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GRI Global Urban Mobility eSummit

GRI Global Urban Mobility eSummit
This eSummit will take place from 28 -30 July 
14:00 - 15:00 | British Summer Time (GMT+1)

Check our agenda for the discussions and register here.

COVID-19 has brought a disruptive impact on the way we live and move around in cities. The world's largest urban centres need to plan and find out new ways to use mobility solutions to get local economies back on track again, but at the same time, ensuring health measures are taking place and commuters are protected.
This 3-day GRI eSummit will gather club members to discuss the global experiences in facing the crisis and getting prepared for the future that may change the way we know cities today.
Local authorities from around the globe will join leading metro and trains operators, financial institutions, investment funds, think thanks, and cutting-edge tech companies to design the way we plan, partner, finance, operate and innovate in the urban mobility world.
When it comes to exchanging know-how and meeting the right people, physical barriers no longer exist. Join us for the most influential dialogue with the senior leaders from urban mobility and city planning leaderships - as if they were sitting right in your living room.
Confirmed participants
Adhirath JalanShekhawati Group
Agathe VigneIndigo - Brasil
Alberto SogayarMAMG Advogados
Alexander CerqueiraSocicam
Alexandra BraboAon
Alok KapoorTata Realty
Ana Beatriz MonteiroIDB
Ana Maria VidaurreCEPSA
Andrés García NovelIFC
Angelo LeiteSerttel
Antonio CuetoCurrently Unaffiliated
Behnad ZandiAdani Airport
Bianca AlvesThe World Bank
Boon Chin HauGIC
Brice ClementeEngie
Bruno WerneckMayer Brown Tauil & Chequer
Camilo UribeEngie Colombia
Carlos Eduardo SouzaTEVX Higer
Carlos OrtizMetro de Medellín
Carolina DuqueBaker McKenzie - Colombia
Carolina EspañaCAF - Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina
Catalina BrandoJohn Laing
Cervantes LeeUNLV Foundation
Cesare TrevisaniTrevi
Christian GamboaPwC
Claudia PratesBNDES
Cristina Pardo de Vera PosadaR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Danillo MarcondesGLP
David ParejaMacquarie Capital
Deepak MalhotraCDPQ
Diana Ruan HernándezIFC
Diego ValderramaMetro de Medellín
Eduardo GurevichLacaz Martins Pereira Neto Gurevich & Schoueri Adv
Eduardo Hayden Carvalhaes NetoLefosse
Eduardo TakahashiWTW - Willis Towers Watson
Edyen CalepisErnesto Borges Advogados
Eleonora PazosUITP - International Association of Public Transport
Elias de SouzaCurrently Unaffiliated
Emilio UquillasCAF - México
Fabio NossaesMPD Engenharia
Felipe CuconatiOrizon
Felipe LimaArcadis
Fernando CheminPwC
Francisco MiraEY
Francisco SuarezScotiabank
Gaurav KhannaIndInfravit Trust
Guillermo Antonio Diaz BarquínDoorvel
Gustavo GusmãoEY
Helio MazzilliHTB
Henri RohardTransdev Chile
Hernán BerríosTransdev Chile
Hilia Boris IglesiaUITP - International Association of Public Transport
Javier ArdilaING Bank
Jeanette Halmenschlager LontraBadesul Desenvolvimento
Jeferson SouzaCaixa Economica Federal
John GrahamIFC
Jorge BaesaMetro de Santiago
Jorge ValenzuelaARUP
Jorge de la MoraGrupo DDP México
Josh LivingstoneTemerity Strategic Partners
José ÁlvarezEgis
João BuzioMarsh
Juan CamargoOMERS Infrastructure
Juan Carlos GuevaraALO Sur
Juan LandeiraA&M Infra
Kailash VaswaniReNew Power
Kartik DeuskarShapoorji Pallonji Real Estate
Kassia OliveiraEY
Kumar V PratapIIM Lucknow
Laura CorreaDNP - Departamento Nacional de Planeación
Leonardas MitrulisEgis
Lina MadridSura Investments
Luis Eduardo Serra NettoDuarte Garcia
Luiz Cláudio CamposEY
Manish AgarwalIndian School of Public Policy
Manuel JuradoNordex Group
Marcelo OshiroECB - Empresa Construtora Brasil
Marcelo PerrupatoMagna Participações
Marco Aurélio BarcelosABCR
Marcos Augusto PerezManesco Advogados
Maria Fernanda CalderónNatixis CIB
Mariana RoccaCámara Argentina de la Construcción
Mario MacedoTucumann Engenharia e Empreendimentos
Mauro LacerdaConstrutora Artec S/A
Maurício EndoAegea Saneamento
MeirellesCAF Brasil
Miguel ToledoIFC
Moises HerszenhornCredit Suisse
Neeraj SanghiHighway Concessions One
Nhiura CoaquiraEngie Colombia
Pablo QueirozDemarest Advogados - Real Estate
Paloma Ortiz MartinezCOMSA Corporación
Paulo BenitesGlobal Ace Participações e Investimentos
Pedro Julià RuipérezIridium Concesiones de Infraestructura
Pedro SommaQuicko
Ralph TerraCarioca Engenharia
Rezier PossidenteSiemens Energy Brasil
Ricardo Trejos RobledoBaker McKenzie - Colombia
Roberto LabartheCCR
Roberto MartinsTrench Rossi Watanabe
Rodolfo Castiblanco BedoyaColombia's Ministry of Transportation
Rodrigo TerrazasMetro de Santiago
Roger HollandCBRE - Kazakhstan
Rohit AchharyaCPPIB
Ronaldo PellicerWorley - Brazil
Ruben Antonio BisiFABUS - Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Ônibus
Sebastián AguirreConstructora Conconcreto S.A.
Sergio SakataCurrently Unaffiliated
Shailesh PathakLarsen & Toubro
Shathish VasudevCDPQ
Sudhakar MallyaCPPIB
Sérgio JacobsenSiemens Energy Brasil
Tarun ShankarIFC
Tatiana CymbalistaManesco Advogados
Thadeu AbicalilNew Development Bank
Thiago OliveiraMarsh
Tiago AlvesCurrently Unaffiliated
Tiago Pereira LimaIBL Instituto Brasil Logística
Udaikant K.K.Siemens Financial Services
Vijay AgarwalInfracap India Advisers India Pvt Limited
Vinicius Guardia SerranoCurrently Unaffiliated
Walter FangAssistencial Consulting
Wang XiujinCRCC Brazil - CR20
Confirmed participants
Adhirath Jalan
Shekhawati Group
Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions Director
Indigo - Brasil
Alberto Sogayar
MAMG Advogados
Alexander Cerqueira
Head Aeroportos
Alexandra Brabo
Alok Kapoor
Director-TRIL Urban Transport
Tata Realty
Ana Beatriz Monteiro
Especialista Líder de Transporte
Ana Maria Vidaurre
Head of Global M&A Energy Transition - Renewables
Andrés García Novel
Energy Sector Lead - LAC
Angelo Leite
Executive Director
Antonio Cueto
Currently Unaffiliated
Behnad Zandi
Adani Airport
Bianca Alves
Senior Urban Transport Specialist
The World Bank
Boon Chin Hau
Head of Emerging Markets Investments
Brice Clemente
Head BD Social Infrastructure, Head of M&A Latam
Bruno Werneck
Mayer Brown Tauil & Chequer
Camilo Uribe
Engie Colombia
Carlos Eduardo Souza
TEVX Higer
Carlos Ortiz
Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios
Metro de Medellín
Carolina Duque
Partner, Banking & Finance
Baker McKenzie - Colombia
Carolina España
Representative Director in Colombia
CAF - Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina
Catalina Brando
Investment Manager
John Laing
Cervantes Lee
Hospitality Business Faculty
UNLV Foundation
Cesare Trevisani
Vice Chairman
Christian Gamboa
Partner and Private Equity Leader
Claudia Prates
Diretora Geral - Américas
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
R&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Danillo Marcondes
Director of Infrastructure Investments
David Pareja
Macquarie Capital
Deepak Malhotra
Director, Infrastructure, South Asia
Diana Ruan Hernández
Senior Investment Officer
Diego Valderrama
Metro de Medellín
Metro de Medellín
Eduardo Gurevich
Lacaz Martins Pereira Neto Gurevich & Schoueri Adv
Eduardo Hayden Carvalhaes Neto
Eduardo Takahashi
Country Leader Brasil
WTW - Willis Towers Watson
Edyen Calepis
Ernesto Borges Advogados
Eleonora Pazos
Head of Latin America Office
UITP - International Association of Public Transport
Elias de Souza
Partner - Infra and Capital Projects
Currently Unaffiliated
Emilio Uquillas
Corporate Manager for Countries
CAF - México
Fabio Nossaes
Director of Operations
MPD Engenharia
Felipe Cuconati
Corporate Finances Superintendent
Felipe Lima
CEO Latin America
Fernando Chemin
Francisco Mira
Senior Vice President
Francisco Suarez
Director - Equity Research
Gaurav Khanna
IndInfravit Trust
Guillermo Antonio Diaz Barquín
Gustavo Gusmão
