Ludwig Menke
Production ManagerGRI Club
Production Manager no GRI Club. Meu trabalho é conectar os principais investidores, desenvolvedores, bancos, consultores, advogados e outros players e executivos do setor imobiliário a reuniões e eventos do GRI que produzo no Brasil, Portugal e EUA. Analista de Relações Internacionais e Economista pelas Faculdades de Campinas (FACAMP). Study Abroad na França na ICN Business School com um Bachelor em Business Administration (BBA Program).
Case Study
IHG's Low Carbon
Pioneers Programme
IHG is setting a standard for hotels that are as close to zero carbon per occupied room as possible, with the aim of encouraging new builds to be developed this way. The hotels are energy efficient, have zero fossil fuels combusted on-site, and are backed by renewable energy.
What is a Online Meeting? How can I participate?
Our discussion co-chairs kick off the knowledge exchange. After that, you can join it as much as you like:
peer-to-peer, capital to product, and behind closed doors.
peer-to-peer, capital to product, and behind closed doors.

What is an Online Meeting
An exclusive, private and regular online gathering of the Club Members. Is the seniority of the boardroom from the convenience of your desktop.
An exclusive, private and regular online gathering of the Club Members. Is the seniority of the boardroom from the convenience of your desktop.

Who can join
Senior investors, lenders and developers active in the infrastructure and real estate market.
Senior investors, lenders and developers active in the infrastructure and real estate market.

How to join
Click on "Join the Event". After that, our team will check your eligibility. If you qualify, you will get your GRI Online Membership (no cost, contract or expiration date).
Click on "Join the Event". After that, our team will check your eligibility. If you qualify, you will get your GRI Online Membership (no cost, contract or expiration date).
This eMeeting is exclusive
for Premium members
for Premium members
This event is exclusive for GRI members.