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Colombia GRI Infra & Energy 2025

17th June
09:00 - 14:00 | COT (GMT-5)
Successful registration
Credit: Galyna_Andrushko / Envato
Humberto Mendez
Humberto Mendez
Infrastructure & Energy Director - LATAMGRI Club
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Moisés Cona
Partner, Global Infrastructure
GRI Club
+55 (11) 96695-6107

La quinta edición de Colombia GRI Infra & Energy reunirá nuevamente a inversionistas, constructoras, concesionarios, bancos y entidades públicas en un mismo espacio, con el objetivo de generar soluciones conjuntas y avanzar hacia un futuro sostenible.

Este año, los líderes y tomadores de decisiones del sector se sentarán juntos para dialogar abiertamente sobre los retos y las oportunidades en el desarrollo, financiamiento y operación de proyectos relacionados con transporte, energía, agua, saneamiento e infraestructura urbana.
Colombia GRI Infra & Energy se ha convertido en el evento más relevante para directivos involucrados en el desarrollo de infraestructura y energía.
Conoce qué nos hace diferente y nuestra dinámica:
Negocia Directo
80+ Altos ejecutivos y tomadores de decisión. AI y Matchmaking para explorar nuevas oportunidades.
Sin Presentaciones y Sin Escenarios
Formato de diálogo abierto, sin prensa para generar un espacio de confianza. Todos pueden participar, comentar y debatir.
Conversaciones Reales y Relevantes
Academia, gremios, sector privado y público debatiendo los temas más primordiales en un solo lugar

Advisory Board Members

Mauricio Ossa Echeverri
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri
Bogotá | Colombia
Odinsa, a Colombian company, a subsidiary of Grupo Argos, is an organization dedicated to the structuring, management and development of infrastructure projects for highway and airport concessions.
Miguel Toledo
CIO – Energy Sector Lead
Miguel Toledo
+ 571 319 2330
Bogotá | Colombia
Multilateral global development institution focused exclusively on supporting private sector development in developing markets.
César Cañedo-Arguelles
César Cañedo-Arguelles
Panama City | Panamá | Panama
Non-bank financial institution, provides advice and financing for infrastructure and energy projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Paola Larrahondo
Partner, Infrastructure
Paola Larrahondo
Bogota | Colombia
Gómez-Pinzón es una firma que presta múltiples servicios en las distintas áreas del derecho, la cual ha sido reconocida por clientes y publicaciones internacionales como líder en Banca,Finanzas & Mercado de Capitales, Fusiones & Adquisiciones y Resolución de Conflictos & Protección de Inversiones. Sus capacidades transfronterizas y su habilidad de combinar verdaderos equipos multidisciplinarios, integrados por los líderes de las prácticas mencionadas.
Diego Niño Estupiñan
Chief Commercial Officer - Latam
Diego Niño Estupiñan
Bogota | Colombia
Consulting and engineering services, management and supervision of works, road and airport operations.
Laura Rodriguez
Head Of Business Development
Laura Rodriguez
Bogota | Madrid | Colombia
Somos un referente global en el desarrollo, operación y gestión de activos de infraestructuras de transporte
Luis Turizo
Construcciones El Condor
Luis Turizo
Medellín | Colombia
Construcciones El Cóndor S.A., fundada en 1979, es una empresa colombiana líder en el sector de la construcción, especializada en infraestructura vial, obras civiles, infraestructura aeroportuaria y transporte masivo. Con una misión de desarrollar proyectos de alta calidad y una visión de liderazgo nacional e internacional, la compañía ha ejecutado proyectos emblemáticos como las Autopistas al Mar 1 y 2 y el Túnel de Oriente. La empresa se compromete con la sostenibilidad a través de políticas de responsabilidad social y prácticas ambientales. Además, invierte en tecnologías avanzadas como GIS y BIM para mejorar la eficiencia y calidad de sus proyectos. Cotizando en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, Construcciones El Cóndor S.A. muestra un desempeño financiero sólido y constante crecimiento en ingresos y rentabilidad. Su enfoque en innovación, sostenibilidad y excelencia en la construcción la posiciona como una empresa confiable y líder en la industria
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri
Mauricio Ossa Echeverri is president of the Odinsa Group. Previously, he worked as vice president for the Caribbean region and legal representative of Cementos Argos and as manager of Industrial Business and national manager of Marketing. He studied Business Administration and specialization in International Marketing at EAFIT University (Medellin). He also did the Advanced Management Program of the University of La Sabana (Bogotá) and the CEO's Management Program of the Kellogg School of Management (Illinois).
Miguel Toledo
Miguel Toledo
CIO – Energy Sector LeadIFC
Mr Toledo has more than 15 years of experience structuring financing for power, gas, transport, and water projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. He is currently a Chief Investment Officer within IFC's Latin America Infrastructure and Natural Resources group, leading IFC's efforts in Central America, the Caribbean and the Andean regions. Prior to joining IFC in 2005, Mr. Toledo worked at CAF and Citigroup. Mr. Toledo holds a bachelor degree in civil engineering from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and a Masters in Business Administration from McGill University in Montreal.
César Cañedo-Arguelles
César Cañedo-Arguelles
César Canedo-Arguelles is the CEO of CIFI, the leading non-banking financial institution in Latin America and the Caribbean in the fields of infrastructures and energy. He is a Founding Member of CIFI and he leads the global development of the company, especially the advisory, financing and fund management activities. Today, the company has taken part in over 160 projects with a total investment of $1.3 billion in the region.
Paola Larrahondo
Paola Larrahondo
Partner, InfrastructureGómez-Pinzón
Lawyer of Los Andes University admitted to practice in 2007, Specialist in Public Management and Administrative Institutions, and Master in Law and Economics (Universita di Bologna/Aix-Marseille Université -EMLE European Master in Law & Economics). Recipient of the Colfuturo scholarship (2014). Paola is a member of the Administrative, Constitutional and Infrastructure Team. Prior to joining our law firm, she was working as a legal advisor of the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and has experience as public server in national and local institutions as a Legal Chief or Legal advisor. Her practice focuses on administrative procedures, in constitutional and contentious administrative lawsuits, public policy design, public affairs.
Diego Niño Estupiñan
Diego Niño Estupiñan
Chief Commercial Officer - LatamEgis
Diego Niño is in charge of Business Development for Egis in Latam (Excluding Brazil). He is a Civil Engineer with a specialization´s degree from Nueva Granada Military University in Pavements and Roads Engineering. He has worked for consultancy companies in Latam and USA like Digma sas or Hill International, Inc. Focusing in infrastructure PMC services and Design Services for Real Estate, Transport and P3 projects. He develops business activities with multilateral bank, private and public clients, and partnership relationships with other companies in the sector.
Laura Rodriguez
Laura Rodriguez
Head Of Business DevelopmentROADIS
Luis Turizo
Luis Turizo
PresidenteConstrucciones El Condor
Ingeniero Civil de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia, cuenta con una Maestría en Economía de la Universidad de York, ha ocupado cargos de nivel estratégico y gerencial en compañías como Helm Holdings, Gecolsa, HMV Ingenieros, Banca de Inversión Bancolombia y otras compañías del sector financiero y de infraestructura. Experiencia profesional: 21 años.