Partner, Infrastructure/ PPPs
Helio Mazzilli
Executive Director
Henri Rohard
Gerente Comercial y de Desarrollo
Transdev Chile
Hernán Berríos
Transdev Chile
Hilia Boris Iglesia
Manager Transport Economics
UITP - International Association of Public Transport
Javier Ardila
Director, Regional Coverage
ING Bank
Jeanette Halmenschlager Lontra
Presidente e Diretora de Operações
Badesul Desenvolvimento
Jeferson Souza
Conselheiro VP e Gerente de filial
Caixa Economica Federal
John Graham
Principal Transport Specialist
Jorge Baesa
Chief Information Security officer
Metro de Santiago
Jorge Valenzuela
Principal & Managing Director, Advisory Services
Jorge de la Mora
Senior Director
Grupo DDP México
Josh Livingstone
Vice President
Temerity Strategic Partners
José Álvarez
Country Manager
João Buzio
Head of Global Strategies, Construction & Infrastructure
Juan Camargo
Managing Director
OMERS Infrastructure
Juan Carlos Guevara
Director de Concesiones
Juan Landeira
Senior Director
A&M Infra
Kailash Vaswani
President - Corporate Finance
ReNew Power
Kartik Deuskar
Principal – Investments
Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate
Kassia Oliveira
Senior Manager
Kumar V Pratap
Board of Advisors, IIM Lucknow [ex. Joint Secretary (Infra Policy & Finance), DEA, Govt of India]
IIM Lucknow
Laura Correa
DNP - Departamento Nacional de Planeación
Leonardas Mitrulis
Lina Madrid
Head of Infrastructure
Sura Investments
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto
Duarte Garcia
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Partner, Head of Government & Infrastructure LatAm
Manish Agarwal
Professor Energy Policy & Infrastructure Expert
Indian School of Public Policy
Manuel Jurado
Managing Director
Nordex Group
Marcelo Oshiro
Gerente de Novos Negócios
ECB - Empresa Construtora Brasil
Marcelo Perrupato
Magna Participações
Marco Aurélio Barcelos
Diretor Presidente
Marcos Augusto Perez
Manesco Advogados
Maria Fernanda Calderón
Senior Country Manager, Brazil
Natixis CIB
Mariana Rocca
Gerente de Administración
Cámara Argentina de la Construcción
Mario Macedo
Country Manager - Consorcio Redram - Tucumann
Tucumann Engenharia e Empreendimentos
Mauro Lacerda
Construtora Artec S/A
Maurício Endo
Director of Innovation and Strategy
Aegea Saneamento
CAF Brasil
Miguel Toledo
CIO – Energy Sector Lead
Moises Herszenhorn
Structured and Alternative Products
Credit Suisse
Neeraj Sanghi
Highway Concessions One
Nhiura Coaquira
Gereten de Mobilidad
Engie Colombia
Pablo Queiroz
Demarest Advogados - Real Estate
Paloma Ortiz Martinez
Country Manager de México
COMSA Corporación
Paulo Benites
Diretor Comercial
Global Ace Participações e Investimentos
Pedro Julià Ruipérez
Head of Finance Latam
Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructura
Pedro Somma
Ralph Terra
Business Development Director
Carioca Engenharia
Rezier Possidente
Diretor de Novos Negocios
Siemens Energy Brasil
Ricardo Trejos Robledo
Baker McKenzie - Colombia
Roberto Labarthe
del capital de Barcas S.A., en la elabor
Roberto Martins
Managing Partner
Trench Rossi Watanabe
Rodolfo Castiblanco Bedoya
Colombia's Ministry of Transportation
Rodrigo Terrazas
Corporate Director
Metro de Santiago
Roger Holland
President of Scot Holland CB Richard Ell
CBRE - Kazakhstan
Rohit Achharya
Ronaldo Pellicer
Managing Director
Worley - Brazil
Ruben Antonio Bisi
FABUS - Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Ônibus
Sebastián Aguirre
Constructora Conconcreto S.A.
Sergio Sakata
Corporate Venture Capital Specialist
Currently Unaffiliated
Shailesh Pathak
Head - Special Initiatives, Development Projects
Larsen & Toubro
Shathish Vasudev
Sr. Manager
Sudhakar Mallya
Sérgio Jacobsen
Senior Vice President, Smart Infrastructure
Siemens Energy Brasil
Tarun Shankar
Sr. Infrastructure Investment Professional
Tatiana Cymbalista
Manesco Advogados
Thadeu Abicalil
Senior Professional
New Development Bank
Thiago Oliveira
Risk Management - Sales Director
Tiago Alves
Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Currently Unaffiliated
Tiago Pereira Lima
IBL Instituto Brasil Logística
Udaikant K.K.
Siemens Financial Services
Vijay Agarwal
Infracap India Advisers India Pvt Limited
Vinicius Guardia Serrano
Currently Unaffiliated
Walter Fang
Managing Director
Assistencial Consulting
Wang Xiujin
Business Executive
CRCC Brazil - CR20
Adhirath Jalan
Adhirath Jalan
DirectorShekhawati Group
Agathe Vigne
Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions DirectorIndigo - Brasil
Agathe Vigne is Egis' LATAM Concessions Director. She has a Master’s degree from Lyon’s Institute of Political studies and the Faculty of Economics of Lyon II, with a specialization in Latin American Energy Policy. After various research projects on Mexico’s national oil company Pemex, she occupied several positions in the French Embassy’s trade and investment office, in Madrid and Mexico. Her current activities aim at developing partnerships with both public and private actors in Mexico in the infrastructure sector, more specifically to implement new technologies and know-how in road operation and maintenance.
Alberto Sogayar
Alberto Sogayar
PartnerMAMG Advogados
Alexander Cerqueira
Alexander Cerqueira
Head AeroportosSocicam
Alexandra Brabo
Alexandra Brabo
Possuo 22 anos de experiência em seguros dedicados, em especial, à Willis Towers Watson onde construí minha carreira profissional. Como diretora executiva liderei a regional da WTW RJ/ES/NE por 10 anos sendo responsável pela formação das equipes comercial e técnica e gestão dos principais clientes corporativos. Com a regional representando 50% da receita nacional do grupo WTW no segmento de riscos corporativos, assumi em Jan/2017 a posição de Head Brasil para Large Business, liderando uma equipe sênior responsável pelo relacionamento e prospecção de novos clientes. Os compromissos e metas assumidos foram entregues através de um trabalho em equipe e determinação, valores essenciais para atingirmos os nossos objetivos.
Alok Kapoor
Alok Kapoor
Director-TRIL Urban TransportTata Realty
Mr. Kapoor has over 30 years of experience in Indian Railways, Metro and other Urban Transport Technologies. Mr. Kapoor joined Tata Realty and Infrastructure Limited in the year 2011. Prior to that Mr. Kapoor has worked for 24 years as an Indian Railway Officer. He is currently working in the capacity of Vice President for the development of PPP & BOT Projects in Urban Transport and Railway verticals. His expertise is in bidding, financing and execution of PPP and BOT projects in Urban Transport and Railways.
Ana Beatriz Monteiro
Ana Beatriz Monteiro
Especialista Líder de TransporteIDB
Ana Maria Vidaurre
Ana Maria Vidaurre
Head of Global M&A Energy Transition - RenewablesCEPSA
Andrés García Novel
Andrés García Novel
Energy Sector Lead - LACIFC
Focused in origination, structuring and management of debt and equity investments since 2006, Andres is currently based in Mexico City, where he moved from Washington DC in November 2014 and from where he now leads IFC’s infrastructure business origination in Mexico and Central America. He has more than 12 years of emerging market investment experience, including 10 years in the energy sector with IFC globally. His responsibilities currently also include originating and structuring equity transactions comprising co- investment opportunities in Mexico for the US$1.2 billion China-Mexico Fund managed by IFC’s Asset Management Company. He received an MBA from the IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain) in 2006.
Angelo Leite
Angelo Leite
Executive DirectorSerttel
Antonio Cueto
Antonio Cueto
CEOCurrently Unaffiliated
Behnad Zandi
Behnad Zandi
CEOAdani Airport
