? Is the data necessary to unlock value?
  • Financial Results - Significantly positive KPIs highlights & what's to come to unlock more investments? 
11:00am - 12:00pm

Alternative Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten

Innovation vs Refinanzierung; wie Wettbewerbsfähig bleiben?

  • New Financing Products - Offering better solutions in a volatile market?
  • Banks, Debt Funds, Mezz - Any upsides to more risk & higher prices?
  • Adjusting Returns Depending on Risk Appetite?

11:00am - 12:00pm

European Investment Cycle

Cyclical downturn vs structural shifts, how to adapt?

  • GDP, interest rates & unemployment - Where are we headed in 2021?
  • Market Distortion - Non-cyclical cool down of the markets?
  • Inflation Risk - Increased concerns or not much to worry about?
  • Diversification as the only safety net?
  • Germany's Position - Will the golden years continue?
11:00am - 12:00pm


Profitable Renditejagd oder zu viele Regulationen? 

  • New Coalition - What impacts can we expect for the real estate market?
  • Mietendeckel 2.0 in the Making?
  • Asset Classes - Which sector will be king in 2022?
  • The Affordability Question - Any way to make the numbers work?
01:30pm - 02:30pm

Seniorenresidenzen & Betreutes Wohnen

Demografie Favorit; genug um ĂĽber die Betreiber Hindernisse zu springen?

  • Disproportionate Demand Increases - Can the markets tackle the requirements of an aging population?
  • Affordability - What will be the real demand for new build senior housing BTR?
  • Lack of Product - Repurposing inner city spaces offering new opportunities?

01:30pm - 02:30pm

Net Zero & ESG

The challenge of 2022?

  • E in the Spotlight - Aligning demands across the whole matrix
  • Getting a Hold of S - Any consensus on measuring social impact?
  • Net Zero - Regulatory crackdowns; what can we expect in 2022?
  • Operational & Embodied Carbon - Will we need a stronger shift in approaches to tackle them?

01:30pm - 02:30pm

Preise & Evaluationen

Käufer oder Verkäufer am Steuer?

  • Pricing - Is there a dissonance between buyers & sellers?
  • Asset Classes - Are we seeing changes in prices across riskier assets like hotels & retail?
  • Valuations - Have factors changed to post pandemic valuations?
  • Demand & Supply - Do we see an imbalance across any asset classes & locations?
01:30pm - 02:30pm

Repositionierung von Arbeitsplätzen

Sekundäre Standorte wieder zu haben?

  • Investor Appetite - Capital allocations still going strong or too much risk?
  • Occupiers Demands - Go green & go flex, are landlords adapting quick enough?
  • Blurred Lines - Moving beyond categorising spaces by asset class?
  • Flexible Leasing - What short to long term plans are occupiers making? What are the impacts on real estate business models & valuations?
  • Space Planning - Can technology help align occupier and landlord needs to optimise spaces? 
  • Work from Anywhere & Tenant Experience - Can landlords leverage tech to provide a seamless occupier experience whether working remotely, at home or office?
03:00pm - 04:00pm

Retail in the Digital Information Age

AI, metaverse & robotics impacting consumer behaviour irreversibly

  • Retail - Secure investment asset classes instead of alternatives, but how futureproof is the sector?
  • Digitisation & Big Data - How is it changing the industry and what can be expected next?
  • AI & Metaverse - How relevant will it become and where to start?
  • ESG Considerations - How can tech support the transition?
03:00pm - 04:00pm

BTR Wohnimmobilien

Haben wir den Skalierungsfaktor verloren?

  • Rental Growth Slowdown - Increased construction and lower urban population numbers impacting pricing?
  • Fundamentals - Shifting capital allocation strategies still favouring living assets?
  • Affordability as the key issue going forward
  • Regulations Under a New Coalition - What can the German markets expect?

03:00pm - 04:00pm

Opportunistisch & Value Add

Löst ESG eine Value add Welle aus oder noch zu viel Risiko?

  • Polarisation of Markets - Value add opportunities to flood the markets?
  • Buy Cheap, Sell Green - Is value adding brownfield offering decent returns?
  • Portfolio Resilience & Finding Value - Cities vs Assets
  • Value Add Markets in Germany - How to identify future projects and ensure their quality and profit?
  • Rates & Yields - When and how can we ensure profitability of those deals?
  • Banks' Appetite & Lending Confidence - Are lenders following up the risk curve?
03:00pm - 04:00pm

Logistics Bubble!