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Successful registration
* Confirmo que he leído y acepto los Términos y Condiciones de GRI Club.
Club Partners Latam
Sectoral Club Partners Latam
São Paulo | Brazil
A Aon Plc (NYSE: AON) é uma empresa global líder de serviços profissionais, que oferece ampla gama de soluções em riscos, previdência e saúde. Globalmente, nossos 50 mil colegas nos 120 países em que atuamos, potencializam resultados para clientes utilizando dados e análises proprietários, com o objetivo de fornecer perspectivas inovadoras, reduzindo volatilidade em seus negócios e oportunidades e melhorando seus desempenhos e performance.
New York | USA
Baker McKenzie is recognized worldwide for its best-in-class client service, practices and for carrying out the most deals year-after-year through our unmatched global platform across 77 offices and 47 emerging and developed countries. Companies based in or with operations in Latin America, routinely rely on our leading cross-border and Latin America energy, mining & infrastructure attorneys for their most important transactional and disputes matters. As the largest law firm in Latin America with over 850 attorneys, we offer clients 60+ years of on-the-ground presence in the region, unique coverage in Latin America across our 15 offices and 7 countries*, and from major finance centers globally. *Through a cooperation agreement with Trench Rossi Watanabe, a Brazilian law firm
Bogotá | Distrito Capital de Bogotá | Colombia
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Marsh is the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive. We work with clients of all sizes to define, design, and deliver innovative solutions to better quantify and manage risk. To every client interaction we bring an unmatched combination of deep intellectual capital, industry-specific expertise, global experience, and collaboration. We offer risk management, risk consulting, insurance broking, alternative risk financing, and insurance program management services to businesses, government entities, organizations, and individuals around the world.
Rueil-Malmaison | France
VINCI Concessions is a global leader in mobility infrastructure that uses its integrated model to design, finance, build, operate and maintain almost 80 airports, motorways and railway projects in 24 countries through the VINCI Airports, VINCI Highways and VINCI Railways subsidiaries. Committed to sharing growth with regional communities, we strive to make mobility more sustainable, efficient and innovative.
+55 11 2161-6000
São Paulo | SP | Brazil
Na WTW, fornecemos soluções baseadas em análises de dados nas áreas de pessoas, riscos e capital que tornam sua organização mais resiliente, motivam a força de trabalho e maximizam o seu desempenho. Trabalhamos lado a lado com o cliente, trazendo diversos pontos de vista e um profundo compromisso com o seu sucesso.

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