For more than 30 years, Ben Zandi has been a driving force behind business turnarounds, mergers and acquisitions, commercial expansion and industry reinvention. Mr. Zandi takes an active role in re-imaging airport travel with pioneering technologies, retail concepts and new levels of customer experience. Ben has been on the leading edge of brand redevelopment, growth, and scalability in performance management. Ben was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Fraport USA, the North American division of Fraport Group, where the operations extended from Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Baltimore‐Washington to JetBlue’s Terminal 5 at JFK and the new $1.2 billion Nashville International Airport.
Bianca Alves
Bianca Alves
Senior Urban Transport SpecialistThe World Bank
Bianca Bianchi Alves is a PhD is Transport Engineering and an Urban Transport Specialist. She has been working with urban transport projects that aim to increase accessibility through increased public transport mobility.
Boon Chin Hau
Boon Chin Hau
Head of Emerging Markets InvestmentsGIC
Chin Hau joined the GIC Infrastructure Group in 2008 and currently has lead coverage responsibility for the Emerging Markets. Prior to joining GIC, Chin Hau was an Investment Manager at Pulsar Energy Capital where he invested in projects across the energy sector in Europe and the Americas. Before Pulsar, Chin Hau was a member of the Infrastructure advisory team at Credit Suisse covering a range of projects in transport, logistics and aerospace. He began his career at Singapore Power where he managed natural gas pipeline projects. Chin Hau has a MEng degree from Imperial College London and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
Brice Clemente
Brice Clemente
Head BD Social Infrastructure, Head of M&A LatamEngie
Bruno Werneck
Bruno Werneck
PartnerMayer Brown Tauil & Chequer
Bruno counsels Brazilian and foreign clients on matters related to infrastructure projects, energy, oil and gas and mining. His experience includes mergers and acquisitions transactions, concessions, public-private partnerships, including PMIs, government purchases, project financing, tax; incentives and regulatory matters. He worked as a foreign associate in the New York office of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, and was a partner in the American law Firm of Mayer Brown. He is a Professor of graduate courses at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).
Camilo Uribe
Camilo Uribe
CEOEngie Colombia
Carlos Eduardo Souza
Carlos Eduardo Souza
Carlos Ortiz
Carlos Ortiz
Gerente de Desarrollo de NegociosMetro de Medellín
Carlos Ortiz es Ingeniero civil de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, con MBA de la Universidad Eafit. Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios del Metro de Medellín, operador de transporte y operador urbano en Colombia, donde ha trabajado por 19 años. Sus principales responsabilidades son la identificación y el desarrollo de negocios asociados alrededor del sistema de transporte masivo de Medellín, con alcance a proyectos en Latinoamérica. En su desempeño profesional tiene experiencia en proyectos de infraestructura de transporte, tanto en la fase de estructuración como en las de construcción, además del sector inmobiliario, liderando varias operaciones con agencias del sector público y haciendo una articulación con el sector privado.
Carolina Duque
Carolina Duque
Partner, Banking & FinanceBaker McKenzie - Colombia
Duque is a lawyer from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, with a specialization in Constitutional Law and a Masters in Law from Boston College in the United States. Her extraordinary performance in some of the most complex transactions carried out in recent years in Colombia has earned her constant recognition since 2012 from publications such as Chambers & Partners and Legal 500 and more recently by Chambers Global, positioning her as one of the most recognized lawyers in Colombia.
Carolina España
Carolina España
Representative Director in ColombiaCAF - Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina
Catalina Brando
Catalina Brando
Investment ManagerJohn Laing
United Kingdom
Cervantes Lee
Cervantes Lee
Hospitality Business FacultyUNLV Foundation
Cesare Trevisani
Cesare Trevisani
Vice ChairmanTrevi
He currently holds the position of Trevi Group’s Vice President. From 1976 to 1983 he had several experiences as Site Manager in Italy, Nigeria and Argentina and from 1983 to 1989 he was Production Manager of the worksites in Italy. In 1989 he became CEO of Trevi SpA, and he held leading positions in the different divisions of the Group. At the beginning of 2015, he was also appointed as Vice President of Trevi-Finanziaria Industriale SpA the Group holding company and Chairman of Trevi SpA. He has held important positions within the Confindustria Association (Italian main Association of private and public companies) and was appointed as VP from 2008 to 2012 of the Infrastructures Sector.
Christian Gamboa
Christian Gamboa
Partner and Private Equity LeaderPwC
Christian is the Infrastructure, Private Equity and Sovereign Funds leader and has over 19 years experience in advising clients on mergers and acquisitions and made Partner in 2010. In Brazil, Christian has primarily focused on advising foreign investors, both corporate and financial seeking opportunities to invest in Latin America. He has also worked for over 2 years in our London office, and worked for large clients, both corporate and financial buyers, and performed buy side and vendor due diligence assignments in various sectors such as Energy, Mining, Oil & Gas, industrial and consumer products, among others.
Claudia Prates
Claudia Prates
Diretora Geral - AméricasBNDES
Diretora Geral, Escritório Regional das Américas - NDB Economista, com mestrado em economia pela UFRJ e MBA em Finanças pela Coppead. Executiva com uma carreira de 26 anos no Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES. Experiência em diversas áreas ao longo da carreira. Foi Diretora do BNDES entre junho de 2016 e março de 2019, responsável pelas Áreas de Indústria e Serviços, Originação de Negócios e Exportação
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
Cristina Pardo de Vera Posada
CEOR&Q Concesiones e Infraestructura
Cristina joined R&Q in 2015 as a Head of PPP Investment. She holds an Economy degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master´s degree in Infrastructure Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Prior to joining R&Q Cristina worked in several countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and America as CEO of multinational engineering companies and advised Banks, IFIs and Investors in infrastructure projects, with a remarkable specialization in PPP structures. Cristina also served as Strategic Director for Ayesa in Spain and now is part of the Commercial Board of R&Q Group in Chile. Today Cristina manages a portfolio of infrastructure investment of more than USD 1,000 Mill in Chile.
Danillo Marcondes
Danillo Marcondes
Director of Infrastructure InvestmentsGLP
Danillo Marcondes is the Director of infrastructure investments at GLP Capital Partners in Brazil. He has expertise in infrastructure business development and M&A transactions. He has previously worked for firms such as Grupo EcoRodovias, Itaú BBA, Unibanco, and Virtus BR Partners. He has a degree in Computer Engineering from UNICAMP, a Global Executive MBA from IE Business School, completed a preparatory course for Board Members in IBGC, and holds a CGE certificate from ANBIMA.
David Pareja
David Pareja
AssociateMacquarie Capital
Deepak Malhotra
Deepak Malhotra
Director, Infrastructure, South AsiaCDPQ