How low can we go?

  • Supply Demand Imbalance - Pricing tensions across investments & occupiers
  • Pricing Risks - Any differentiations between locations & markets?
  • Affordability Question - Slower developments & increased demand; where is the glass ceiling?
  • Yield Compressions - With capital coming in, how low can they go?

04:30pm - 05:30pm

Raising & Allocating Capital

Same old, saturated or some hidden gems?

  • Cross Border Capital Streams - Inbound investment destinations
  • Regulations in the Markets - Closing off opportunities for lenders & investors?
  • Debt Leveraging - Risk assessment & pricing in dissonance?
  • Allocation Game - Delivering value during volatile periods
  • A Saturated Market - JVs, re-capitalisations or platform investments; what offers best solutions for investors?
  • Relative Risk Reward - Location vs asset classes
04:30pm - 05:30pm

ZukĂĽnftiger Einzelhandel

Neuerfindung von High Streets & Shopping Centres?

  • New mobility; new retail locations and where to find them?
  • Have we seen rock bottom for retail rental prices or is the worst to come?
  • New Demographic Factors - Could the elderly become the main target group for bricks n mortar retail?

04:30pm - 05:30pm

Office Investments

Flight to Core or ESG offering competitive premiums?

  • Pricing, demand & investment fundamentals
  • Will ESG be the key metric going forward?
  • Grade A Short & Long Term - What forecasts for valuations, capital growth, rents and leasing structures?
  • CBD & Prime Locations - What has changed?

Friday, June 3rd 2022
Close See complete schedule
09:00am - 10:00am

Macroeconomic Keynote

Dr. Jörg Krämer ist Chefvolkswirt der Commerzbank AG und Bereichsvorstand für Research. Zuvor war er Chefvolkswirt der Bayerischen Hypo- und Vereinsbank in München und Chefvolkswirt der Invesco Asset Management Deutschland GmbH in Frankfurt. Seine Laufbahn hat Hr. Dr. Krämer am Kieler Institut für Weltwirtschaft begonnen; dort wurde er von Prof. Dr. Horst Siebert, dem ehemaligen Präsidenten des Instituts, promoviert. Hr. Dr. Krämer ist seit 2009 Mitglied des EZB-Schattenrats. Er wurde in Düsseldorf geboren, sein Studium der Volkswirtschaft absolvierte er an den Universitäten von Bonn und Münster.

10:30am - 11:30am

Wertfindung in Deutschland

Standort, Nachfragetrends oder ESG der Faktor zum Erfolg?

  • ESG Considerations - How will they impact portfolio and investment strategies going forward?
  • Top 7 & Beyond - Understanding the new pricing and demand landscape
  • Valuations - Winners & Losers; will ESG become the new major metric?
  • Changing Demographics - An ageing population & influx of immigrants shaping real estate demand
  • Regulations - Will the affordability question trigger more extensive laws?
  • Asset Classes - Which locations offer the best opportunities?
10:30am - 11:30am

Core, Core+ & Super Core

Wo ist die Gewinnzone? 

  • Shifting Definitions - What is considered core post pandemic?
  • Core vs Super Core - Is location still the most important differentiating factor?
  • ESG Considerations - How important is net zero really?
  • Investment Appetite - Is core still the investment asset?
12:00pm - 01:00pm

Hospitality & Alternative Resi

Is capital coming back to the sectors or still in trouble?

  • Liquidity - Investors, operators & owners to deploy capital to fill the gap on cash flows?
  • Rise of Service - Amenities more important than size?
  • Impact on Valuations - How are new models changing the game?
  • Hotel Investment Transactions - where is the capital appetite coming from?
  • Alternative Resi - Student housing, co-living & co; which asset classes is seeing capital allocations?
  • Any Lessons Learned from a Mature US Market?
  • Sustainability Strategies - What are the strategies for current assets, ongoing deals and pipeline opportunities?
12:00pm - 01:00pm


Up & coming oder bereits ĂĽberteuert?