Deepak Malhotra is Sr. Director, Infrastructure, South Asia at Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ). He has over 18 years of experience across all facets of infrastructure. Before joining CDPQ, Mr. Malhotra worked with International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group, where he led many debt and equity investments in the infrastructure sector. Prior to IFC, Mr. Malhotra worked with one of the leading credit rating agencies in India and in the shipping industry. Mr. Malhotra holds a Bachelors Degree from Delhi University and an MBA from Vanderbilt University.
Diana Ruan Hernández
Diana Ruan Hernández
Senior Investment OfficerIFC
Investment Officer de IFC, que forma parte del Grupo Banco Mundial. Cuenta con más de 12 años de experiencia en el área de Project Finance y Corporate Finance. Ha trabajado en México y Washington DC (sede de IFC) con el Departamento de Infraestructura y el Grupo Global de Transporte respectivamente, enfocándose en proyectos de energía, transporte y recursos naturales en diferentes regiones incluyendo América Latina, Europa y Asia. Diana tiene una Maestría en Finanzas del Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Diego Valderrama
Diego Valderrama
Metro de MedellínMetro de Medellín
Eduardo Gurevich
Eduardo Gurevich
PartnerLacaz Martins Pereira Neto Gurevich & Schoueri Adv
Eduardo is partner of the infrastructure sector of  Graduated in LLM in the United States (Master of Laws) at the University of Pacific, MC George School of Law in association with the University of Salzburg, Austria and LLB at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo.
Eduardo Hayden Carvalhaes Neto
Eduardo Hayden Carvalhaes Neto
Eduardo Hayden Carvalhaes Neto holds a PhD and a Master’s Degree in Public Law issued by the University of São Paulo, graduated in Law at the São Paulo Catholic University and is the partner responsible for the Public Law and Regulation of LEFOSSE. His work focuses in concessions, PPPs, concessions, public procurement, public services and regulated markets (energy, aviation, logistics, transportation, telecoms, mining, roads, airports, seaports, construction and O&G, among others). He is the President of the Brazilian Association of IT and Communications (ABDTIC) and a member of the International Bar Association and of the Brazilian Bar Associations at São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.
Eduardo Takahashi
Eduardo Takahashi
Country Leader BrasilWTW - Willis Towers Watson
Eduardo Takahashi é engenheiro mecânico formado pelo Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, com pós-graduação em Administração de Empresas pela FGV. Acumula mais de 22 anos na indústria de seguros, ajudando grandes corporações e avaliar, controlar, mitigar e transferir riscos. Atuou como consultor nas ásreas de riscos e seguros em muitos projetos grandes no Brasil, desenvolvendo ferramentas inovadoras de mitigação e transferência de riscos. Atualmente, é corporate director da AON para o Brasil.
Edyen Calepis
Edyen Calepis
SócioErnesto Borges Advogados
Eleonora Pazos
Eleonora Pazos
Head of Latin America OfficeUITP - International Association of Public Transport
Elias de Souza
Elias de Souza
Partner - Infra and Capital ProjectsCurrently Unaffiliated
Partner of the Infrastructure & Capital Projects and Government and Public Services Industry Leader at Deloitte in Brazil. Lawyer with a Master in Public Policy (FGV-EAESP) and PPP professional certificate (CP3P). He has more than 20 years of experience in public management advisory; advising on projects with multilateral organizations; consulting on infrastructure projects, mainly PPP; preparation of studies and analysis of the infrastructure market; structuring of social capital investments; advising on smart city projects; consulting on urban mobility projects and structuring sustainable projects with a social impact.
Emilio Uquillas
Emilio Uquillas
Corporate Manager for CountriesCAF - México
Nacido en Quito, Ecuador, el 26 de mayo de 1962. Es economista de la Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) y realizó estudios de Maestría en Economía en el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
En el Banco Central del Ecuador trabajó por 18 años y llegó a ocupar el cargo de Director General de Estudios luego de pasar por varias áreas de estudios y políticas. Fue también Subsecretario Técnico del Ministerio de Finanzas y Gerente Técnico de la Agencia de Garantía de Depósitos de Ecuador. En CAF, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina ha colaborado en mercados financieros, la gestión programática, coordinador país para Venezuela, Representante Bolivia por 9 años y desde 2017 en México.
Fabio Nossaes
Fabio Nossaes
Director of OperationsMPD Engenharia
Felipe Cuconati
Felipe Cuconati
Corporate Finances SuperintendentOrizon
Felipe Lima
Felipe Lima
CEO Latin AmericaArcadis
Felipe Lima is CEO of Arcadis in Latin America (leading global company in Design & Consultancy for natural and built assets) and also holds the position of CEO in Brazil. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, he has more than 20 years of experience in national and global companies, with vast experience of leadership in the Americas and expertise in corporate finance and management, covering the energy, infrastructure, oil and gas, and mining industries. Prior to Arcadis, he held positions of Executive Director and Board Member in Promon Group companies, including three years as CEO of Promon Engineering. In his professional career, he also served as CFO of Votorantim Cimentos in North America and as VP of Citigroup in the USA.
Fernando Chemin
Fernando Chemin
Francisco Mira
Francisco Mira
Senior Vice PresidentEY
Francisco Suarez
Francisco Suarez
Director - Equity ResearchScotiabank
Francisco Suarez is Scotiabank’s analyst for the LatAm cement, construction, real estate, and infrastructure sectors since 2013, and led the initiation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investment Research in March 2018. Mr. Suarez has 23 years of work experience in the finance industry –19 as a sell-side equity analyst for Grupo Financiero Banorte and HSBC, four as a credit analyst at Standard & Poor’s, and headed a research team for Actinver. Mr. Suarez’s sectoral expertise also includes industrial, steel, and mining companies; and financial institutions. Mr. Suarez has a bachelor’s degree in economics from ITAM, and has completed several diplomas in corporate finance, security analysis, and investments.
Gaurav Khanna
Gaurav Khanna
CFOIndInfravit Trust
Mr. Gaurav Khanna is the CFO of LTIDPL Indvit Services Limited , the Investment Manager for Indinfravit Trust . He has over 20 years of experience in Corporate Finance, Investment, Taxation, Audit, Strategic Planning and commercial functions. Mr Khanna has significant experience in Greenfield and Brownfield Asset acquisitions, Portfolio, and asset management, and orchestrating timely exits for large Global Funds, due to his strong Corporate Finance & Investment Management background. He has a deep understanding of Real Estate and Infrastructure Sector.Prior to joining Indinfravit, Mr. Khanna was working with Tata Group for last 13 years as was the CFO for the Infra Business of Tata Realty and Infrastructure Limited (TRIL)
Guillermo Antonio Diaz Barquín
Guillermo Antonio Diaz Barquín
Más de 25 años de experiencia en temas de planeación estratégica, consultoría empresarial y desarrollo de negocios. Actualmente, su rol está enfocado en ser un puente entre inversionistas y desarrolladores para concretar oportunidades de negocio en el sector construcción e inmobiliario Ha logrado diversificar el Portafolio de Servicios de Doorvel, incorporando líneas de negocio como inversionista y co - desarrollador inmobiliario Licenciado en Economía y Master en Administración por el Tec de Monterrey. Estudios de Perfeccionamiento Directivo en el IPADE Mexico e IMD Suiza
Gustavo Gusmão
Gustavo Gusmão
Partner, Infrastructure/ PPPsEY
15 years of experience in developing Business Cases for PPPs and supporting contract renegotiations in the brazilian infrastructure market. Lead over 30 PPP/Concession engagements in a wide range of sectors: social infrastructure, water & wastewater, waste management, transport & urban mobility, leisure and urban development. Has advised federal and local governments as well as private groups on infrastructure bids and Unsolicited Proposals.
Helio Mazzilli
Helio Mazzilli
Executive DirectorHTB
Executive member of the HTB Group's Management and responsible for the Infrastructure business unit, with 18 years of experience in the Engineering and Construction market in the infrastructure, oil and gas, energy, mining, chemical and petrochemical, sugar and alcohol segments. Expertise in the full development cycle of large and complex projects (over US $ 100M).
Henri Rohard
Henri Rohard
Gerente Comercial y de DesarrolloTransdev Chile
Hernán Berríos
Hernán Berríos
CEOTransdev Chile
Hilia Boris Iglesia
Hilia Boris Iglesia
Manager Transport EconomicsUITP - International Association of Public Transport
Javier Ardila
Javier Ardila
Director, Regional CoverageING Bank
Jeanette Halmenschlager Lontra
Jeanette Halmenschlager Lontra
Presidente e Diretora de OperaçõesBadesul Desenvolvimento
Jeferson Souza
Jeferson Souza
Conselheiro VP e Gerente de filialCaixa Economica Federal
John Graham
John Graham
Principal Transport SpecialistIFC
Jorge Baesa
Jorge Baesa
Chief Information Security officerMetro de Santiago
Jorge Valenzuela
Jorge Valenzuela
Principal & Managing Director, Advisory ServicesARUP
Jorge Valenzuela has 20 years of experience in investments, asset management, and project management of real assets in the US and Latin America. Jorge's areas of expertise include financial and technical advisory for the development, investment and financing of public infrastructure and real estate projects. At Arup, Jorge leads the Advisory Services team for San Francisco and Latin America and has directed engagements in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and the US. Civil Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, has a Master degree in construction management and real estate from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, and an MBA degree from University of California at Berkeley.
Jorge de la Mora
Jorge de la Mora
Senior DirectorGrupo DDP México
Experienced professional with a demonstrated history of working in the construction and telecommunications industries. Skilled in Negotiation, Business Planning, Operations Management, International Business, and Pricing Strategy. Strong business development professional graduated from Harvard Business School.
Josh Livingstone
Josh Livingstone
Vice PresidentTemerity Strategic Partners
Josh Livingstone is a vice president on the Investments team at Equity International, responsible for origination of new investments, deal execution and portfolio management. Josh joined Equity International in 2014 and serves as a director on a number of EI portfolio companies. Prior to EI, Josh worked in HSBC’s Latin America investment banking group, focusing on diligence, valuation, and execution of M&A involving real estate, infrastructure, consumer goods, and telecom. He spent two years with the group in New York and two years in São Paulo, Brazil. Josh holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and an AB from Brown University.
José Álvarez
José Álvarez
Country ManagerEgis
Master in Engineering and Master in business (MBA) professional with fourteen years of experience as international company executive and working for technology driven companies, in several Industries: renewable energy, infrastructure design&construction, transportation, telecommunications and mission-critical IT for utilities.
João Buzio
João Buzio
Head of Global Strategies, Construction & InfrastructureMarsh
United Kingdom
Juan Camargo
Juan Camargo
Managing DirectorOMERS Infrastructure
In his role as Managing Director at OMERS Infrastructure, Juan is responsible for the origination, acquisition and management of infrastructure assets, primarily in the Americas. Juan serves on the board of GNL Quintero in Chile and various boards of directors relating to the Airports Worldwide portfolio. Juan has extensive experience investing in large-scale infrastructure assets globally. After starting his infrastructure investment career at OMERS Infrastructure, Juan moved to Abu Dhabi and helped develop ADIA’s infrastructure investment platform. Juan returned to OMERS Infrastructure to join the NY office, where he is currently based. Juan has a B.Com degree from the University of Toronto.
Juan Carlos Guevara
Juan Carlos Guevara
Director de ConcesionesALO Sur
Civil Engineering working on PPPs
Juan Landeira
Juan Landeira
Senior DirectorA&M Infra
Com mais de 16 anos no mercado global de Engenharia e Construção, destaca-se na liderança de projetos complexos em Data Centers, Mobilidade, Energia e Transporte. Na A&M Infra, contribuo para a Estratégia de Capital, Planejamento Integrado de Projetos, Estratégia de Suprimentos, Consultoria em Construção e Gestão de Ativos, promovendo a sustentabilidade e a infraestrutura resiliente por meio da integração dos princípios ESG e dos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS).
Kailash Vaswani
Kailash Vaswani
President - Corporate FinanceReNew Power
Kailash is the President Corporate Finance and Deputy Chief Financial Officer at ReNew Power. He has more than 18 years of hands-on experience in corporate finance and investing. As part of ReNew, he has lead the cumulative debt raise in excess of US$5 billion. for the various projects of the Group and cumulative equity raise of US$ 1.5 billion from marquee investors.
Kartik Deuskar
Kartik Deuskar
Principal – InvestmentsShapoorji Pallonji Real Estate
Kartik has over 12 years of experience in investing, developing, financing and implementation of infrastructure projects in Emerging Markets. He has successfully delivered assets across infrastructure sub sectors like Renewables, Roads, Power and Ports. At Shapoorji Pallonji Group, Kartik works as Principal-Investments for the Family Office with focus on investing in special situation infrastructure assets. He has been instrumental in creating and scaling ports platform for the group. Prior to SP Group, Kartik has worked with InfraCo Asia and IDFC.
Kassia Oliveira
Kassia Oliveira
Senior ManagerEY
15 years of experience in developing Business Cases for PPPs and supporting contract renegotiations in the brazilian infrastructure market. Lead over 30 PPP/Concession engagements in a wide range of sectors: social infrastructure, water & wastewater, waste management, transport & urban mobility, leisure and urban development. Has advised federal and local governments as well as private groups on infrastructure bids and Unsolicited Proposals.
Kumar V Pratap
Kumar V Pratap
Board of Advisors, IIM Lucknow [ex. Joint Secretary (Infra Policy & Finance), DEA, Govt of India]IIM Lucknow
Kumar V Pratap is passionate about Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnerships. Currently, he is Joint Secretary (Union Territories), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Earlier, he has worked with the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Finance (as Joint Secretary, Infrastructure Policy & Finance) at New Delhi, and the World Bank and Embassy of India at Washington DC. He has lectured at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), London School of Economics, Singapore Management University, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (Singapore), Duke University, University of Maryland, World Bank (Washington DC), IMF (SARTTAC), Indian Institute of Management (IIM, Ahmedabad), IIM (Lucknow), and IIM (Indore).
Laura Correa
Laura Correa
AdvisorDNP - Departamento Nacional de Planeación
Leonardas Mitrulis