  • Price Development - Slower increases a concern for 2022?
  • Stable Demand - 
  • Seller vs Buyer Market - Are buyers still dominating the markets?
  • Emerging Hotspots - Which cities are investors looking at?


2nd June | 11:00 - 12:00

European Investment Cycle

Cyclical downturn vs structural shifts, how to adapt?

  • GDP, interest rates & unemployment - Where are we headed in 2021?
  • Market Distortion - Non-cyclical cool down of the markets?
  • Inflation Risk - Increased concerns or not much to worry about?
  • Diversification as the only safety net?
  • Germany's Position - Will the golden years continue?
2nd June | 11:00 - 12:00

Rethinking 'Space'

Is there a common strategy for innovation that aligns with profit?

  • Strategies - How to readjust complementary but distinct strategies to organize, accelerate and execute an innovative portfolio?
  • Digital Solutions for Unlocking Value in Portfolios - What's the investment appetite?
  • Portfolio Management - Are real estate players embracing more tech, innovative & ESG solutions to build and diversify an innovative portfolio?
  • Data-based and AI-supported Solutions - The best or only tools? Is the data necessary to unlock value?
  • Financial Results - Significantly positive KPIs highlights & what's to come to unlock more investments? 
2nd June | 11:00 - 12:00


Profitable Renditejagd oder zu viele Regulationen? 

  • New Coalition - What impacts can we expect for the real estate market?
  • Mietendeckel 2.0 in the Making?
  • Asset Classes - Which sector will be king in 2022?
  • The Affordability Question - Any way to make the numbers work?
2nd June | 11:00 - 12:00

Alternative Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten

Innovation vs Refinanzierung; wie Wettbewerbsfähig bleiben?

  • New Financing Products - Offering better solutions in a volatile market?
  • Banks, Debt Funds, Mezz - Any upsides to more risk & higher prices?
  • Adjusting Returns Depending on Risk Appetite?

2nd June | 13:30 - 14:30

Preise & Evaluationen

Käufer oder Verkäufer am Steuer?

  • Pricing - Is there a dissonance between buyers & sellers?
  • Asset Classes - Are we seeing changes in prices across riskier assets like hotels & retail?
  • Valuations - Have factors changed to post pandemic valuations?
  • Demand & Supply - Do we see an imbalance across any asset classes & locations?
2nd June | 13:30 - 14:30

Net Zero & ESG

The challenge of 2022?

  • E in the Spotlight - Aligning demands across the whole matrix
  • Getting a Hold of S - Any consensus on measuring social impact?
  • Net Zero - Regulatory crackdowns; what can we expect in 2022?
  • Operational & Embodied Carbon - Will we need a stronger shift in approaches to tackle them?

2nd June | 13:30 - 14:30

Seniorenresidenzen & Betreutes Wohnen

Demografie Favorit; genug um ĂĽber die Betreiber Hindernisse zu springen?

  • Disproportionate Demand Increases - Can the markets tackle the requirements of an aging population?
  • Affordability - What will be the real demand for new build senior housing BTR?
  • Lack of Product - Repurposing inner city spaces offering new opportunities?

2nd June | 13:30 - 14:30

Repositionierung von Arbeitsplätzen

Sekundäre Standorte wieder zu haben?

  • Investor Appetite - Capital allocations still going strong or too much risk?
  • Occupiers Demands - Go green & go flex, are landlords adapting quick enough?
  • Blurred Lines - Moving beyond categorising spaces by asset class?
  • Flexible Leasing - What short to long term plans are occupiers making? What are the impacts on real estate business models & valuations?
  • Space Planning - Can technology help align occupier and landlord needs to optimise spaces? 
  • Work from Anywhere & Tenant Experience - Can landlords leverage tech to provide a seamless occupier experience whether working remotely, at home or office?
2nd June | 15:00 - 16:00

Opportunistisch & Value Add

Löst ESG eine Value add Welle aus oder noch zu viel Risiko?