Leonardas Mitrulis
Civil Engineering degree by Unicamp University, Financial Administration MBA degree by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EPGE/RJ), executive education programs at HBS and IMD. Broad knowledge of the Brazilian Engineering and Construction Sector, with over 21 years of experience, concerning commercial, regulatory, legal, institutional and operational aspects.
Lina Madrid
Lina Madrid
Head of InfrastructureSura Investments
Lina Madrid is an Engineer, holds a MBA from the Technological Institute and Higher Education of Monterrey Mexico and Master in Finance from the School of Senior Management and Administration of Barcelona, ​​Spain. Has more than 10 years of experience in the financial sector and infrastructure. Former Director of Investments and Investor Services for Construcciones El Cóndor S.A. Ex-Manager of Segment Construction and Transportation in the Bancolombia Group. She currently works as Director of Infrastructure at AM SURA.
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto
Luis Eduardo Serra Netto
PartnerDuarte Garcia
Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), 1989. Graduated studies in Tax Law from Centro de Extensão Universitária (CEU), 1992, and in Public Law at Sociedade Brasileira de Direito Público, 1998. Project coordinator at the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law Infrastructure Committee, 2018.
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Luiz Cláudio Campos
Partner, Head of Government & Infrastructure LatAmEY
More than 25 years of experience in Finance, Market Studies, Project Finance, Strategic Planning, Mergers and Acquisitions, Economic-Financial Modeling for concessions and PPPs. Coordinated several infrastructure projects in Brazil and abroad, in assets that exceed US$ 30 billion, given to the main players in the public and private sector in Brazil and Latin America. Coordinated projects for public and private sectors in a wide range of infrastructure sectors,such as: Urban Mobility; Railways; Airports; Ports; Highways; Energy; Water & Sanitation; Social Infrastructure.
Manish Agarwal
Manish Agarwal
Professor Energy Policy & Infrastructure ExpertIndian School of Public Policy
Manish has over 25 years of experience in consultancy services related to financial strategy, investment promotion, financial modelling, project feasibility and policy formulation for public sector and government organizations in various sectors. He has extensive experience in consultancy services related to demand assessment, entry strategies, commercial due diligence, bid advisory and project finance across transportation sectors, urban development project, industrial infrastructure (SEZs, large area & commercial development), etc.
Manuel Jurado
Manuel Jurado
Managing DirectorNordex Group
Degree in Industrial Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain) energy intenification, a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in HS, with more than 19 years of operational and commercial experience in engineering and construction companies in the energy sector, 8 years in management positions. Strong presence in Colombia and Latam Region
Marcelo Oshiro
Marcelo Oshiro
Gerente de Novos NegóciosECB - Empresa Construtora Brasil
Marcelo Perrupato
Marcelo Perrupato
Partner/OwnerMagna Participações
Civil engineer since 1965, by Engineering School at Federal University of Minas Gerais State. Master of Sciences by Stanford University-Cal, USA (1968). Director & President of GEIPOT-Brazilian Ministry of Transport/MT (1980-1985). Secretary-General of Brazilian Ministry of Transport/MT (1985-1986). Secretary of Transport at Federal District of Brasilia-DF (1991). Secretary of Postal Services at Ministry of Communications (1999-2003) Secretary of Transportation National Policy at Brazilian Ministry of Transport/MT (2007-2013). Consultant at IME-Military Institute of Engineering. Senior Advisor of Deutsche Bahn International Brasil Ltd (06/2014-04/2019). Independent Consultant and professor in Transportation Engineering,
Marco Aurélio Barcelos
Marco Aurélio Barcelos
Diretor PresidenteABCR
Marco Aurélio Barcelos é Secretário de Infraestrutura e Mobilidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Anteriormente, ocupou os cargos de Secretário de Articulação para Investimentos e Parcerias no Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos (PPI) da Presidência da República e de Diretor Jurídico na São Paulo Negócios. É doutorando em Direito do Estado pela USP, Mestre em Direito (LL.M) pela Universidade de Londres e Mestre em Direito Administrativo pela UFMG. Também foi consultor para PPPs da Fundação Getúlio Vargas e diretor da Unidade de PPP do Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais.
Marcos Augusto Perez
Marcos Augusto Perez
Manesco Advogados
Maria Fernanda Calderón
Maria Fernanda Calderón
Senior Country Manager, BrazilNatixis CIB
Mariana Rocca
Mariana Rocca
Gerente de AdministraciónCámara Argentina de la Construcción
Mario Macedo
Mario Macedo
Country Manager - Consorcio Redram - TucumannTucumann Engenharia e Empreendimentos
Mauro Lacerda
Mauro Lacerda
Construtora Artec S/A
Maurício Endo
Maurício Endo
Director of Innovation and StrategyAegea Saneamento
Miguel Toledo
Miguel Toledo
CIO – Energy Sector LeadIFC
Mr Toledo has more than 15 years of experience structuring financing for power, gas, transport, and water projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. He is currently a Chief Investment Officer within IFC's Latin America Infrastructure and Natural Resources group, leading IFC's efforts in Central America, the Caribbean and the Andean regions. Prior to joining IFC in 2005, Mr. Toledo worked at CAF and Citigroup. Mr. Toledo holds a bachelor degree in civil engineering from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and a Masters in Business Administration from McGill University in Montreal.
Moises Herszenhorn
Moises Herszenhorn
Structured and Alternative ProductsCredit Suisse
Neeraj Sanghi
Neeraj Sanghi
CEOHighway Concessions One
Neeraj has over 30 years experience in managing oil&gas & infra sector. He worked on development of LNG receiving terminal project at Hazira, Gujarat at Essar (1994-98). He developed 3 projects at Total India(1998 - 2010) viz. LNG terminal at Mumbai (project didn’t take off), LPG Cavern Project at Visakhapatnam(as CEO) & Hazira Port sub concession project at Ahmedabad. As CEO-Essar Concessions, he looked after Essar’s entry into infra business viz. road, water, airports, pipelines, etc. Currently, he is CEO-Highway Concessions One(HC1), road platform of Global Infrastructure Partners India.  HC1 operates seven projects acquired by India Infrastructure Fund. He is also founder President of HOA(India), an industry body for road investors.
Nhiura Coaquira
Nhiura Coaquira
Gereten de MobilidadEngie Colombia
Pablo Queiroz
Pablo Queiroz
SócioDemarest Advogados - Real Estate
Pablo dedica-se à área de negócios imobiliários desde 2000, atendendo a clientes nacionais e estrangeiros, com foco na estruturação de operações imobiliárias. Graduado pela Faculdade de Direito da PUC-SP (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo), é mestre em Direito dos Negócios pela FGV (Fundação Getulio Vargas). Cursou ainda o 53º Annual Academy of American and International Law pelo Center for American & International Law, nos EUA. É reconhecido em Latin Lawyer 250 e The Legal 500, relevantes guias jurídicos internacionais.
Paloma Ortiz Martinez
Paloma Ortiz Martinez
Country Manager de MéxicoCOMSA Corporación
Paulo Benites
Paulo Benites
Diretor ComercialGlobal Ace Participações e Investimentos
Pedro Julià Ruipérez
Pedro Julià Ruipérez
Head of Finance LatamIridium Concesiones de Infraestructura
Pedro José Julià Ruipérez joined Iridium in 2014 and is currently the Head of Finance for Latin America. In his position Mr. Juliá is responsible for the financing matters in Latin America, including corporate debt and financial products, financing and refinancing projects , and financing matters in connection to tender processes in the region. Prior to his appointment, he acted has Project Finance Manager and was part of the finance team managing numerous projects in Latin America and Europe. Before joining Iridium, he was part of the corporate risk department in Banco Santander. Mr. Juliá has a broad knowledge of Corporate Finance and Structured Finance and holds two bachelor's degrees in Business Administration and Law.
Pedro Somma
Pedro Somma
Ralph Terra
Ralph Terra
Business Development DirectorCarioca Engenharia
Rezier Possidente
Rezier Possidente
Diretor de Novos NegociosSiemens Energy Brasil
Ricardo Trejos Robledo
Ricardo Trejos Robledo
PartnerBaker McKenzie - Colombia
Roberto Labarthe
Roberto Labarthe
del capital de Barcas S.A., en la elaborCCR
Licenciado en Matemática con posgrado en Media Studies por la American University, Was, D.C., con más 35 años de experiencia en operaciones estructuradas y financiación de proyectos, especialmente en el sector de infraestructura. Inició su carrera en 1974 en el BID. En 1994 ingresó en la empresa Roggio S.A., actuando en la gestión financiera de Metrovías, la concesionaria de todas las lineas del metro de Buenos Aires. A partir de 2010 pasó a integrar los cuadros da CCR, responsable por el desarrollo de nuevos negocios en Rio de Janeiro, en la obtención de la participación en el consorcio para la construcción y operación de la autopista urbana TransOlímpica, y proyectos como Barcas S.A., VLT Carioca y metro de Salvador.
Roberto Martins
Roberto Martins
Managing PartnerTrench Rossi Watanabe
J. Roberto Martins is recognized as a leading lawyer in the Energy & Natural Resources areas in Brazil. Mr. Martins advises on mergers, acquisitions, divestments, privatization and post-privatization deals involving major Brazilian energy and infrastructure companies. He has been leading major privatizations, concessions, mergers, acquisitions and greenfield development projects in the power, natural gas, steel, sanitation, ports, toll roads and general infrastructure.
Rodolfo Castiblanco Bedoya
Rodolfo Castiblanco Bedoya
Colombia's Ministry of Transportation
Rodrigo Terrazas
Rodrigo Terrazas
Corporate DirectorMetro de Santiago
Roger Holland
Roger Holland
President of Scot Holland CB Richard EllCBRE - Kazakhstan
Rohit Achharya
Rohit Achharya
Ronaldo Pellicer
Ronaldo Pellicer
Managing DirectorWorley - Brazil
Civil engineer graduated at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), titled in 1993; MsC in Hydraulics from UNICAMP in 2004; Specialization in Project Management from FGV in 1996; and AMP 7 in 2006. Most part of his career he has worked for Arcadis (20 out of 24 years) where he had the opportunity to face and learn from great professionals and exciting projects for public and private clients in so many industries such as Mining, Energy, Infrastructure (Rail, Ports, Airports), Tourism, etc. Three years ago, he had the privilege to take the leadership of Arcadis in Chile and challenged to integrate teams among Arcadis Latam fostering collaboration and realizing the great potential we have in Latin America.
Ruben Antonio Bisi
Ruben Antonio Bisi
PresidenteFABUS - Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Ônibus
Sebastián Aguirre
Sebastián Aguirre
Constructora Conconcreto S.A.
Sergio Sakata
Sergio Sakata
Corporate Venture Capital SpecialistCurrently Unaffiliated
Shailesh Pathak
Shailesh Pathak
Head - Special Initiatives, Development ProjectsLarsen & Toubro
Mr. Pathak has over 3 decades of experience shared equally between the private sector and Government of India's IAS (Indian Administrative Service). He started his career in 1986 with a 4-year investment banking stint at ICICI and HSBC before joining the IAS. He re-joined the private sector in 2006, in IDFC. He returned to the ICICI group as Senior Director (Investments), ICICI Venture, investing private equity in infrastructure. He joined Larsen & Toubro in 2017.He has 360-degree experience in infrastructure finance and execution, having worked in private equity investing and fundraising, both national and global, project finance, project structuring, preparation and appraisal, and investment banking.
Shathish Vasudev
Shathish Vasudev
Sr. ManagerCDPQ
Sudhakar Mallya
Sudhakar Mallya
Sérgio Jacobsen
Sérgio Jacobsen
Senior Vice President, Smart InfrastructureSiemens Energy Brasil
Tarun Shankar
Tarun Shankar
Sr. Infrastructure Investment ProfessionalIFC
Tarun is an infrastructure professional working with International Finance Corporation – The World Bank Group. He manages exposures for IFC across sectors. With an academic background in Economics and Management, he is a professional with experience spanning more than two decades. His previous employers have included IDBI, IL&FS, HSBC and IBRD (The World Bank Group).
Tatiana Cymbalista
Tatiana Cymbalista
PartnerManesco Advogados
Tatiana Matiello Cymbalista is an infrastructure transaction lawyer with more than 25 year of experience. Specialized in regulatory and administrative law, she took part in several of the main significativa infrastructure projects in Brazil, involving interaction between Public Administration and the private sector, namely innovative PPP and concession projects, as well as legal consulting to public and private entities.
Thadeu Abicalil
Thadeu Abicalil
Senior ProfessionalNew Development Bank
Thiago Oliveira
Thiago Oliveira
Risk Management - Sales DirectorMarsh
Tiago Alves
Tiago Alves
Desenvolvimento de NegóciosCurrently Unaffiliated
Tiago Pereira Lima
Tiago Pereira Lima
Vice-PresidenteIBL Instituto Brasil Logística
Udaikant K.K.
Udaikant K.K.
AVPSiemens Financial Services
Vijay Agarwal
Vijay Agarwal
DirectorInfracap India Advisers India Pvt Limited
Vinicius Guardia Serrano
Vinicius Guardia Serrano
CEOCurrently Unaffiliated
Vinicius is 44 years old and has important passages for large national and international companies in the infrastructure, oil and gas, aerospace and automotive sectors. Serrano holds a master's degree in logistics and supplies from Cranfield University - Cranfield School of Management. He also specialized in strategic supply management by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management, has an MBA from the USP-FIA and another teacher from the Pierre Mendes University of Grenoble - in international business. Before accepting the invitation for the management of Cesbe, Vinicius acted as Head of SupplyChain Brazil in the Norwegian multinational Aker Solutions. He has also worked for Embraer and GNK Aeroespace do Brasil.
Walter Fang
Walter Fang
Managing DirectorAssistencial Consulting
Mr. Walter Fang currently is Managing Partner, Assitencial Consulting Group (ACG) China, he also serves as Vice Chairman of the industry alliance Edge Computing Consortium (ECC). Mr. Fang has over 40 years of experiences in IT industry. He has worked for IBM in Canada, U.S., Asia Pacific, and China for 28 years, and has held many senior management, technical, and consulting positions. From May 2013 to December 2017, Mr. Fang has been CTO, Executive Vice President, President of Corporate Marketing and Strategic Alliance at iSoftStone. From May 2002 to October 2011, he was CTO of Neusoft Group, and President and Board Director of Neusoft America. From May 2000 to April 2002, he was CEO of Computer & Technologies Software.
Wang Xiujin
Wang Xiujin
Business ExecutiveCRCC Brazil - CR20
28/07/2020 | 14:00 to 15:00 (British Summer Time GMT+1)
City Planning 
How to rethink metropolitan mass transport post-COVID 19?
  • What are the key elements to consider when designing new mobility public policies?