  • Polarisation of Markets - Value add opportunities to flood the markets?
  • Buy Cheap, Sell Green - Is value adding brownfield offering decent returns?
  • Portfolio Resilience & Finding Value - Cities vs Assets
  • Value Add Markets in Germany - How to identify future projects and ensure their quality and profit?
  • Rates & Yields - When and how can we ensure profitability of those deals?
  • Banks' Appetite & Lending Confidence - Are lenders following up the risk curve?
2nd June | 15:00 - 16:00

Retail in the Digital Information Age

AI, metaverse & robotics impacting consumer behaviour irreversibly

  • Retail - Secure investment asset classes instead of alternatives, but how futureproof is the sector?
  • Digitisation & Big Data - How is it changing the industry and what can be expected next?
  • AI & Metaverse - How relevant will it become and where to start?
  • ESG Considerations - How can tech support the transition?
2nd June | 15:00 - 16:00

BTR Wohnimmobilien

Haben wir den Skalierungsfaktor verloren?

  • Rental Growth Slowdown - Increased construction and lower urban population numbers impacting pricing?
  • Fundamentals - Shifting capital allocation strategies still favouring living assets?
  • Affordability as the key issue going forward
  • Regulations Under a New Coalition - What can the German markets expect?

2nd June | 15:00 - 16:00

Logistics Bubble!

How low can we go?

  • Supply Demand Imbalance - Pricing tensions across investments & occupiers
  • Pricing Risks - Any differentiations between locations & markets?
  • Affordability Question - Slower developments & increased demand; where is the glass ceiling?
  • Yield Compressions - With capital coming in, how low can they go?

2nd June | 16:30 - 17:30

Raising & Allocating Capital

Same old, saturated or some hidden gems?

  • Cross Border Capital Streams - Inbound investment destinations
  • Regulations in the Markets - Closing off opportunities for lenders & investors?
  • Debt Leveraging - Risk assessment & pricing in dissonance?
  • Allocation Game - Delivering value during volatile periods
  • A Saturated Market - JVs, re-capitalisations or platform investments; what offers best solutions for investors?
  • Relative Risk Reward - Location vs asset classes
2nd June | 16:30 - 17:30

ZukĂĽnftiger Einzelhandel

Neuerfindung von High Streets & Shopping Centres?

  • New mobility; new retail locations and where to find them?
  • Have we seen rock bottom for retail rental prices or is the worst to come?
  • New Demographic Factors - Could the elderly become the main target group for bricks n mortar retail?

2nd June | 16:30 - 17:30

Office Investments

Flight to Core or ESG offering competitive premiums?

  • Pricing, demand & investment fundamentals
  • Will ESG be the key metric going forward?
  • Grade A Short & Long Term - What forecasts for valuations, capital growth, rents and leasing structures?
  • CBD & Prime Locations - What has changed?

3rd June | 10:30 - 11:30

Wertfindung in Deutschland

Standort, Nachfragetrends oder ESG der Faktor zum Erfolg?

  • ESG Considerations - How will they impact portfolio and investment strategies going forward?
  • Top 7 & Beyond - Understanding the new pricing and demand landscape
  • Valuations - Winners & Losers; will ESG become the new major metric?
  • Changing Demographics - An ageing population & influx of immigrants shaping real estate demand
  • Regulations - Will the affordability question trigger more extensive laws?
  • Asset Classes - Which locations offer the best opportunities?
3rd June | 10:30 - 11:30

Core, Core+ & Super Core

Wo ist die Gewinnzone? 

  • Shifting Definitions - What is considered core post pandemic?
  • Core vs Super Core - Is location still the most important differentiating factor?
  • ESG Considerations - How important is net zero really?
  • Investment Appetite - Is core still the investment asset?
3rd June | 12:00 - 13:00

Hospitality & Alternative Resi

Is capital coming back to the sectors or still in trouble?

  • Liquidity - Investors, operators & owners to deploy capital to fill the gap on cash flows?
  • Rise of Service - Amenities more important than size?
  • Impact on Valuations - How are new models changing the game?
  • Hotel Investment Transactions - where is the capital appetite coming from?
  • Alternative Resi - Student housing, co-living & co; which asset classes is seeing capital allocations?
  • Any Lessons Learned from a Mature US Market?
  • Sustainability Strategies - What are the strategies for current assets, ongoing deals and pipeline opportunities?
3rd June | 12:00 - 13:00


Up & coming oder bereits ĂĽberteuert?

  • Price Development - Slower increases a concern for 2022?
  • Stable Demand - 
  • Seller vs Buyer Market - Are buyers still dominating the markets?
  • Emerging Hotspots - Which cities are investors looking at?