  • What role can multilateral agencies, national and development banks play?

  • How to regain commuters' confidence?

  • Is it necessary to review the new project's demand forecast?

29/07/2020 | 14:00 to 15:00 (British Summer Time GMT+1)
How to keep standard services on track with damaged income?
  • How to ensure that a risk management plan is in place?

  • In which cases should a financial rebalancing be triggered?

  • What will be the fate of under construction projects?

  • Are further mechanisms essential to encourage Public-Private Partnerships?

30/07/2020 | 14:00 to 15:00 (British Summer Time GMT+1)
What will smart mobility look like in a post-COVID 19 world?
  • Will last-mile connectivity be in the spotlight?

  • Will electric mobility move us forward in this scenario?

  • Can we expect a new impulse to car-sharing platforms?

  • What solutions should we seek for the "new normal" in mass transport services?

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The eMeetings are designed to provide value to our global membership, using simple and powerful technologies that bring leaders together. In a world where time is of the essence, we build insights, stimulate capital sourcing and enable deal flow. We discuss global entry and exit strategies with varied perspectives from the comfort of your own home or office.

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Club Partners
Sectoral Club Partners
Transportation Knowledge Partner
Bangalore | Karnataka | India
Accenture is a global management consulting and professional services firm that provides strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations services. A Fortune Global 500 company, it has been incorporated in Dublin, Ireland, since 1 September 2009.
Sant Cugat del Vallés | Spain
We are one of the leading banking groups in the Spanish financial system, founded in 1881 and on the IBEX 35. Operating in 15 countries, our commercial banks are located in Spain, the UK and Mexico. Who we are (
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
CCR Group is one of the major infrastructure concession companies in Latin America. Divided into four business units, CCR Highways SP, CCR Highways BR, CCR Mobility and CCR Airports, the company operates in the main transportation modes in the region. In the road segment, it controls 3,265 kilometres of highways in four Brazilian states where the highest concentration of GDP passes through. In the transportation of passengers, it holds the concessions of lines 4 and recently won the auction to manage lines 5 and 17 of the São Paulo metro system. In addition, it is responsible for the boat system and the VLT in Rio de Janeiro and the subway operation in the capital of Bahia, Salvador. In airport concessions, the company operates in the airports of Quito (Ecuador), San José (Costa Rica), Curaçao and Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Besides, the CCR Group also has expertise in high-capacity data transmission and airport services in the United States.
São Paulo | Brazil
The law firm Manesco, Ramires, Perez, Azevedo Marques provides legal advice on public and regulatory law to private and public sectors. Cases and projects are related to infrastructure, regulation, complex contracts and innovation. Manesco has participated in the most relevant infrastructure projects in Brazil, since its foundation in 1991. It has performed an important role during the institutional changes that have occurred in the Country, since the Constitution came into force in 1988.
Lima | Peru
ABB is a pioneering technology leader with a history of innovation of more than 130 years. ABB is a leader in digital industries with four customer-focused businesses: Electrification, Industrial Automation, Motion, and Robotics & Discrete Automation.
New York | USA
Baker McKenzie is recognized worldwide for its best-in-class client service, practices and for carrying out the most deals year-after-year through our unmatched global platform across 77 offices and 47 emerging and developed countries. Companies based in or with operations in Latin America, routinely rely on our leading cross-border and Latin America energy, mining & infrastructure attorneys for their most important transactional and disputes matters. As the largest law firm in Latin America with over 850 attorneys, we offer clients 60+ years of on-the-ground presence in the region, unique coverage in Latin America across our 15 offices and 7 countries*, and from major finance centers globally. *Through a cooperation agreement with Trench Rossi Watanabe, a Brazilian law firm
+55 11 5186-1000
Lenexa | KS | USA
Deloitte is one of the world’s leading firms, delivering outstanding management, consulting and advisory services in 154 countries, to more than one-half of the largest companies listed in Fortune Global 500, as well as public enterprises and institutions, locally important clients and fast-growing multinational companies. Deloitte is committed to driving economic growth and supporting a sustainable society. Using the Deloitte Network’s insights to handling challenges and opportunities is the gateway to achieving individual growth, business success and to creating a prosperous society. Deloitte has an infrastructure and capital projects team that provides a wide range of services throughout the asset lifecycle, combining global best practices from their experience on the world’s largest and most complex projects to help clients to maximize the value of their investment. We advise public and private sector projects commissioners, as well as both sides of a public-private partnership.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
Fundado em 1948, o Demarest é um dos mais conceituados escritórios de advocacia do Brasil e está entre os maiores da América Latina. O escritório oferece serviço de excelência aos clientes por meio do atendimento prestado pelos mais de 250 advogados, somado a uma força de trabalho de quase 700 colaboradores em sua estrutura. Nosso modelo de desempenho multidisciplinar – o qual permite uma perfeita integração e sinergia entre seus profissionais – também contribui para o desempenho do Demarest. Clientes de todo o mundo são assessorados em transações domésticas e transfronteiriças por meio de uma estrutura organizacional que inclui escritórios nas principais cidades do Brasil e também em Nova Iorque.
New York | USA
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. Individually, each practice is a leader in its specific field, staffed with experts recognized for the depth of their knowledge and a track record of making an impact. With more than 4,700 employees located in 27 countries, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. Collectively, FTI Consulting offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to assist clients across the business cycle — from proactive risk management to the ability to respond rapidly to unexpected events and dynamic environments.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
A Fitch Ratings é uma importante provedora de ratings, comentários e pesquisas de crédito. Dedicada a gerar valor para além dos ratings, por meio de opiniões de crédito independentes e prospectivas, a Fitch Ratings oferece perspectivas globais moldadas por uma forte experiência no mercado local e um profundo conhecimento do mercado de crédito. O contexto adicional, a perspectiva e as visões que fornecemos ajudam os investidores a fazer importantes julgamentos de crédito com confiança. O Fitch Group é um líder global em serviços de informações financeiras, com operações em mais de 30 países. É composto por Fitch Ratings, líder global em ratings de crédito e pesquisas; Fitch Solutions, fornecedora líder de dados sobre o mercado de crédito, de ferramentas analíticas e de serviços de risco; e Fitch Learning, conceituada empresa de treinamento e desenvolvimento profissional. Com sedes em Londres e Nova York, o Fitch Group é controlado pela Hearst.
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
+91 91 79 3091 7000
Mumbai | India
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 2,36,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at In India, PwC has offices in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune. For more information about PwC India’s service offerings, visit PwC refers to the PwC International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate, independent and distinct legal entity. Please see for further details.
New Delhi | India
Founded on a century of legal achievements, we are one of India’s leading full service law firms. Our mission is to enable business by providing solutions as trusted advisors through excellence, responsiveness, innovation, and collaboration. We are known globally for our integrated approach. Our 600+ lawyers including 116 partners provide exceptional services across practice areas which include General Corporate, Merger & Acquisition, Private Equity, Banking & Finance, Insolvency & Bankruptcy, Competition Law, Dispute Resolution, Projects & Project Finance, Capital Markets, Tax, and Intellectual Property. Helming major headline transactions and litigation across industries, we advise leading multinational corporations on their India entry and legal strategy impacting their business. We have offices in seven cities across India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Gurugram, Bengaluru, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Kolkata.
Sao Paulo | SP | Brazil
As a global leader, Alvarez & Marsal is noted for its performance enhancement, restructuring and business consultancy services, which focus on boosting growth and accelerating results for clients. A&M has extensive experience in the infrastructure area and has delivered various management, restructuring and asset valuation projects for highway, port, energy and telecom ventures. A&M believes Brazil is a market that presents a range of opportunities that will help expand its service portfolio. It has therefore created the Infrastructure & Capital Projects (I&CP) department, staffed with consultants trained to offer clients a multidisciplinary approach analyzing a wide range of issues, including, strategy, finance, capital structure, tax, licensing, management and construction support, dispute resolution and asset development. A&M provides potential investors with support during the privatization process and is a one-stop-shop capable of validating underlying value-generating processes.
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107

Confirmed Participants

Agathe Vigne
Agathe Vigne
LATAM Concessions DirectorIndigo - Brasil
Agathe Vigne is Egis' LATAM Concessions Director. She has a Master’s degree from Lyon’s Institute of Political studies and the Faculty of Economics of Lyon II, with a specialization in Latin American Energy Policy. After various research projects on Mexico’s national oil company Pemex, she occupied several positions in the French Embassy’s trade and investment office, in Madrid and Mexico. Her current activities aim at developing partnerships with both public and private actors in Mexico in the infrastructure sector, more specifically to implement new technologies and know-how in road operation and maintenance.
Alberto Sogayar
Alberto Sogayar
PartnerMAMG Advogados
55.11 3074.7925
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Ashwini Shah
Ashwini Shah
DirectorAustralian Consulate
Basilio Pérez
Basilio Pérez
Subgerente de electromobilidadVIVIPRA Ltda
San Bernardo | Chile
Bianca Alves
Bianca Alves
Senior Urban Transport SpecialistThe World Bank
Bianca Bianchi Alves is a PhD is Transport Engineering and an Urban Transport Specialist. She has been working with urban transport projects that aim to increase accessibility through increased public transport mobility.
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