Klaus Illigmann

Future City Landscapes
Public & private partnerships the way forward?


Keynote Speaker: Klaus Illigmann
Abteilungsleiter Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
Jörg Krämer

Macroeconomic Keynote


Keynote Speaker: Jörg Krämer
Chief Economist & Head of Research
Jörg Krämer

Kimberly Hourihan
Global Chief Investment

Keynote Speaker


Kim Hourihan is Chief Investment Officer for CBRE Investment Management. In this role, Kim is responsible for investment strategy, performance and risk. She chairs the Global Investment Committee and has oversight of all the regional and strategy-specific investment committees. She previously served as CIO – Americas Direct Real Estate Strategies for CBRE Investment Management and Portfolio Manager for one of the firm’s comingled funds. She also served as a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager for two international sovereign wealth fund clients, with total assets under management of more than $4 billion representing 11.7 million square feet.

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+353 1 647 1121
Dublin | Ireland
Greenman is a market-leading, sector specific, German real estate investment fund manager, authorised as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) by the Central Bank of Ireland under AIFMD Regulations 2013. Greenman manage Greenman Investments S.C.A., SICAV-FIS, a Luxembourg seated investment platform. Greenman has developed an investment model which is designed to generate investor income from the purchase, operation and sale of food anchored real estate. Using this model, Greenman has, since 2005, successfully selected, funded and purchased properties for a number of segregated compartments within the platform’s umbrella structure. Greenman follow a buy and hold strategy with a focus on food anchored retail real estate let on long term leases to highly creditworthy tenants. Currently Greenman have c.€690m of assets under management.
Warsaw | Poland
With the largest commercial real estate team in Europe and one of the biggest worldwide, CMS is well positioned to help investors, funders, developers, landlords and occupiers navigate all aspects of the real estate market and maximise their assets. Whatever the size and scope of your project or deal, with almost 800 real estate lawyers in 46 countries we have the resources to meet your needs quickly and efficiently, offering expert advice. We have been active in real estate in our markets for decades, so we understand the culture, the economic context, the local legal context and the history.
Heidelberg | Baden-WĂĽrttemberg | Germany
AMERIA, founded 2001 in Heidelberg, AG since 2018, provides the IoT-Cloud Platform and the new Touchfree Standard for interaction in public connecting all channels to create the true 360° customer journey. The customers are leading retailers and brands.
Frankfurt | Germany
Cushman & Wakefield Cushman & Wakefield (NYSE: CWK) is a leading global real estate services firm that delivers exceptional value for real estate occupiers and owners. Cushman & Wakefield is among the largest real estate services firms with approximately 50,000 employees in over 400 offices and 60 countries. In 2020, the firm had revenue of $7.8 billion across core services of property, facilities and project management, leasing, capital markets, valuation and other services.
+49-30-726 27 61 52
Berlin | Germany
PB3C is Germany’s leading positioning and communications consultancy, focusing on real estate, real assets and finances. We cover the whole spectrum, from housing policy issues, through complex fund and asset management topics, to alternative forms of investment. We develop strategies and brands, strong messages and high-quality content, while at the same time creating added value for our clients. In doing so we use both digital and classical channels. PB3C offers services that help develop and transport the positioning of our clients – across all channels, and provided everything that is needed to help brands grow, develop and become established in strategic positioning.
London | United Kingdom
WeWork is a global network of workspaces where companies and people grow together. We transform buildings into dynamic environments for creativity, focus, and connection. More than just the best place to work, though, this is a movement toward humanizing work. We believe that CEOs can help each other, offices can use the comforts of home, and we can all look forward to Monday if we find real meaning in what we do.
Absolut Research GmbH is a publisher and research house focusing on institutional asset management in the German-speaking markets. For over 20 years, the Hamburg-based company has been providing know-how and in-depth analysis to institutional investors to support their daily and long-term investment decisions. The publications cover a broad spectrum: from the analysis of specific market segments to the performance of asset managers and their investment products up to knowledge magazines with articles by experts for experts. Absolut Research is committed to independence, neutrality, and quality in all our publications. In addition to the successful magazines Absolut|report and Absolut|impact a brand new publication and product platform has just been launched: Absolut|private for private market investments!
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